Is he right? Is the desktop metaphor inhumane?

Is he right? Is the desktop metaphor inhumane?

Attached: cuteanimegirl.png (606x190, 16K)

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What I'm not clicking your link Ryan

And replace it with what?

The yoga mat metaphor.

It's actually a very humane approach in that it lends some semblance of natural habitat to the experience.

But is Desktop Metaphor old, worn out, and inefficient at this point? Yes.
What should replace it? No idea. I'm not a real UX/UI theorist, designer, or engineer. I just pretend to be one online for money.
We can no longer examine natural human behavior and non-virtualized tasks for the answer. We have to actually venture into new territory and separate ourselves from human's old ways of interacting with their world to reach a new level. And I haven't got the noodle to figure out what that should remotely be like.

Nobody knows yet. Which is why it hasn't happened. Obviously people weren't happy with the Metro Metaphor for a "real" experience on a computer. So we need something unlike what people are used to currently, but breaks the binds we've built in a meaningful way.

>ai singularity
>waah waah I'm lazy and messy
>muh vaporware

What about the dick-in-your-ass-hipster-faggot-ui-dev meme? is it inhumane?


Attached: 1_O80WursquYZqRzTdeK8IBA[1].png (1200x675, 119K)

yes, gnome is right and so are bare window managers without desktop icons

Things grow from need and use, not from some retarded meme degree in "GUI theory."

There's no code here. No download link for the iso. It's just some onions graphic art designer autism.
Also, no it's not inhumane. Your inability to manage your folders is not a fault of the desktop metaphor. Windows 10 propagandizing and the trend of "news feeds" is not a fault of the desktop metaphor, it's a recent phenomenon. The only point I'll give him is that focusing on mouse interaction alone can be inefficient and that keyboard shortcuts are important, but overall he doesn't really make a strong case for what he's arguing.

ad ridden corporate backed unicorn pandering javascript based technology
or as I've recently taken to calling it, SMART plus TV

Yes. It gives the appearance of minimalism yet bloats up your system due to being written in fucking javascript and electron. What a waste.

A Basic prompt, but with the applications being allowed to add instructions to it.
runprg "vivaldi"
browse "Jow"

>Plan: Move to SF
Holy shit.

Attached: 1*sxksghXlAI6HLtn1ZqREIg.png (2560x1706, 2.24M)

>Plan: Move to SF
>shared space with Devin
We got a live one over here

>Why I set out to re-imagine the operating system
>click bait title
Re-invent the wheel more like.
We already have interfaces without a desktop metaphor.
>Window managers
>Plan9's rio
>Plain tty
This guy is just a brainlet
Do you know what that word means?
I generally think the desktop design is inefficient and prefer wm/tui but try getting your average office worker to use one on a daily basis and expect frustration.
The reason the desktop metaphor is so common is because it's easy for most people to use. Autists and tech elite use alternatives because they can figure it out and it's more efficient for them but joe blow is not going to waste his time learning a new system to check his work email and fill out spreadsheets.
This is perfectly fine no need to force a new paradigm on the cattle they can keep using what they're used to and keyboard cowboys have their special way of things. I see no reason to change this status quo, everyone who wants something different can have it, and everyone who doesn't care or is tech illiterate can have whatever is doled out to them, which is generally what they're used to.

Growth and Need evolve a UI, but the origin of every major metaphor was born from a group of developers sitting down and figuring out how to virtualize human interaction with non-virtual objects. Literally, in design terms, thats where "Metaphor" comes from. Everything in a usable design, virtual or physical, comes from a Metaphor for something else. Even in cars, the "language" of the bodywork is based on a metaphor the design team comes up with, based on something tangible and real. It's why Porsche has moved into the design world, designing everything from Hard Drive Enclosures, to fucking control panels for Copiers. They understand how to represent the familiar experiences and appearances we have with other things, in their designs.

