

Attached: 1555954982768.jpg (720x598, 59K)

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WebP is an image format employing both lossy and lossless compression. It is currently developed by Google, based on technology acquired with the purchase of On2 Technologies. As a derivative of the VP8 video format, it is a sister project to the WebM multimedia container format.

if a website uses webp,
i turn around, because it ain't for me

>download an animated .gif from a google images search
>it saves as .webp
>can't upload it to Jow Forums/nel, ".webp: Unsupported file type."
>rename it to .gif
>"Error: Corrupted file or unsupported file type."

WTF is this absolute shit?

.png vs .jpeg?


>that wiki page that replaces .gif sprites by .webp
>have to download plugins so taht image editors can open these shits
>the image editors open it now, but the sprites with transparancy now have a bright green color where the transparancy used to be
Holy fuck that's so infuriating.


Webp supports animation.

Nobody cares.

Yes and it's surprisingly bad at compressing GIF input.

Websites are going to switch to webp more and more because of its dec/enc performance and its compression efficiency over JPG AND PNG and now even GIF. Basically webp will replace all 3 and outperform all of them.

GIMP already natively support dec/enc of webp lossless and lossy images with transparency now and other image editing software will follow suite soon.

no macs also now supports animated webp in addition to lossy/lossless webp now I think.

Google: here's a single royalty free format to replace jpg, png and gif. We even made plugins for you.

>jpeg large

Attached: 1330525405035.jpg (310x385, 26K)

No end user has ever paid a royalty on a jpg, gif or any other image format. Nobody fucking cares. Take your fucking esperanto jibberish tier format and fuck off back to google.

Sounds like a gimmick to get people to pay for a Photoshop subscription.

Nope, since 1.0.2 gif2webp the -m 6 -min_size param is now on par with the most.

Nobody was forced to use it, websites just adopted it and saw that:
A.) load times for the user significantly improved
B.) Bandwidth use was cut in half or more
C.) Less hosting bills to pay

Well it's free and saves websites money. There's honestly little reason for websites to NOT use it.

The SJW browser already gave in and added support after it's SJW lib-turbo library stillbirth. The only company too gay for webp now is just apple.


Hm. Last time I checked was with 1.0.0, so perhaps I should give it another try. Did they also fix -min_size tending to produce broken output (wrong delay, fucked up transparency, etc.)?

Attached: GIF_APNG_WebP_Results.png (672x1237, 38K)

I'm not sure about the second part but using said params + -lossy and -f 50 got me smaller file size than any gif I could find without any noticeable degradation in quality.

I also tried the -mixed param with you guessed it, mixed results. I think this is where the gold mine is.

Attached: 1499610043056.png (370x320, 39K)

>Websites are going to switch to webp more and more because of its dec/enc performance and its compression efficiency over JPG AND PNG and now even GIF. Basically webp will replace all 3 and outperform all of them.

Attached: 1494571954534.jpg (1600x1600, 96K)

lossy and lossless should always have segregate file extensions. always.

Nah, but you shouldn't force different compression algorithms within a single format.


Attached: PSX_20190528_152729.jpg (318x506, 44K)

Why hasn't gook moot allowed us to use .webp yet?

webp is only useful for people who use smartphones most of the time instead of desktops.
So tech companies are forcing you use mobile platforms because it more efficient for new formats and many people use the internet with their phones.

Attached: sony-xperia-10-.jpg (513x680, 48K)

Smaller image file size: faster loading times for user & $$$ saved on hosting. Why would this NOT be used for laptop/desktop PCs?

>lossless webP is bigger than png
thanks for nothing I guess

Not anymore.

So I tested my previous files with gif2webp 1.0.2 and honestly, I don't see much of a change. Lossless compression is a bit better than GIF and at best only somewhat worse than APNG. Lossy compression can, of course, reduce the file size further, but in three instances (1,2,5) the results were much worse, in one (3) slightly worse and only one (4) provided good results for the amount of file size saved

To end on a good note, min_size didn't introduce any weird issues at all.

because most tech companies are trying to crack at the developing world and the developing world will use smartphones over desktops because desktops are too expensive

Desktops for the price of a 700$ smartphone are more cost efficient, harder to steal, have more stability, modular, etc. list goes on and on
Desktops are what the developing world needs for office spaces
Not fucking phones and surface pro's that would cost almost double that you could get with an order of refurbished Optiplex from a failing business