Does your country have 5g yet Jow Forums? Mine does
Does your country have 5g yet Jow Forums? Mine does
yes, Australia got it the another day
best speeds in the country but what is the fucking point when data caps exist? I'll just use my unlimited NBN landline
All the towers near me have gone down for upgrades and my internet is limited to a few kiBps
Pssh, you still on 5g.
We have 8g here. Try to keep up
>tfw 1 mbps satellite internet with 800ms ping
Please go huawei
and stay huawei
The Chad DARPA terabits vs the Virgin consumer 5g
>implying china doesn't rule communication networks and can wreck any economy it chooses like a light switch
Technically it does, I mean, they are rolling out the towers, but consumer plans start 2020.
All the more reason to ban their shit eh?
ameranons, please help
i'm out of touch with cellular tech. i need a data network that is reliable and cheap. i still think satellite cards from the 90s are a thing because i'm a 30yo boomer who cannot read through new fangled adware jargon.
theoretically nice idea. frankly the less goybots with comms the better. realistically china puts in the production work for half the worlds network infrastructure and russia owns a third of the worlds comm satelites. so pratically we're fucked unless we seriously wanna cater too proles chattering away precious very limited channels
You do realize that China relies on America's satellites for their mass surveillance infrastructure because their own satellites can't handle the bandwidth right?
china doesn't have shit for satellites. they don't need them as i said they have access to russian birds. china actually produces that means work you see i know its a hard concept for an amerimutt to handle. this work shit where people produce stuff and sell it. thats world economic power. the more we buy (literally 90% of our gear) is feeding the chinese power base. tl;dr we're whores in micro penis mongol brothels
enjoy your cancer
Implying we don't already have it from 3g and 4g as well as wifi and all the ultra processed foods and the chemicals the world governments put in the water to turn us gay and docile
Why should I care?
>burns through 1 gigabyte of data in 20 minutes watching 4k videos on youtube while waiting for the bus
>drains battery at lightning speed
Yes and I helped it happen :) ran engineers report in.
Here in Netherlands the secret services use the same frequencies to spy on its citizens.
So we won't get 5G for years.
2 weeks ago it was ready for beta deployment and subsequential public launch in about a month or so but then drump fucked up and it's on hold now.... Thanks lards...
It'll be here some time next year, I think.
Based Ericsson.
Why would you want to microwave your brain?
I don't even know. I honestly don't give a fuck, I already have a 1Gbps connection at home and have no need for super fast internet on my phone.
Learn English and use proper punctuation. Your post is barely readable, faggot.
EE just launched it this morning in the UK.
>he doesn't have 10G
The doctors are gonna diagnose you with stage 5G cancer. That shit ain't healthy.
And LTE, 4G and 3G are? If I'm getting cancer from them anyway I might as well have fast internet while I'm in hospital dying
Based Trump.
What the fuck do you need 5g for, anyway? Isn't 4g enough? What the fuck are you doing with your phone? Are you a fucking terrorist?
Why are tech companies pushing 5g so hard when we haven't gotten close to the 4g speed caps
They keep saying shit about driverless cars and streaming video, saw an add with a guy watching a football match in vr on his phone with a headset, I don't really get the car thing cause it's not like they're gonna be remotely controlled is it? Like it's not gonna lose connection then just carry on with no control? And the vr thing is stupid cause I can already stream that stuff on mobile, I get 130+Mbps in cities and around 30-100 in rural areas, I really don't see the need, who's downloading a whole season of a TV show to their phone when they'll delete it after viewing it, it's easier and more data conservative to stream in 720p each episode as you view it so you have the data available for other stuff if you need it
Telecom companies seem to forget that they have limits on the data they sell and it's expensive when they go over it, there's not many mobile providers who have unlimited data and people mass downloading TV shows just because it's fast isn't a good reason to rollout 5g
The bandwidth is upgrading but the content is still the same size
Guess they expect everyone to stream 4k+ tv series on their phones.
Nah, actually it's newer, shinier and pricier, hence more margins of profit for them without any big expense and without having to increase or improve services.
You can bill more for 5G compared to 4G just because 5 is one unit higher than 4, and sheeps in human clothing will happily pay more for it.
>Mine does
what country and what percentage
In november already.