RIP aussie50

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>KD 0:1

RIP only because I've watched some of his stuff


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Fuck, I sub to BigClive, this is heartbreaking hearing him speak about this.



Why would anyone kill themselves in a world with Miku?

It's one thing to take your own life or to have it taken by horrible sickness.


Be safe senpai, sorry it came all down on you at once, whatever your reasons may have been

Feels bad men

I live in his state, and have been watching his videos for years.


I don't get it, why would someone kill himself? Isn't that some dumb thing to do? And I thought engineers are smart...

>Isn't that some dumb thing to do?
No. It is outside the valuation.


You wouldn't kill yourself upon finally realizing that you live in Australia?

t. deported muslim, british or new zealander cancer

sad. big clive is right. rip.

He did mention in his last videos how everything was getting fucked up. I admire him for being able to escape this, but at the same time I feel very fucking sad.
Godspeed, Ed.

No need to be so emotional kangaroo, don't go suiciding now you hear? You still have white reparation that you need to pay out.

A white male doing what all white males should do and pulling the plug on his own oppressive existence. I pay my respects to him for being a top example of an ally.

> be user
> in best country in the universe (australia)
> be you
> stuck in a third world nation like usa or europe
hrmmm.. i wonder whos better off? i think anyone would rather live in australia than usa or europe, raging faggot. stay eternally mad and jealous ;)

The only australian I respect is St. Brenton Tarrant

RIP mate, wish I knew him better he seemed like a top bloke, knowledgeable and humble.

Who's going to look after Curie now?

Sudos (Jow Forumsentooman iirc) said she's in good hands in the comments of Clive's video.

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aw man i loved watching his videos, even if i didnt understand a whole bunch of what he messed with it was still fascinating

Linus killed himself? Does that mean no more Anthony tech tips?