How much does he make from his repair shop?
How much does he make from his repair shop?
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probably less than what he makes from his youtube vids
Enough to BTFO iToddlers.
enough to hire people
He probably doesn't just repair shitty laptops. Most of these shops have contracted nerds that go out and fix printers for local mom and pop business.
Enough to pay $27k a month in rent, 4 employees, buy $10k vacuum chamber equipment, build himself a $4,000 streaming computer, and make you jealous.
at least im not a manlet lmao
I don't have to deal with urban customers in NYC
he's a jew, isn't he?
>Has to clean iToddlers cummies out of laptops
Admire hes dedication though.
I would have gone nope a long time ago.
Hope he earns a lot, cant imagine what he must go through.
bout tree fiddy
dead wrong, stop talking out of your ass already nigger.
>tfw this madman has an asian gf and you don't
Had to unsubscribe.
>have hardly any free time
>bullshit headache issues running a business
Yeah not worth it.
>Enough to pay $27k a month in rent,
No fucking way, I'd leave that shithole city in a heartbeat. Fuck that noise, don't most of his customers send their shit in the mail to him?
Man, where can I find one of these roaming nerd shacks to do some soldering work on my old audio equipment for cheap?
>I would have gone nope a long time ago.
>Hope he earns a lot, cant imagine what he must go through.
He's already jaded and smug like everyone in that role is but he gets some money and fame for doing it on youtube so he's fine.
He's got employees to give the shittier jobs to but I don't think repairing electronics is ever going to be a rewarding job.
Asian women are bottom of the barrel tier, lmfao.
this is the correct answer. dude runs a successful business and provides a wealth of information.
maybe his shop, but not him personally. unrelated but he said he makes $2-3k a month with Amazon affiliate links
im not gay but think hes cute
A lot of money. A lot. But he lives in a shitty over-overpriced American city so most goes to general expenses.
He's Italian jew
"Horseman" in German... just sayin
based and redpilled
he ain't making shit.
i saw the vid of him getting robbed. this nigga cries over a few lost dollars.
he poor af, barely making enough to not be shut down
1 shekel a nanosecond
Don't defend niggers.
He was rightfully mad some nigger actually stole a tip jar.
A tip jar is like entertainment you get to watch it slowly grow. It's not about money. That nigger took something countless other people donated to and he's going to buy cigs or cough syrup or some other nigger type thing and blow it away.
A lot of jews stole German surnames when they first migrated to Europe centuries ago.
and that's something no amount of money can buy
Have sex
For the people who may not know what you're trying to defend this is the video on it.
You're defending nigger scum. Therefore, you ARE nigger scum. Kill yourself you worthless fucking piece of shit.
Enough to employ all his employees. So probably quite a bit
You seem to be low IQ.
Kill yourself you fucking nigger piece of shit.
Stealing from people is bad. Stop being a parasite.
Nope, he pays about 5-6k for rent. The 27k was an offer he declined for a new place two blocks away from his current shop.
Imagine being racist unironically
You think this is about race? LMAO.
Man walks into store. Treated well. Robs them behind their back.
This is what defines niggers. Being a soulless parasite that doesn't deserve life.
There are many black men who are human beings and don't participate in nigger culture, thus, aren't niggers. It's not race, it's a behavior and subculture.
You fucking racist nigger defending niggers doing niggerly things. Let me guess, you think it's ok because he's stealing from the jews (rossman group) right? Wrong.
can't stand this cunt lol
>I'm not a racist, but...
>I'm not a racist, but...
some people are fucking niggers.
Keep trying to meme, you're on the wrong side of history. You're the racist living a racist lifestyle believing racist media brainwashing.
Guy does nigger things = nigger
Guy does nigger things, is black, gets called nigger = suddenly I'M the problem and I'm racist.
Yeah no.
Doesn't matter if it's a chinaman or a whitey stealing behind people's back, that's nigger shit.
