How fast does Jow Forums type?

How fast does Jow Forums type?

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sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y install cowsay && cowsay moo

Depends on how recently I've cut my fingernails.

typing is for boomers, i just use voice commands

50-70, good enough


Like 65-70 on a good day, usually 55 ish

~75 wpm.

Attached: wtf_cat.jpg (700x700, 87K)

>typing speed slowed to ~100, used to type 120-130 consistently
>type slower on ducky one 2 w/ browns than on chiclet chromebook keyboard
explain this

faster than most


Attached: 2019-05-30 12_38_21.png (554x126, 25K)

Attached: Screenshot (18539).png (1366x768, 421K)

when I know what I want to type/am on adderall I can usually get about 80 wpm but usually I like to draw it out and make it as wordy as possible which makes me pause after every fifth or so word to figure out how I'm going to bullshit a few extra words out of the sentence.

kek, I'm the same. Having long fingernails slows me down.

I use abbrev-mode to speed up my total throughput

Get around 130WPM usually on


who cares?
Fast typing is perhaps one of the least important things in writing software

t. slow

>explain why I type slow on a slow as fuck mech board compared to a fast as fuck keyboard with no travel distance

ur retarded bro

Attached: pissesonyou.jpg (1080x810, 182K)

How's OPs question is related to writing software?

>not full texts with numbers or punctuation
>you don't have get every world correct, you merely get penalized
Bad tests really. Having it as option doesn't count either it needs to be the default the site offers.
Having typos in emails or academics is shit tier and your compiler certainly won't accept it. And neither comes without numbers and some form punctuation.

55 to 65 i guess?

Correct, anyone who uses 10FastFingers and similar typing tests to see their WPM is retarded. if they think it's accurate.

Typeracer is the best way to see how fast you type.

I guess everyone here is linking to that
Because i dont know ..
Jow Forums Technology and Software forum.?
Or Jow Forums Writing mails forum..?

Chiclet keyboards let you get away with sloppy typing technique due to their flat surface, I was used to flat keys on a laptop for years and typed 110wpm fairly consistently. When I switched to a proper keyboard I was all fucked up, typing like 60wpm because I keep trying to glide through the keys and ended up dragging, causing mistakes. Now that I'm used to using a mechanical all the time I'm back up to speed or faster, and with less hand strain because it forces you to move in ways that are efficient and healthy for your hand vs gliding over flat surfaces and slapping keys with the flat of your finger.

Silky smooth 40 wpm

Slow, probably around 50~60 wpm and I don't use proper hand placement with hands on home row.
Most of my time on a keyboard is spent thinking about or planning what I am about to type then typing a few words/lines rinse and repeat.
The only situation I find myself needing to type fast is when I am copying word for word something that is not in digital form which is rare.

check your autism bro

60 Is My High score. I have 5 Keyboards and am Constantly having to switch between them and I can't learn to touch type fully on everyone.

60WPM burst.
44WPM average.

3 finger typing though

I can do 10 fingers, don't really bother with it most of the time not like I'm paid for it anyway

i will thank you user
also kys autisem is an absolute bless

Attached: strong-the-weak-should-fear-the-shh-it-will-all-4826330.png (500x670, 169K)

>owns 3 keyboards
>calls other people retarded


Attached: 1551074781423.png (630x524, 376K)

On speed tests i can avg 105
Regularly probably around 70-80

what's the logitech one? happy with it?

looking for something like that, a small slim portable, since my laptop keyboard is getting old and can't find a replacemnt

Logitech K380, it's the best keyboard I have ever typed on. I type very fast on it, and it's silent. Also has really good Bluetooth capabilities with very fast programmable switching between devices, which was the main reason I bought it but I ended up using it as my main keyboard.

Your brain can't process more than 60 wpm anyway.

literally this

Attached: hpg anime.jpg (713x1000, 254K)

30 35... you guys have really nothing to do with your lifes :D

are those literal genetic failures still alive?

