Install AdNauseam. Boycott them. Destroy their bullshit data markets. Do it, NOW

Install AdNauseam. Boycott them. Destroy their bullshit data markets. Do it, NOW.

Fuck the JOOS.

Attached: 153830.png (432x429, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

post your face when you realize you're wasting your resources and actually making the website more money from your clicks.

wasn't it made by jews though


>actually making the website more money from your clicks.
You have no fucking idea of how these ad networks work, do you?

So why did Google not only remove it from their Web store, but actively label it as Malware (meaning you had to go to an out of the way menu to manually reenable it every time you turned on Chrome)?

>Fuck the JOOS

Attached: es.png (440x413, 86K)

But I already use uMatrix + uMatrix + NoScript. AdNauseam is superficial.

Based Israeli fighting the diaspora Jew

It takes a jew to fight a jew.

>having public images of this nature on a company website to represent you professionally
>taking yourself seriously
>expecting to be taken seriously

That's not always a bad thing. I may like the site the ads support but not want the ads themselves because they're obtrusive or irrelevant to me.

The code is open-source. It could be made by a fucking alien for all I care.

It's the exact opposite of what the creators say it is supposed to do, retard. That's why it is a bad thing.

>t. retard


Attached: 04c.jpg (222x250, 15K)

Attached: this-man-is-your-friend-stallman-he-fights-for-freedom-25210533.png (500x767, 257K)

People make money from sales, not clicks.


Attached: ThinkingAnime.png (436x471, 194K)

It screws with advertisers analytics.

Adnauseam somehow causes firefox to use 130% of my CPU.

Attached: marimo039482038.jpg (369x317, 40K)

but does it work?

cripplechan did a campaign with AdNauseam where they would use it along with search scripts to autoclick ads.
Google stated they would be autorefunding companies for "false / fake clicks".
I think it works.

addendum: the autorefund program was put in place after about two weeks of roughly 250 people doing this, give or take 150

In my experience it works a bit worse than Ublock Origin, probably does not use the same filter lists.

uses exact same filter lists

Attached: filters.png (700x904, 105K)

Unironically not using it because kikes made it.

>open source, the absolute pinnacle of Jow Forums
-tier thinking

>installs adnauseum
>google is the only company rich enough to develop an algorithm that bypasses adnauseum
>all ad companies go to google adsense

Who profits from this?