YOU ARE the one trying to make this about race.
>its not about race
>i just don't like black people
uhhhh mixed signals here
Everyone is racist
13% < 52%
Short little cheeky fuck thinks hes so smart.
I cant wait till apple sues him for slur of character.
I'm not, tho
he doesn t pay 27k now. but he will soon have to find a new place and that s gonna be expensive
If thieves get away from stealing they are more likely to steal again.
>If thieves get away from stealing they are more likely to steal again.
Not just that, but they'll move onto bigger things.
Tip jar today, monitor or a customer's machine tomorrow. If a nigger succeeds in that it's onto B&E.
>being attracted to literal insects
this, also in jew york, can't forget that. shitty building but it's still jew york.
no he doesn't, he has said multiple times that he is not smart, he just read books that people much smarter than him wrote. although I consider rossman to be very smart
stop shitposting/baiting, itoddler
>$4,000 streaming computer
Go away, Jow Forums
*mann and *man are different last names dumbass
>t. (((Goldmann)))
>crabs in a bucket the thread
>immediately go for his height as a coping mechanism
some of those days you faggots will realize height alone won't make a man
>less than 5'11"
more like ma'am lmao
do you think Whoopi Goldberg is a jew as well?
he said the vast majority of repairs are from people who walk in with their device. very few outside of new york actually send their device.
That would be aboriginal. Then blacks. Cherrypicking examples is not a refutation.
this is something "they" never talk about. Take your money, i dont want more money if i have to sacrifice my life
source on that?
t. actual retard
God damn it, get out retards
this. it aint used to be like this, Jow Forumsacks are getting reaaaaly dumb, i mean i dont even know where are these retards came from. Reddit?
stop replying to the Jow Forums falseflag bait you retarded niggerfaggot
>don't most of his customers send their shit in the mail to him?
Watched the tour of his shop the other day, he literally said the exact opposite, most are walk-ins
That's literally the only reason he's stil in the shithole that he's in
why don't you ask him instead of asking Jow Forums
iTards are wealthy people that know shit about computers, and Apple churn out crappy hardware that borks after the warranty runs out. It's the perfect business niche.
>jew york
>apple flawed tech
>customers with high disposable income
Saying something shitty is shitty is not defamation, iDrone.
>free mail in diagnostic and shipping back
>tells customers if apple will give them a better deal
>actively encourages people to stop using apple products
>if they all followed his advice, he would go out of business
>makes a shitload of youtube videos on board repair that even a retard could follow along with
Is there a single person more based than louis?
Disgusted that I got lumped in with the Jow Forumstard deletion. Im not a nazi, I do however have the clear-minded assertion that almost all Asians are fucking freak bugpeople.
>Cherrypicking examples is not a refutation.
No need for it. There are over a billion asian women in the world, and most of them suck complete ass and will instantly marry any westerner to leave their shithole country. Hence bottom of the barrel
Doesn't he make money from his forum too?
Dude, he looks absolutely stressed and posts videos of his cat.
If my analysis of the tendencies of YouTube suicidals are correct, his time is soon.
This man speaks the truth.
salty ytpartner-niggs
get a real job you faggots
>some of those days you faggots will realize height alone won't make a man
tell that to all the studies that show that taller men make more money and are more successful in society in general.
CEO's of most fortune500's are >6ft.
The wealthiest man in history is 5' 10".
Literal faggots that died of AIDS are over 6'.
>names ONE outlier
go back to school manlet
maybe the stats books were too high on the shelf for you tho lmao
you clearly don't ever watch his streams, so why do you reply to the OP like you know something?
>names ONE outlier
>ONE (1)
you can see Jeff Bezos and Zuck the Cuck are both 5'7" in the pic you are commenting on
"I did it again, Mom! I SAID THE MEME AGAIN!"
>only hires j*ws
What did he mean by this?
A million bajillion dollars.
He's loaded