Interesting idea to cobble together something new ish from osx parts, but at the same time it seems heavily focused on a single design language and a small ecosystem. In other words, nobody else will get on board and if there aren't applications then there won't be users, or money, and therefore development

No, that's how you make some crap that will sell anyways because people want the product regardless. Or modern art. Your degree is meme and everything you're saying is pretentious bullshit. Sorry.

A Medium article, no thanks.

Attached: 2019-05-29-100948_2560x1440_scrot.png (729x670, 161K)

I'd fucking love shake to undo.

I'm literally shaking

undo this

Looks like some shitty version of a tiling window manager where windows are tilled in an infinite desktop. I see no advantage in using it.

I think I'd reconsider music track buttons before adding two new physical buttons, but then again I don't have a degree in GUI theory.

Just replace it with an AI you dumb fags

Why the hell in the year of the lord I cant just say "open everything I usually do", "browse Jow Forums g", from here I can either use the mouse or just keep talking "show me threads about indians", "show my anime reaction pics",
"Download this pic and save it to backgrounds", etc

you could accomplish this right now using shell functions and aliases.

Ray Kurzweil predicted this.

what is cmd + z

Isn't that what those google botnet devices do for you?

>I hope to open up this white-male dominated narrative to more voices of the world

Uh huh.

christ, what an insufferable wanker.
>self-gratifying art school shithead thinks he knows best
>file names and directory structure is an exercise in futility
jesus h christ.
someone needs to smack this dipshit.

I could even write a basic interpreter just to make shit more authentic.

But it wouldn't be a scenario where the normies have to learn BASIC as well.

The design metaphor is garbage if it can't reproduce it self with in it self.
How the fuck are you suppose to do anything productive in this? How do you code, edit photos, etc, etc. Everything shown is basically just verbal a note taking+scheduling+lookup thing. Its like you gave Amazon Alexia a screen and called it a day.

>How do you code, edit photos, etc, etc.
I think you set up a "motivational bop."

Anytime I see "inhumane" or "considered harmful" or any other phrase trying to couple emotional responses to a piece of technology, I discard the rest of the post. I'm a grown man, not a woman or a child

Sooo, it sets a reminder to do it on a separate computer that uses the desktop metaphor?

This is dumb, I'll tell you why.

Ever wonder why even though we don't have voice recognition most texts are semt by actually being typed out? It's because we are often able to do things with our hands more quickly than we speak them and because no one wants to have to say out load go to beast tube dot com and search for massive horse dongs, out loud.

>Mouse is inefficient
Mouse is best tool we have, no amount of touch screen can replace precision of a mouse.

>"multi-touch input affordances"
fucking input affordances


multitouch with 2 mice would be nifty

the applications, you only have some kind of launcher like start menu, and then your application window which takes the complete screen, with some application as the default which opens at start, maybe a calendar start page thing or something, its up to you to set the default

OH! Time to boot up my computer and actually work with a productive interface.

>Gettting rid of desktops is getting rid of windows
>Metro interface
>Getting rid of mice
Maybe, but only to replace it with touch controls/knuckles/wands for an hmd interface

Macros are still faster than typing, I imagine AI like intelligent macros that you can use without actually programing the macro for the first time, it should work like a coworker and not as a replacement for everything you type.

I know, save goodbye to your privacy, but I don't care as long as it's just work and not my personal computer, I can always have an old OS on my PC.

>the VR room will kill the desktop
>VR gloves will kill mice and keyboards
This is the only way this happens

How much fucking autism were you born with?

So literally GNOME

"Programming an MSX game in assembler ras we speak" level.

But you might as well just use AI to auto complete and Start tasks. Like if I boot up my computer and press B it takes me my banks webpage and ready to go.

No workplace is going to want all their employees talking constantly to their pcs

Bro you might want to look into Cortana and Microsoft flow. You literally can do that right now.

More like
OH! Time to share a soi-latte with Devin.

>Mercury is a speculative vision of a modeless, fluid operating system driven by human intent.

