Dyson Airblade is technology. Has anyone ever actually managed to use one of these without still wiping your hands on your clothes afterwards, completely defeating their purpose?
Dyson Airblade is technology...
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Yes. Its actually the only good airdryer
yes, it's a decent hand dryer
the ones that blow so hard they warp the skin on your hands are the best though
Thats what it does
It still sucks ass compared to paper towels and costs as much as two years worth
>take a piss
>wash hands
>hands are dripping wet as in water drips from my hands
>put hands in dyson
>air flow pushes the water drops all over on my sleeve
>my sleeves look like I double fisted a horse
>thanks Dyson, now my hands are dry except the area around my wrist, what a time to be alive, thank God for technology
retards, you're supposed to insert your hands from the sides and pull them out
Air dryers just make your hands dirtier
just wipe with paper towels or hand towels
or you know you could just wipe them on your pants
I don't like these, there's always a bunch of water and dirt on the bottom. The small V-shaped ones are better.
Literally the worst hand dryer because of and the fact that the empty part where you put your hands is too small (so is the opening).
You're supposed to dry your CLEAN hands, not dry them while DIRTYING them by touching the fucking thing (because it's too fucking small)
Or maybe you have tiny, then fuck off
You're retarded
So it's more cost efficient after two years? That's totally fine, what's your point
Those things are actually so dirty you're better off wiping your hands on your hairy balls.
Studies have shown they are filled with bacteria* so it's even worse than not washing your hands.
* Citation needed. Feel free to search yourself or keep using these. I don't really care either way.
Is it more cost effective if you take into account the electricity usage over the two years?
How long does it take to become cost effective now?
Top tier: Air Fury
Good Tier: Dyson Airblade
Mid tier: Everything else
Shit tier: Those automated hand washers that make you dodge around inside the machine to collect your allocated miligram of soap, 3 seconds of running water and obligatory puff of warm air... Fuck those things.
You have to actually think and understand how it works retard. You stick your hand in and then very slowly pull them out. The air blasts the water down and if you move slowly enough, it doesn't allow the water to move in any direction but down. Eventually when you pull your hands up, they should be pretty much dry aside from any water your skin absorbed.
Jesus, how do you fuck it up that badly! You put your hands in from the side then pull them up past the vents. You want to wipe the water away from you, away!
I have one of these at work and I have never managed to completely dry my hands in any reasonable time, I have tried plenty of techniques. Even if I decide to take my time, it's still slower than waving and wiping, so it managed to solve zero problems besides looking fancy.
i get that you are trolling but this doesnt agree with the graphic on the dryer itself so maybe work on it
Why the fuck are you touching the bottom
always thought thats urinal. guess that explains piss tornado everytime i used one.
On a scale from Ethiopia to US, how fat are your hands?
How fucking big are your hand? Maybe you should loss some weight, potato fingers.
It spreads everything all over the room's air space and surfaces. Door handle is dirty, touch the exit door and you wasted your hand wash effort. Bad buy. They made a ton of money when they replaced to a "better" product and now they can revert back and sell again something else. Someone should have done basic deductions and seen how ineffective this concept was. People who decide are ignorant or in on the scam.
t. retard
Hand dryers are shit. They push water drips all over, they are very loud.
These ones especially. They get touched by so many people. Icky.
Hand wipes are much better.
>No sir, I am clearly using the drying machine as was intended.
>That is why I have managed to cover myself with water.
I'm a 185cm and 68Kg so basically super thin. Those things are not suited to big hands plain and simple.
Yes, if you do it right. Or at least it works like that for me.
>he touches toilet door handles right after cleaning his hands
Use your elbow through your sweater you macaque.
You must be visiting places that are due for remodels if you're using those. This is their current iteration of their Airblade technology. Even their sleek boxes with a v shape and slits at the bottom are old now.
What it looks like in person
Small dick detected. Deploying anti-incel shitposts.
These are actually really good
No and it's a bacteria breeding cesspit as you can see it blows shit everywhere and always has a pool of water inside the cupped area.
My dick is very big ;_;
>Take one sheet
>Next sheet doesn't come out because they never do
>Break your fingertips trying to dispense a new sheet manually with the shitty side crank that's covered in gunge and bacteria from literally everyone else that used it before you
Bathroom and general hygiene technology that just doesn't fucking werk thread?
I spend more time drying my hands on that crap then wiping my ass.
Those things are terribly both for functionality and hygiene. First you need to carefully put your hands in without touching the filthy edges and then the airflow will spray the filthy water at the bottom all over your hands. It's studied that air dryers (all kinds) just make your hands dirtier.
they're good but not for home use
>3 am
>take a piss
>wash hands
>now to dry them
>wake everyone up and neighbors
ask me how i know
You shouldn't put your hands in that disease slit to begin with.
Just dry your hands on your jeans instead.
I manage. The hard part is not touching the god damned dyson.
