>Unlimited hot water
>More efficient than gas or electricity storage hot water services
>Easy to service
>only topped by $10000 heat pump + solar units
Give me ONE reason why you don't have an instant water heater.
Water heaters are technology
Whats wrong with good old boilers? Also electrical bill must be huge for that thing
that thing would ice up in a snowstorm and be a solid block of ice in the morning, no thanks
Because I have one.
it clearly says гaз you жoпaлиcь
you pic clearly says GAS. It even has the input for gas on the righthand side. wtf are you taking about?
Solar heaters are memes if you live in a cloudy or cold areas.
Gas heaters are instant and fuel efficient. One cylinder of gas will give you upto 1 year of hot water if you bath four times a week for 30 minutes.
>large electrical bill
Electricity is only needed for sparking the igniter. Some units use a water powered generator and don't need any power at all.
>you pic clearly says GAS. It even has the input for gas on the righthand side. wtf are you taking about?
>>More efficient than gas or electricity storage hot water services
Please, tell me what's it's like to live with a double-digit IQ.
>>Please, tell me what's it's like to live with a double-digit IQ.
>Water heaters are technology
>Unlimited hot water
>>More efficient than gas or electricity storage hot water services
>Easy to service
>>only topped by $10000 heat pump + solar units
>Give me ONE reason why you don't have an instant water heater.
You tell me, nigger
>>Unlimited hot water
If you have unlimited gas.
>>More efficient than gas
More efficient than itself?
I have a instant water heater, it runs on instant gas.
Guzzles D size cells like no tomorrow (ignition)
Other than that, preddy good.
Nothing beats electricity
What about it?
lmao dont fall for this meme.
Mine repeatedly runs out of hot water, and breaks down all the time.
its been replaced once, and fixed 7 times.
I get unlimited hot water straight from the tap for something like 15 euros a month.
Based European
>US Department of Energy is now referring to fossil fuels as “freedom gas”
He worded really stupidly, but he's obviously differentiating between heaters that heat water as it passes and heaters that heat large tanks of water you fucking idiots
>>Unlimited hot water
>this is still considered some amazing luxury in parts of the world
rate my water heater
Should have gone digital Sakura with intake filter.
I cant believe they do this.
We have a geothermal pump in our basement. Cheap way to heat the whole house
Because I'm a rentcuck, and my apartment barely has enough hot water for a 30-minute shower, which is my only joy in life.