LESSON 1: How to be productive
- Stop distrohopping you fucking retard, just use a Debian fork, it's working.
- Use a regular DE, install XFCE/LXDE and be happy with it, you don't have to use i3 or dwm to be good at programming
- Don't care about your desktop, unixporn is for autists, like you
- Forget Haskkel, C, LISP, and others low-level meme languages, they are all deprecated, start using JavaScript, Python, or Java, and don't say that JavaScript sucks and that high-level languages are slow because you don't even know how to create a template in C++ you dumb fuck, I'm not telling you to use Electron and bloated software, but if you are too dumb to not use JS in 2019 then kys
- Don't care about the botnet, who the fuck are you? You are using Android, Gapps, systemd, intel, and now you are trying to protect your privacy with UNGOOGLED-CHROMIUM ? AHAHAHAH
- Use a regular text editor, Emacs and VIM are a waste of time, Geany is the best text editor on this planet, no bloatware, it just works.
That's my lesson 1, see you tomorrow guys for the next lesson.
LESSON 1: How to be productive
I can’t wait for the contrarians from reddit.
Is this the same blog I tried to unsubscribe yesterday?
Get me out!
You’re right, we need more feels man threads
I thought you were serious until I saw point 4
>use debian
>install lxqt
>leave it at default
>use C and don't listen to the amateur programmers that don't understand it and think it's dead because they suck at programming
>don't care about desktop botnet but don't fucking be stupid and use a fucking tracking device phone like an idiot
>use vim because shit noob text editors are shit
I'm serious.
>t. brainlet
i agree with the distrohopping/ricing part though
>Stop distrohopping you fucking retard, just use a Debian fork, it's working.
>Use a regular DE, install XFCE/LXDE and be happy with it, you don't have to use i3 or dwm to be good at programming
>Don't care about your desktop, unixporn is for autists, like you
Good advice
>Forget Haskkel, C, LISP, and others low-level meme languages, they are all deprecated, start using JavaScript, Python, or Java
Haskell is a meme. C and Lisp are cool. Java is good if you're working on a large team. JS is a gimmick that has been on life support since its inception. Python is just Perl with worse performance and Frankenstein list comprehensions instead of regex soup.
>Don't care about the botnet
Unclear advice. Most software Jow Forums believes is botnet is not and is perfectly safe to use, but don't use actual botnet.
>Use a regular text editor, Emacs and VIM are a waste of time
Good advice. Once you learn one of these editors you will slowly spend more and more of your time configuring them. Before long you will have to force yourself to use something else like a junkie going cold turkey. It's better to just never use them in the first place.
is he an actual genius?
i am an actual genius
no im an actual genieus
>Good advice. Once you learn one of these editors you will slowly spend more and more of your time configuring them. Before long you will have to force yourself to use something else like a junkie going cold turkey. It's better to just never use them in the first place.
too deep in now no backing out. workflow is super fast thoughZQ
This thread is killed by based bizqwit
>C and others low-level meme languages, they are all deprecated,
Yea try to program IC chips in C++ for big projects, you major faggot KYS.
based and redpilled
You made me switch back to Chrome from Firefox. I mean, why did I ever think using Firefox would matter one bit, since I use Android and Gmail anyway.
No me.
he uses vim though
Too bad he doesn't curse lie Terry Davis.
You forgot:
- Use drugs
>don't say that JavaScript sucks
Yes it does, it really needs replacement.
>Stop distrohopping you fucking retard, just use a Debian fork, it's working.
>Use a regular DE, install XFCE/LXDE and be happy with it, you don't have to use i3 or dwm to be good at programming
agree, unless you have a crappy trackpad and can't bother to carry a mouse everywhere... then i3/dwm + keyboard-binding everything become your only good option
>Don't care about your desktop, unixporn is for autists, like you
>Forget Haskkel, C, LISP, and others low-level meme languages, they are all deprecated, start using JavaScript, Python, or Java, and don't say that JavaScript sucks and that high-level languages are slow because you don't even know how to create a template in C++ you dumb fuck, I'm not telling you to use Electron and bloated software, but if you are too dumb to not use JS in 2019 then kys
yes, JS and Python are important, but so is C (if you're doing embedded stuff, or just as a gateway to learn C++ properly...)
>Don't care about the botnet, who the fuck are you? You are using Android, Gapps, systemd, intel, and now you are trying to protect your privacy with UNGOOGLED-CHROMIUM ? AHAHAHAH
>Use a regular text editor, Emacs and VIM are a waste of time
if I had read this 10 years ago I would've strongly disagreed, but VS Code and *some* other IDEs (e.g. Geany, as you mentioned) have gotten pretty good...
>posting a picture of yourself on Jow Forums
fucking newfag
Fuck off user half of it is bad advice
t. using stock kubuntu but programming in clojure in emacs for a living.
The correct lesson is:
If you're comfy with Intellij, just use it. If you can make Emacs work well, more power to you. It's about your workflow and how productive *you* can be.
I also tend to see the programmers versed in the more interesting languages writing better code even in stock enterprise languages.
Familiarizing yourself with Lisp or Haskell is good for you as a professional.
