In the ME universe humans can live to 150 years of age. The game takes place in the 2180’s...

In the ME universe humans can live to 150 years of age. The game takes place in the 2180’s. How viable is life extending tech in the near future? I’m currently 24. Will I make it to 2145? Also cell replacement? Don’t want to be saggy and wrinkly.

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Why would you want to suffer longer than necessary?

Senescence therapies start to come online in the 2030s. At first it's minor extensions, but the rate of research and innovation outpaces the speed of your own aging process, essentially marking the beginning of a multi-century lifespan (at minimum)

I plan on making it and retiring in solitude.

When will it become available and cost effective for westerners with middle-to upper income?

Single digit years after it hits the market. Massive demand and competition will ensure the overall price goes down, not to mention all countries with single-payer healthcare systems will go out of their way to provide the treatments to whomever will accept it, as a huge part of healthcare spending is in the last few years of a person's life as their body breaks down from the processes of aging.

In reality, providing treatments for aging saves money.

Great, just what we needed, prolonging the lifespan of the old and senile while mudslimes and googles continue to breed like rats.

In the future they will all be gone. we won't reach a prosperous future with them, they will be sectioned off on earth somewhere or worse.

Genetic engineering will also allow to make all babies white or Asian master race, or even Eurasian.

So about 2050? I’d be 55 by then.

When you start thinking on century-long timescales, the question of global warming becomes unavoidable. When large populations are forced from their homes and formally fertile ground becomes barren, that's the kind of social upheaval that leads to widespread chaos, massive amounts of suffering and death, even wars. I wouldn't bet on surviving it, even if you think you're well off. Instead, cherish and make the most of the life you have right now.

>muh global warming

Fuck off Al Gore. Even if anthropogenic warming is as dire as activists say it won't be the end of human beings, and the idea that it is as extreme as politician cuckolds like Gore say is improbable

>formally fertile grounds
I wouldn’t worry. They’re already greening up some sahelian countries. The tech is there.

The never-ending rule of the Eternal Boomer.

>it won't be the end of human beings
Sure. Just like the Bronze Age Collapse wasn't the end of human beings either. I certainly wouldn't have wanted to live through such cataclysmic times.
But there's probably nothing to worry about, right? Even if the shit hit the fan, Russia would let you immigrate, wouldn't they? They wouldn't dare demonize you as some subhuman other or anything. :)

>muh Russia

Oh wow I'm talking to a literal honest to gods schlomo here guys. I had no idea.

Russia would probably benefit the most from a warming climate. Canada too.

More like early 2040s at the latest.

While climate change is a serious challenge, your doom and gloom outlook won't come to pass for the most part. Humanity will compensate when cheaper than coal energy comes to market en masse in the late 2020s (molten salt reactors) and will offload farming (both agriculture and meat production) to engineered systems that work independent of climate and ocean systems.

>all of that prehistoric super aids buried under the frozen swamps of the Ob river finally unleashes itself
Yeah, no.

We have not successfully, consistently prevented the natural mutations in DNA to prevent telomere shortening.

We have preventative "practices" and treat symptoms, but we don't have any definitive control over it.

The day we do is the day we also cure cancer.

If some super rich person still die, I wouln't worry about it. Unless you think they already uploaded their consciousness to an AI when body clones become commonplace.

there are no cute blue bitches with big titties in our universe so I hope not