50-60 wpm in English, about 70-80 wpm in Russian.
I mostly just smack the enter button on the IDE's suggestions tho, so whatever

&& sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda

imagine not using a blackberry

Attached: Screenshot_20190530-111055.png (1080x1620, 169K)

>sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y install cowsay && cowsay moo

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install cowsay && cowsay moo

-get is redundant

why are his hands on the keyboard instead of rubbing each other?


10fastfingers a bit arcadey, i average like 85 on typeracer

Attached: pog2.png (292x148, 8K)

ur dad is redundant.
What's really wrong here is && everywhere, update can return 1, but upgrade can still upgrade.

Ok, big shot, my turn.

Attached: 15972697415893.png (619x352, 62K)

120wpm on typeracer. I type with 9 fingers

Wow, what song is this?

It really depends on the keyboard.


>that nose

What's he typing?

Making minority hate threads on Jow Forums

Always attacking the small groups that can't fight back, eh.

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>so many sub-100s
what the fuck I thought you guys were good with computers?

>being this slow at typing

Attached: Capture.png (2560x1401, 223K)

On a vintage keyboard or on a touch screen?

140wpm on my normal keyboard
Normally drops to 100wpm when using keyboards I don't use often
50wpm on my phone

minorities are fucking sub human and deserve to be grouped in an island and have a nuke shot at it. White people and east asians have advanced civilization more than any other race, while every other race just feeds off of our success and uses it to find more and more ways to exploit society.

White people are simply the superior race, with east asians in second place, and there is no arguing against that.

>Time left: 0
Yes user, you took 60 seconds to type all the 300 words, but somehow got the score of 9876159615 WPS.

Here, if you want to give the site some false data
wordsElem = document.getElementById('words')
inputElem = document.getElementById('input')

for (wordElem of wordsElem.children) {
word = wordElem.innerText
for (c of word) {
inputElem.value += c
$speedtest.keydown(inputElem, { keycode: c.charCodeAt(0) })
inputElem.value += ' '
$speedtest.keypress(inputElem, { keycode: ' '.charCodeAt(0) })

Shlomo has posted


I can do this in one click on PC with mouse


Slow, mostly because I'm thinking. If you type fast your most likely a code monkey doing tedious tasks like writing his 1000th rest api call.

It's time that we build camps for these nigger monkeys like the nazis had for the jews during WW2

le tranny biggest issue

Slowly, with my left index and right middle finger

275WPM plover master race

I've only ever seen boomers use voice commands.

I was really good at the old version of this, wave 20 or so.
Maybe it has to do with the new keyboard.

my average is around 78 wpm. But I've cracked 90 once.

sudo apt-fast update; sudo apt-fast -y upgrade; sudo apt-fast -y dist-upgrade

70 WPM because I'm retarded

english is not my first language.. not too bad

Attached: fuck.png (699x439, 52K)

I hate being a brainlet.

Attached: image.png (597x439, 38K)

~75. 85 on a good day.

Attached: knight.jpg (458x457, 24K)


voice commands are for boomers, I just manipulate information with raw willpower.

102 WPM
QWERTY layout

Then how come I type at 90wpm

How do I get gud at touch typing? It seems like I'm stuck around 50-60 wpm.

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because the test you use gave you words to type.

try coming up with them on your own.

Idk but they say my keyboard is kino

Fucking kek my first try on this website and they flagged me and made me type a captcha

Attached: type racer challenge.png (659x363, 24K)

just practice, you can get fast with any method

Attached: optimum typing form.webm (480x640, 2.7M)

anyone else type extremely quickly with poor technique? i mostly use my index fingers like a boomer, occasionally throwin' in some other fingers, and still get like 100+ wpm

kek post a vid should be lulzy

I fucking suck like only 40-50 WPM

Yeah it's still not an issue.

>cheap rubber dome keyboards
>100+ wpm

>fancy mechanical keyboards
>85-90 wpm

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i'm the same way. i learned how to type from spamming sell messages in classic runescape when i was like 8 instead of learning how to do it properly

I type fastest on ALPS, next on buckling spring, then cherry blues, and rubber domes are my worst board

you aren't special sweety, anybody can churn out a ton of crap fast.

the quality of your work must be shit.

error rate. what is it.

No higher than normal.
I'm not special, I think you're just retarded.

Also, get back here with those goalposts.