This is so gay that I don't even have appropriate image
>VIM is a waste of time
>text editing software built around productivity and speed is a waste of time
wew lad
The right tools are a debian based distro with Intellij/VSCode and programming in Java/JavaScript. In the future C# as well.
The right job is anything.
Fucking autists these days with your deprecated languages and obsolete emacs. Go back to the 70's.
>Don't care about the botnet, who the fuck are you? You are using Android, Gapps, systemd, intel, and now you are trying to protect your privacy with UNGOOGLED-CHROMIUM ?
>a hurr durr three letter agencies could potentially individually target me by exploiting a hardware backdoor so it's pointless to try and protect my privacy from private corporations
Do you retards really think this?
Ungoogled chromium is a meme though, I'll give you that.
>a decent unixy text editor that delibrately avoided extensibility...retrofitted to hell with features that have nothing to do with altering a buffer of text
>built around productivity and speed
just use emacs
why should I take advice from a pajeet?
>- Stop distrohopping you fucking retard, just use a Debian fork, it's working.
Agree with the sentiment but I like Arch. AUR is invaluable.
>Use a regular DE, install XFCE/LXDE and be happy with it, you don't have to use i3
i3 is by far the most productive DE/WM.
>Forget ... C ... and others low-level meme languages, ... start using ... Python ... don't say that ... high-level languages are slow because you don't even know how to create a template in C+
lmfao. Horrible. If you want to be productive Go/TypeScript is really the answer. I don't care much for either but boy do they work great for building actual products.
>- Don't care about the botnet
Fuck you
>- Use a regular text editor, Emacs and VIM are a waste of time
Vanilla vi is really all you need. Don't fucking rice your editor!
Dart > JS in EVERY way
Unironically good advice except vim can be good if you download spacevim to make it useable. I hop between geany and spacevim depending if im working on a laptop or desktop because no matter how you try to meme it, using the silly mousepad on a laptop always sucks.
Geany wtf is this shit hahahahhaa
Do you guys recommend i3 or i5
Wait for i10
So means go with the most popular shit existing not even good one?
Get a Chromebook
You can unironically be productive in Haskell, because you can prototype stuff in it and you end up with code that is far more mantainable than Java or Python stuff. Here is how: Don't look into tutorials if you absolutely need to. After Functor, Monad and Applicative, don't learn new patterns expect for fun. Do not learn category theory or any math, it is not necessary for Haskell. Do learn about the dirty stuff like unsafeIO which enables you to prototype.
Haskell being arcane and impractical is a meme. Just don't get distracted by the academics and wannabes floating around; it is a great language to build servers, CLI programs, stuff that talks with databases, native GUIs and more and more even mobile. After a while you will wonder why anyone would debug a null pointer exception at runtime when you can handle all of them comfortably in compile time.
based hotz poster
How to be productive:
Step 1: uninstall Linux
step 2: install Windows
step 3: play video games and participate in gaming tournaments
step 4: start streaming and a youtube career
step 5: find out your shitty game died within a month
sorry, I don't know what XFCE is or does.
I'm too busy being productive to care what any of that is
step 6: make videos about memes and other youtubers
stopped reading when you bad mouthed Echads
find a grill
missed me with that bloat
tl;dr: relax, it'll go in smoother.
This, Haskell can get you a perfectly working (correct) software in less time than any imperative language, imagine instead of figuring out why you get a segfault with some imput you can spend that time reasoning about your problem.
You fucking moron. The Functional Jihad is coming.
The right job for java is nothing.
I finally figured out who this guy is. This is a picture of the dude from computerphile.
Everything but the fourth and last points are great.
holy shit people like you are so autistic. go to reddit you fucking weirdo
have sex
no u
> Haskell
> low-level language
Ask me how I know you're a retard.
How to be a code monkey
How to suck coorporate dick
productive != getting lots of jobs or earning money
>Stop distrohopping you fucking retard, just use a Debian fork, it's working
Never did it in the first place.
>Use a regular DE, install XFCE/LXDE and be happy with it, you don't have to use i3 or dwm to be good at programming
How will DE-hopping increase my productivity?
>Don't care about your desktop, unixporn is for autists, like you
Never cared about it.
>Forget Haskkel, C, LISP, and others low-level meme languages,
Most of those aren't low level.
>don't say that JavaScript sucks and that high-level languages are slow
But it does and they are.
>you don't even know how to create a template in C++ you dumb fuck
I do?
>if you are too dumb to not use JS in 2019 then kys
I know JS.
>Don't care about the botnet, who the fuck are you? You are using Android, Gapps, systemd, intel,
I guess if your house is on fire then you might as well pour some gas on it.
>and now you are trying to protect your privacy with UNGOOGLED-CHROMIUM ?
How will browser hopping increase my productivity?
>Use a regular text editor, Emacs and VIM are a waste of time, Geany is the best text editor on this planet, no bloatware, it just works
How will editor-hopping increase my productivity? If you suggested using IDEs then your argument would have had at least some merit but this is just "my favorite editor is better than yours" tier autism.
>LESSON 1: How to be productive
Install Windows™
Holy shit, apart from not caring about your desktop's appearance, every single advice you listed is wrong.
C is quite literally the amateur programmer's language of choice.
>good goy guide