This is not a meme

This is not a meme.

It's legit.

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it's Arch with training wheels

that's not a bad thing

It's arch for people that have shit do other than install an OS

People who have shit to do don't use arch family full stop.

its more bloated than arch, it breaks more often than arch, install holds your hand so you the average user has no idea what to do when it breaks. no thanks, ill stick with arch

>muh bloat
Is this Jow Forums slang for 'functionality'?

yeah it drops you into a complete arch install so you have no idea what you're doing when it inevitably breaks

>it breaks more often than arch, install holds your hand so you the average user has no idea what to do when it breaks.
This reads that Arch breaks and needs users to know how to repair it. Both of them are trash.

It honestly feels like the people who perpetuate this Arch/Arch based distros break meme either don't use Arch themselves or create such hackjob setups that they'd break on any distro. I've not had a single thing break because of something other than myself with the last 8 months of using Manjaro and then Arch.

manjaro is just as simple to get up and running as any distro our there. You'd need to fuss more with the default ubuntu install.

It's literally arch, an installer, and they release updates in weekly stages for more stability. Its peak linux whether you like it or not.

superior cutting edge distro coming through.

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legitimately a meme

>they release updates in weekly stages for more stability
*to fix all their shitty frankenarch bugs

and that is bad because.....

I tried, it's good but I am using Ubuntu LTS now.

The problem I have with Fedora is the shitty default repo they have.

Fucking meme, you're gonna end up on RHEL or Deb distro for the server at work. So why fuck with arch anyway?

more like uglylogo-jaro

It's not a meme.

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its the best and lowest maintenance desktop OS

Of course so, furniture isn't a meme.

I don't know why it's so popular right now, it's all just fucking bloat. Install ArchLabs with bspwm instead

i like it

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I wish I were neurotypical enough to use a window manager

It's not a meme for the new user, i tried linux for the first time 2 months ago, i went with antergos because idk why. the last week i installed arch and what did i get it? antergos but without the bloat.

but that wasn't the best part, the best part is i actually kind of know my system now, installing arch forced me to know how to manage my wifi-network, sudo and users stuff, audio, building(make command or whatever this is called), x11, mirrors and pacman in general, systemd and other things that i can't remember right now, i highly recommend people to install not arch but a minimal distro if they wanted to learn a little bit about linux, my next project will be probably installing gentoo on my old pc because i heard it's the best way to learn about my system.

Arch linux didn't take that much time to install but the setup (audio video more packages and shit) took a lot of time so i'll probably install ubuntu in my next linux install lul

easily the best distro. it just werks. also comes with the best out of the box i3.

It is really nice

adding RPMfusion is literally copy/paste into a terminal. Make an effort.

almost a year on manjaro, and never once has it "Broke". I haven't even seen cases of it breaking, how retarded do you have to be to destroy your OS?

Its lit

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-30 21-00-53.png (643x426, 303K)

Arch takes around an hour to get to an "it just works" state, if you're comfortable with CLI stuff, it's really not that hard.

legit trash

manjaro is no longer a rolling release. its more like stable version of arch. like debian is to ubuntu
so it wont break as it used to do

Everyone who complains I bet if you fucking remove that shitty ass startup fetch for whatever shit terminal you have you wouldn't even fkn notice for months if it's manjaro or base arch install


no user, take the time to setup your shit and then use git to store the program configs

>want arch because of AUR
>Don't want to install arch
Manjaro is perfect

>4.19.45-1 Kernel
do you hate security?

It's just Arch for stupid nigger monkeys

arch is manjaro with tranny wheels

it's fucking shit and i regret installing it

>install package
>manjaro breaks