>It is designed for a tablet device with keyboard and multi-touch input affordances. This was a choice I made to maximize scalability in the road towards the true north star of device agnosticism. It also happens to be an existing device category currently stuck in between two worlds, with the potential to become something far greater than the sum of its parts.

"Mercury is another Android launcher with voice-assistant features. No Apps or Folders forcing the use of the voice-assistant making any task a overcomplicated shit"

Attached: Hitoe_Uemura_cake.jpg (1050x1050, 350K)

Why MSX of all things?

Impressive. But you're still a sperg.

I want zoomers to leave.

Low hanging fruit in terms of 2D platformers.

Attached: objsystem.webm (320x240, 2.55M)

Thats a pretty good scroll engine for an MSX

That's mostly because it's an MSX 2.
But it is still pushing the lil animal quite hard.

Thought it might be due to the color depth. Still is really nice.
Any links or uploads? Would love to check it out.

metro tiles were the best new thing, showing apps and their contents in a single, cohesive presentation
adds more zazz to boring, static pages of app icons (which we're pretty solid on), and instead of having slap-on widget nonsense scattered around the screen, binds that information to the apps
but we just can't have nice things
this is the natural evolution of home screens, app buttons and widgets, and I won't be surprised if this comes around again because this is almost the only path forward

It's still quite crude so not yet.

How the hell does everyone get that verbal is the only way to interact with this.
The UI shows that you have contextual menu that you can browse by telling it what to do.
Just like in VS Code; ctrl+shift+p, type the thing you want, shows you the options closes resembling what you wanted, what their more precise names are, what their shortcuts are, you dont even need to know that info, just slam enter and done.
>How do you do work on it.
The design doesn't explicitly forbid working spaces, it just suggest on how to optimize the smaller applications that have a specific well known flow.
>He noticed that most users don't really need to work directly filesystems anymore
>What a dick for suggesting we use a different way to manager our files.
He's just suggesting an alternative and giving his arguments. You're a bit too harsh.

Best of luck with it. Coding on old platforms is really fun.

MSX 2 is quite a fun challenge.
lot's of memory, lot's of video chip quirks.

hugest faggot i've ever seen, but it is my fault for clicking on a medium link

>ui written in lisp
>entire screen is a repl
>can merge screens or fold them into each other
>screens use a tag system for organization
>graphical elements from one program can be inputs into another program
>ui is dynamically arranged according to fov
>programs can share an interface

Attached: dec_pdp_11_by_pomorosso_d3fmh8w-pre.jpg (800x1000, 127K)

>the desktop metaphor needs to die
>the way we use our desktops, pc/OS, need to change
>we rely too much on a mouse
>and here's my tablet ui concept

I like that there are people thinking about this, maybe something cool could come out of it eventually. It's not that nigga though, evidently.

i can't even begin to think on an organizational structure that doesn't rely on folders and documents though.
Also that nitpicking over fussing about save file names 'creativity' was cringe as fuck.

In other words, a computer without the botnet is inhumane.

>where would you like to go today?
hello ms circa '95

>i can't even begin to think on an organizational structure that doesn't rely on folders and documents though.
A database?

Attached: this is my law.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

for the average/normie/kinda stupid end user to navigate?

Why should we cripple the design of computer systems for stupid people?

From what I've gathered, the focus would be just on having files somewhere.
Unless you are working on something that requires a precise folder structure (eg developing anything) you could just slam the ctrl+s whenever and the system would just find a place for it, and some way to name it.
Later I guess you could do some sorting.

Pretty much, once you want to (if you want to sort them), you could find them by either their types some specifics, or just history.

The point would be you don't need to care about files immediately. But if you do, then you can easily manage them without it distracting you while you work, and without being distracted while sorting.

there's a lot of pretend in this, pretending like apps don't exist, files don't exist, and so on, while still fully using these metaphors and having them present all throughout the system. what the fuck, fuck off
it's like dishonest design

>ctrl+s whenever and the system would just find a place for it, and some way to name it.
he talked about the lazynees for coming up with names, so randomly generated must've been his final. No clear structure for file sorting.

