What is the best linux distro and why is it unironicly Pop! Os?
What is the best linux distro?
>What is the best linux distro
What's so great about Pop?
I went pretty good with Fedora for a long time, sadly with 30 they reached a literal unstable status. I never had a single problem since Fedora 26, but when I installed 30 I had to fix shit 6 times when it didn't wanted to boot after an update. luks broken, grub broken, then my fstab broken, then it didn't boot because I didn't had a systemd timeout in my fstab for my external hdd which was not connected at that point... then xfce deleted all my settings after an update...
It's going better since a week or so, but next time I will go back to debian.
Jow Forumsentoo
Win10 Pro.
its just ubuntu with a kinda ugly icon pack, no?
whats so unique about this one
Debian testing with Xfce is the thinking man's choice.
I prefer Arch or Fedora
Tim, quit shit posting and take your PTO.
Distros are just tools, so it will depend on your use case. When in doubt, install Gentoo.
Ubuntu with Gnome? the fuck would I use that dumpster fire for?
Double based
this, can't even install grub from chroot in the 1.2 iso what the fuck
why is PopOs so trendy? Is marketing everything, do we have to make something flashy with hip marketing to make anything successul/popular?
I dont see anything special with PopOs it just seeems weird how its poping up all over the place.
enjoy shit breaking when new stable is released
It's an even more normie-friendly version of Ubuntu with some extra polished edges.
You could say it...
...just works
Definitely the best polished distro i ever used.
MX Linux has that pre-shrunk ready to wear comfy feel. Come home Jow Forums man.
Because a corp (system76) designed it and it's shipping it's computers with it
Ubuntu until they switched from Unity to Gnome 3, since then Mint.
How so? It has better driver support I think, but that's pretty much it right?
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
One day I will find you
I will come for you
And I will hatefuck you dry in the ass until the walls are red and you learned your goddamn lesson
This desu.
There is no "best" distro, they have different goals and purposes.
I hate living in the netherlands. Look at how much space you have.