what technology is enabling them to implement this? should the west follow in their steps?
What technology is enabling them to implement this? should the west follow in their steps?
i saw your post on /v/eddit
Complicated system of monitoring hardware that just feeds it all into a database.
Authoritarian countries have every reason to want to use it since it allows them to manipulate their populations more.
Democratic nations should think of it as cancerous.
>Cheating in online games
>participating in cults reduces social credit
wtf I love my government now.
they do such great things for me :)
I see nothing about stealing.
This is what the UK wants also. It's only a matter of time before they implement this shit as well.
We got that shit only less centralised either way. Your wealth is pretty much your social score.
It's an interesting idea when done carefully and without the whole authoritarian bias for sure but ideally only done with the benefits and limiting the punishments to stuff like drivers license, government jobs or access to guns.
that includes avatarfagging, parrotfriend
China should call the system "electric angel".
>It's only a matter of time
it already happened
>Democratic nations should think of it as cancerous.
Democratic nations are cancerous, on paper and practice, this could at least turn into a meritocracy if used right.
That's an outright crime.
>mail online, political propaganda and twitters as sources
Enjoy your 600 points.
>cheating in online games
based chinks
>if used right
Guess what has absolutely 0 chance of ever conceivably happening in any reality.
Something something a well regulated militia
facial recognition tech is crazy good and fast now, and with cameras everywhere, a lot of effort has been put into place to know where people are and when
Jesus fuck.
>muh democracy
Doesn't exist
I support this
>cheating in online games lowers your score
How many points do they take off for walking past someone run over by a car without doing anything? Cause there would be a lot of people losing those points, judging from what I've seen on /gif/. Rev up that facial recognition software.
>going through ALL this work just to avoid a naturally forming ancapistan
I just want to buy cheap shit from them and am pretty sure they want to sell me stuff just as much, how is that hard to understand?
Facial recognition software doesn't work on chinks.
There's an episode of Black Mirror on this concept, only difference is it's based off of a social network for rating interactions and posts
Earlier this year a researcher found a massive MongoDB instance used as a piece of the Chinese surveillance infrastructure. Have a look:
That's actually something I approve of. Kids ruined the fucking Internet and any gaming communities I could possibly want to join. It doesn't help that half of those I meet online are mainland Chinese.
>what technology is enabling them to implement this?
>should the west follow in their steps?
As a matter of fact they're already ahead
i love how china hasnt disclosed ANYTHING about it yet the west acts like they have all the info already
the only democracy that ever worked and works is the direct democracy because it allows for the people to vote on referendums on almost anything
the rest are just an illusion a side project of facism
>get molested by your father
>have to either come out as having been molested or go visit him so you don't lose god boy points
What the fuck
Canada is also getting a social credit system.
In China it's a horrible dystopia, in Canada the police is just doing their work
This right here is why the 2nd Amendment exists. I would rather see another American civil war than this totalitarian shit.
Now imagine the absolute uproar if it was discovered that a citizen's group was tracking police and government official negative behavior in a risk database.
Ironically, citizens need that more than police need the other.
It's the other way around. China is following in the steps of the west, only here your score is hidden to the public which is admittedly better for your daily life among normalfags. But what people need to realize about China is that it isn't a country per se, but a slave labor pit for the rest of the world. They need some special systems to be able to continue being the bitch they are.
You don't get longer waiting lines in the hospital or get denied transportation and housing based on your social credit score in the west.
How many chinese shills are on Jow Forums? Why do you want 1984 tier surveillance?
Are you sure?
This. All the "sources" on OP's infographic are just the names of western media companies (no links to any specific article) that I'm going to have to sift through and hope to find what they're actually talking about. I don't deny the Chinese are doing some shady totalitarian shit, but I seriously doubt anyone outside China really knows anything in this much detail.
Oh, let me get my tinfoil ready, I know where this is going.
>when you're an iToddler and your social score falls to 600
How many points do you lose for running over pedestrians and then running them over again to make sure they're dead and won't come back to sue you for a lifetime of medical expenses?
>should the west follow in their steps?
What kind of shit bag would ever want to emulate this Orwellian behavior? Oh, that's right, authoritarian wastes of life who would throw us into a distopia.
Snowmuslims are implementing the same shit:
They'll have a social credit system similar to China's.
No tinfoil required. You can be denied travel in a myriad of ways, like posting the wrong shit on your social media and straight into the databases you go. Just like housing, everyone is assigned a social class with immigrant women on top and white men on the bottom. You are tracked by all sorts of metrics, from credit score to behavior and these data are used in all sorts of ways and will affect your life and opportunities in society. It's not a direct equivalent, but it's more similar than dissimilar, the only difference being it's not made public for other normalfags, i.e. you get to pretend it's "tinfoil."
China, going from not having any of this shit to implementing the system they're thinking about will become more like the west, not less like it. You thinking this is "tinfoil" is just you being a plebbitor.
Based. I'd pretend to be a Mudslime
Excuse me, where is proofs ?