That sounds like a real bad idea...
and short sighted.
I get that your most recent pics, vids or w/e could be a decent experience for media consumption on tablet. But when you think about some tool (exe) that you don't really remember the name but something in your brain is telling you that it might work for that thing you need to do right now. You'd have a bad trying to find it.
But I get that my brain is wired for such a thing. That case is anecdotal and i always had a folder in which I put those things and forget about them until I have a need for once more. Then I know exactly where to look.

What alarm clock is that? Looks comfy.

The desktop metaphor is racist.
With the chest of drawers metaphor.

>anything that requires the user to put a shred of effort to achieve is inhumane
>we need to dumb things down more

yeah, I think like he was thinking of pic galleries and general media consumption and absolutely nothing else. For this case it doesn't matter where you put them, if you have a gallery capable of sorting it all efficiently, shuffling, by date, by views/self-rating, etc...
Might be good for entertainment, but it's definetely bad for workflow.

>Unless you are working on something that requires a precise folder structure (eg developing anything)
Ok, but why is
When you develop a piece of software you don't care about where the files are per se but the relation of the files to each other. The relation is what's important, therefore that's what could be modeled in a relational filesystem.

Even the notion of files is open to new thinking. There's no reason for the workflow to be "I open a file and edit it" when it could be "I performed arbitrary commands and text input in this terminal over here and the file is just a post hoc entry in the relational filesystem, and the file isn't modified directly but is just a diff".

Attached: devilish.png (400x400, 174K)

>Optimizing the workflow is dumber than sticking to old ways which might not be optimal

Still the idea applies. The concept allows for sorting and naming, but forbids it from interrupting other, tasks.
It is something tho that you might forget to do.

I see your point.

>The desktop metaphor must die
Clickbait title.
>Why I set out to re-imagine the operating system
Bullshit explanation, and probably a giant lie.
>Amidst an unstable childhood, my ...
I stopped reading on the next word "Desktop". I don't know what he writes but guaranteed its worthless.

You should just be able to click and drag lines of text around in terminals or between terminals. Don't know why anyone hasn't done it.

Seems like it is designed with "neuroatypical" people in mind.

I think this approach is wrong. Things should be designed for the vast majority of people. The "desktop metaphor" is perfectly fine.

>The "desktop metaphor" is perfectly fine
my point was that maybe it isn't, in the end. But we are wired to it. Not inherently, but by experience. And the thing could change that paradigm will have to be damn brilliant.

How is Mercury OS deep down? I don't care much for the author's autistic screeching about desktop environments. I think it'd be more interesting to check out how it is built underneath.

You should just be able to drag any rectangular selection around the screen wherever you want, draw on it, change it how you like, save it or send it to someone else on the network.

You are drawing the screen anyway. There's no reason for programs to be cut off from each other inside windows. There's no reason why I shouldn't just be able to outline a box on my screen and another user can just draw shit in it over the network. Computers now are dumb.

He says the AI singularity is coming and he has some sort of attention deficit so he shouldn't have to name his files.

it's basically timeline from windows 10 and assistant search instead of adequate search in files and apps
you can very much have this experience of tomorrow, today
>search for the app, enter exact name, it cant find the thing
its great, so great they're separating cortana and search already

while i do find it funny that the 'desktop metaphor' emulates what used to be typical desktop usage (real life paper files and folders), has now replaced the desktop
so now we have only the emulation of the desktop left, and younger people who have only known this emulated version of the traditional desktop

it's a bit weird, but well, there's a reason why we did it that way, and there's a reason why we stuck with it when we moved over to computers, it works.
if someone can come up with something better, have at it, but i don't think we should change it just for the sake of changing it

>The desktop metaphor must die
>Clickbait title.
yeah, because the desktop metaphor is already dead
all it's good for is a wallpaper which you basically don't see anyway, regardless of device

You sound like a Mac commercial.

Nice trips