>Washing your hands after peeing
These pieces of shit. It doesn't matter if you grab them from the bottom or the side it ALWAYS tears the fucking paper.
I just dry my hands on the toilet paper when bathrooms use these.
When I wear a jacket I do wipe my hands on the back of my t-shirt.
They have these in my Sam's Club, and it's the only acceptable hand dryer I've ever used.
It shows you how to pull you absolute fucking mong then you post picture of having pulled it wrong.
>buh it dunna work no way!
Holy shit you are one retarded fuckwad why are you allowed near any form of technology.
Kek, I just remembered my guard spilled coffee all over his t-shirt and had to go commando under his jacket the whole trip XD
These are the best ones I've used so far
You are actually braindead. I drew a handy diagram to show what happened
I fucking hate that urinal. Used it once and never again. What is wrong with regular ones anyway?
After two years these things are nearly broken collections of mold and germs that blow all that nasty shit in your face.
dumbshits, you're supposed to move your hands in a handwashing motion while your hands are underneath a dryer. The dryer itself cannot push all the water off your hands, you have to spread the water around your hands thus increasing the surface area of water and thinning that layer so the dryer can be more effective. I've literally *never* walked away from an air dryer with wet hands.
Maybe shake a bit of the fucking water off of your hands first your massive fucking retard.
Never ever seen those
>dry your hands off before drying your hands off
Listen to yourself.
>Shaking your hands once is too much effort
This is your brain on Amerilard
Add to this whether it actually works that long.
You're supposed to shake off the dripping water from hands before using any kind of airdryer, you absolute fucking brainlet. How can you manage to fail even on the most basic things?
which is why the Airblade is not as good as people make out because you can't rub your hands to increase the surface area. An Air force or other high speed standard layout dryer is much better but people think Dyson is cool because it looks futuristic or some shit
it's the weirdest urinal i ever used
Underrated post
we're poor where i live, we really don't want to be poor AND filthy at the same time.
>not kicking bathroom doors open every time
mmm i love jet air blasting fecal matter all over my hands
The floor around these is always wet, it's a really retarded design
Also these dyson pieces of shit contain tons of bacteria because the dirt water settles at the bottom after every use and gets sprayed onto your hands
This. I always wipe with my own tissues instead of using those aids blowers.
>everywhere I go there's these fucking dispensers that only give you a tiny scrap of paper no matter how you pull
>it almost never has any sticking out of the hole so you have to turn the grimy manual override with your fingers
>always take the first scrap of paper and use it to turn the manual override dial much faster and take like half the roll to dry off my hands and then throw it in the urinal stall
Airblades are FUCKING TERRIBLE and I want to slaughter the engineers behind it. Who the fuck thought that design would be a smart idea. You touch the sides of the dryer and you'll get fucking hepatitis, and it's really fucking easy to do.
No one posted yellow pee pee monster yet?
>Approach from the side and pull up, you fucking noob.
>my sleeves look like I double fisted a horse
Oh god, the thought of this makes me so hard
Where's the air intake on this
I got an idea
What kind of horrible physical disability do you have that not only causes you to have closed fists of water after washing your hands but renders you incapable of giving them a light shake?
Holy fuck. I've used these driers for years with shirts and never once had your issue.
I'd happilly chalk this one up to user error.
fuck off don't put your sopping wet hands on the towel
give it a couple shakes first like a man
>Has a Dyson hand drier in his residential bathroom
>has walls thin enough to wake the neighbours
It's 85 decibels lad, If that's breaching into your neighbours property then you have bigger issues with your rice paper walls & humidity than you do with noise.
>After two years these things are nearly broken collections of mold and germs that blow all that nasty shit in your face.
Time to fire pedro your lazy maintenance worker then.
>pay pedro to clean it
>pay for electricity
>pay for the device itself
when exactly does it become cost effective?
JRPGs have taught me that that thing will cut your fingers off.
Well you already have electricity and you already pay for service workers to deal with the upkeep of your building. Who are you that you're having these issues and why did you buy an airblade hand drier and not some paper towels for your broke ass studio apartment?
Don't these things suck up fecal matter in the restroom and blasts it all over your hands?
and into your face, which includes your eyes and nose
>He's part of the 40% of men who wash their hands after taking a piss
>You're supposed to dry your CLEAN hands, not dry them while DIRTYING them by touching the fucking thing (because it's too fucking small)
Fucking disgusting
"most hygienic hand dryer in the world"
>place hands in dryer
>air fan kicks in knocking your hands into the sides of the dryer
>moisture from the person before you and yourself gets blown up into your nostrils
>t-thanks dyson
the new versions are much better
Just use the fucking paper. Airdryers are filthy.
Hey that's actually a good idea.
>make hand dryer
>you know there will be water
>still use corrosive metal
lmao, zoomers don't know how to make good product
he looks disgusted at his own product
That's a lot of dicks
Its supposed to be cleaned
Anybody tried sticking their dick in there? Literal blow job.