You're excused.
>nothing about lying
>the west
Of course not, there is nothing to gain. European countries have a long history of oppression but also anarchy, we already have well-built morals and ethics to follow. We don't need corrupt politicians spearheading their party's agendas - we know what's good.
China is just a matter of sheep herding the masses, nothing there is applicable to the mature west.
Even, EVEN if we assume "if used right", history has shown that the good ole boy system leads to incompetence, bureaucracy, corruption, and institutional collapse. Look at the USSR for reference, or its satellite states. If people don't have an inner drive to climb the social ladder, you've simply failed as a politician, simple as. Have to provide the environment and let people flourish.
>immigrant women on top and white men on the bottom
Did you even read the fucking article?
Amerifarts have mcdonalds grease in their brain
Did you think it was first come first serve when it comes to public housing in the west? You're in for a surprise if you ever need it.
This shit is why we need a the European Union.
>simple as
In the right hands this could be incredibly good. A near pure meritocracy. But getting it into the right hands would be a miracle.
>not Cassandra
How will it know if I visit my grandparents enough or not? Will everyone be snitching on everyone? Will there be total surveillance and dedicated grangran visiting division in the secret police? How much is often enough? Will there be granny visiting quotas?
So, let me get this straight - the state (in a communist, thus stateless society) will restrict workers' access to public services if workers talk bad about the state? Why do chinks pretend they are communists?
>nod reaal gommunisms xDDD
>Daily Mail
A bit like America's credit system except instead run by the government.
Chink's face recognition works on chinks.
It literally is. Why are they communist if they lack all the qualities of a communist society? Just cause they said so?
I actually like this social credit system. Good people get the perks and bad people are bullied. That gives me a cozy feeling of justice, which otherwise is never served.
Who said that they are communist society? The only official communist thing they have is ruling communist party.
No such thing. Who gets to decide who and what has merit? Only those already in power.
Well, other communist regimes would just shoot the dissenters, so I guess this is a step forward of sorts.
>access to guns
dont you dare cheat in online vidya, we might have to take away your god given rights to own guns
They obviously didn't read the 1984 because it's probably banned in China.
It's true that there have never been a real communist society, and only proto-communist states. Because a real communist society is a fantasy with no basis in reality. So every communist society gets stuck in the part of the plan that's supposed to lead to the utopia (mostly sperging out and killing everyone.)
No one gives a shit though, so we all just call it communism anyways because it's just as retarded.
>Who said that they are communist society?
They did
>The only official communist thing they have is ruling communist party.
what a brainlet
> spending all day on anime website bitching about jews would be rewarded with good boy points
The entire country will get terrible social scores.
Chinese insectoids are the kings of cheats.
>A bit like America's credit system
Yeah, I fucking hate it when TransUnion fucks with my credit score because I 1337 haxored some kid's Fortnite server.
But USSR at least followed the basic communism principals and actually resembled a society in transition to communist state.
China disregards even the main principals of communism like lack of exploitation of workers, accumulation of capital and means of production in the hands of few rich people, private employment, equal rights, etc.
Nah, the USSR did all that shit too, they just were a bit more subtle about it.
Wrong. Go learn something before posting.
If you don't agree with the state's definition of "good" and "bad" you are pretty much fucked
>should the west follow in their steps?
Do you know why the free market works?
Because its FREE.
So no. There comes a point where behaiviour manipulation impedes the progress of the society. You need chaotic thought and behaviour for a strong society.
>How will it know if I visit my grandparents enough or not?
because your grandparents will be rewarded for snitching on you to the secret police
USSR exported a shitload of goods while the working class slaved away for the commissariat. Where do you think all this monies went? Did you think all those ultra-rich oligarchs who runs Russia that popped up after glasnost just magically appeared from nothing?
These "crimes" are probably the non indictable type.
But China barely has a court system so what's the difference 2bh.
>Did you think all those ultra-rich oligarchs who runs Russia that popped up after glasnost just magically appeared from nothing?
stop embarrassing yourself
what if my grangran wants me to visit her every day? Should I snitch on her to the secret police?
Well, it's true. China is following in the exact same path of the USSR, only a few years behind.
there is no "merit" in lying about how great ypur gow is on internet or being forced to visit your aging parents. It would encourage lying and acting. And getting better education over straight A student because your parents and you lick gov ass is not meritocracy.
>Well, it's true
It literally is not. You just proved you know nothing about ussr. It's okay, you don't have to. Still, I don't see why you keep embarrassing yourself by trying to look like you do.
>political propaganda
Anything that goes agains propaganda spread by government is "propaganda" even if it is true. And these are true.
I think you might find some deep state source for this maybe. It's a potential economic hindrance in the state's mind.
yes, you should always snitch on as many people as possible to the secret police, family, friends, coworkers, random people you never even met. Every time you snitch to the secret police youll get good boy points added to your social score
No, it's actually you who have no idea. Leftist tumblr memes isn't an education.