*fries your chip*

*fries your chip*

Attached: th.jpg (474x474, 27K)

*flashes my chip*
*resurrects Supermicro I bought for $30 so I don't have to pay $100*
Yeah, not sure what you're about, OP, new 128M Winbond SPI chips are $0.3 in retail.

Git gud

deep fries*

found the bing user.

Bing is better than google

Found the retarded

Use the provided 1.8v adapter brainlet

*fries your chips*

Attached: bigstock-124340846.jpg (900x601, 318K)

bing is better for porn
>found the degen

*fries your chips*

Attached: 816b3GhwvcL._SX425_.jpg (425x493, 25K)

Useless gadgets that cost too much, take up too much space, are too hard to clean and break too early. What's wrong with a mesh frying basket and a pot filled with hot oil?

*Chip your fries*

Attached: serveimage.jpg (750x770, 49K)


Attached: Screenshot_20190530-012911.png (1080x1920, 3.34M)

>the brainlet doesn't know the difference between 5v 3.3v and 1.8v embedded electronics
It's like the most basic task is to identifiy working voltage levels for these parts...

Bro... level shifters...


Attached: GPD_Win_flash_bios.jpg (2560x1440, 1.92M)

What's fried there?

Deadass, wish I could cope with the idea of buying one to fry this shit, PC is the only thing stopping me from being a full normie. Internet is a fucking parasite.

Attached: 1533364609171.png (480x428, 231K)

>try buying one of those things to flash a blue yeti I got off someone to fix it since it had fucked firmware
>shit wont even hold onto the chip
I ended up just buying a new one instead, less fuckery.

Thats why you don't buy cheap chink shit

the ldo.

Thanks mate, love myself some fried fish & chips

Attached: 1559129584575.jpg (455x455, 53K)

>still using oil to fry things with

wtf do you use then?

Still waiting for mine to unfuck my motherboard

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-30-07-40-25-191_com.brave.browser.png (1080x2340, 315K)

If the designers of the USB standard had their brain in gear they would have thrown TVS diodes from power and the data lines to ground.

I miss when frys was good. Now it's just a shitty department store that also sells soldering equipment.

Cheeki breeki

It's chink shit, they don't give a fuck about what the standard says.

Meant to quote I fucked up.

shit sign

bitch we shill that shit for free just for lulz agains the normie lurkfags

you dont know how many normies i tricked into buying pic related.


Attached: mobo_killer.jpg (1000x1000, 67K)

onions milk

I don't see how that'd actually kill a mobo. The USB controller on your motherboard will limit how much current the device draws if it tries to load down the port and pull more than 1-2A. What it does mean is if you fully load that adapter with devices that try to pull a lot of current then the 5V rail will drop in voltage when the controller goes into a constant current mode and devices plugged into that adapter will either not work, work erratically, or in the case of charging devices either not charge or charge very slowly.

Open it up and you will see that the solder job is really bad with blobs and that adds a lot of resistance.
resistance = heat and when you have all of the slots filled up or you have some external drives going the solder melts and you get a short circuit.

basically like pic related pic related (non crimped kind only)

Attached: sata-molex-adapter.jpg (474x355, 15K)


And I already explained to you why that doesn't matter. The output to the USB hub is current limited. If the USB controller will not supply more than 1A to a device then any device that tries to pull more than 1A will be capped at 1A. A short circuit can only pull as much current as the supply will allow it to pull. You may well destroy your hub but you won't kill your motherboard.

goodones have inluded flasher

Attached: ESP8266-OLED-preflashed-development-board-Screen-0-96-inch-OLED-version-ESP8266-18650-0-96-inch.jpg (1000x1000, 121K)

>Brick old mobo trying to flash the bios due to some custom bullshit bios being on it

>Get Ch341a for 5 bucks

>pull bios chip out by hand and bend the unholy fuck out of the pins

>Put them back straight and put the chip directly in the top of the unit

>It fixed the mobo despite my fuck up

alton brown taught you better than single use kitchen utencils.

i bought one of these to fix a bios issue but im too lazy to do it

>Ch341a for 5 bucks
For 7 bucks you can get the whole set(CH341a+1.8V adapter+SOIC8 test clip)

iirc the problem was connecting the DC in with the chink PSU they sometimes have because you would be feeding AC straight into your USB power lines

bing helps kill goggle.
using goggle won't kill micro$oft.

I think the air fryer was the first kitchen gadget that I bought that I actually use. Shit's too comfy, no mess, dry chips and extremely easy to clean. Also no oil.
Thank you air fryer, I love you.

Cant you just flash BIOS chips with a Pi?

ITT: Things that never happened


goodones have inluded flasher

Attached: MY_PHONE.jpg (668x832, 269K)

USB controller on mobo is 500mA not 1-2amps, jackass.
That shit was pre-usb3.0 which only goes to 750mA anyway
that's why it has external power plug

Thanks, now I know the name of this module.

This is the most autistic thing I've ever read

*Blows up*

Attached: Googlelogo.png (1368x469, 232K)

yaiks hope this is a joke