>YouTube now plays ads right after another ad
Welp, I can't criticize adblockers anymore
YouTube now plays ads right after another ad
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ads are immoral and anyone who watches or makes others watch ads is harming themselves/others.
Now that's a big cat
because youtueb (google) knows chrome (google) is about to block adblockers
chrome is what? 90% of browser usage
normies will not switch as they don't even have an adblocker already
for you
Is that a snow leopard?
Have you considered killing them, with kindness or whatever?
>not just using youtube-dl
>normies don't use adblock
>t.never speaks to anyone outside of Jow Forums
everyone and their mother uses adblock at the very least
some time ago, youtube said that 45% of users used an adblock
laso youtube vanced for life baybee
>*based on a figure i pulled out of my prolapsing asshole
great work, faggot.
imagine supporting a shitty corporation like google and the corporate scum paying for ads? my fucking sides. what the fuck is wrong with people? hilarious thought. fuck google, fuck advertisers, fuck youtubers relying on ad revenue.
Youtube has an ad-free subscription plan. Therefore it is 100% immoral to use an adblocker because you actually have a choice whether to pay for the service in a different way than ads if you prefer that.
that's a big fucking kitty right there
haha I got this reference! have my upvote :)
>100% immoral to use an adblocker
fuck your morals, you pathetic corporate prostitute.
I personally also hate how advertisers are basically more and more controlling what kind of content you can even make, so that it's pretty much family friendly. How dare you say "fuck" "shit" "dick" "asshole" "pussy" in a video.
>I can't criticize adblockers anymore
>there are people who actually don't use an adblocker
t. degenerate
As someone who fixes computers I can assure you, they do not.
They actually teach how to install an adblocker in my old high school
Well that's probably just my experience.
I live in upper middle class in Europe and must people I know always talk about protecting their data and stuff, a great percentage of people under 40 use adbloclers, and an overwhelming majority does under 25 years of age.
You must not be angry at baneposting.
Your anger will do nothing but pollute your own thoughts, and baneposting is pretty innocent, it's not like it ruins boards, it's just two replies that aren't even bait or screeching for attention/(You)s.
What's the Jow Forums approved adblocker?
No one even try to install adblock on phone, this is why they will keep chrome even on computers
umatrix+ublock origin for cosmetic filtering+decentraleyes for CDN blocking
Lynx are badass. Ive seen one in the wild when I was younger in the cascade mountains of southern oregon.
My company is deploying PiHole+Adguard; blocking ads in the entire infrastructure
Yank out your NIC
But it is asking for (You)s
Lynx is singular, plural is Lynxi, btw
it´s because security reasons (YT ads have been tricked into serving malware with the ads, we´re getting lots of auto-downloads of -exe files just watching youtube).
Google refuse deal with that. I don't have anything against advertising, but I think it is irresponsible for Google allow exe files in ads. Not only have they handed over their revenue generation to someone else, but they have no control anymore.
That's just a scapegoat for mass-demonitization. Google just realized they have the mindshare and will never make Youtube profitable with the current system so they're just cutting off as many payments as possible. What are the creators gonna do about it? The only other viable monetization system for them is Twitch.
Nano Adblocker & Nano Defender, does far better then uBlock Origin (especially on sites with anti-adblock scripts)
Fur you.
oh fuck off. normies especially boomers are the type of people who will take great offence when you criticise their design choices of blue text on blue background with white-blue buttons. Normies do not know that android clears ram automatically and think that they need to clear ram using a 3rd party tool.Normies cannot write emails with formatting (empty lines and new spaces) and normies always manage to get viruses.
These people are sheep and they do not know anything that does not fit into their lifecycle of sleep, work, eat, sleep, repeat.I used to take great offence when listening to my commie friend talking how democracy does not work, but working and talking to normies has taught me that maybe the commie is right after all.
Ah, maybe, most people I'm actually subscribed to don't really complain about it and just have multiple sources like patreon, merch etc. and also just appreciate the views and stuff. Wish I had the money to give a little bit of donations sometimes. There are others however , some of which I never watched or stopped watching that would and still constantly complain about it, some even trying to promote their own retarded app alternative such as Storyfire.
Ads in general have been used for malicious acts nearly since their inception. They are the most common way for people to get malware so it makes perfect sense to outright block them for security.
Hello fellow comrade, you finally took the real red pill
I've told everyone I know about YouTube Vanced and Bromite
If normies don't have ad-block in the first place, why would they stop them on chrome?
Them fucking paws.
it's a telltale sign of a reddit immigrant, my newfriend.
make sure you buy 16gb of ram and that you pc is upto date with the latest cpu so you can surf the net and watch ads!
t. Cuckold
go fuck yourself retard, baneposting is /tv/
t. bootlicker
Someone get this hothead outta here
>be a corporate slave
>call others bootlickers
Please stop projecting.
Who the fuck doesn't block ads current year?
youtube has ads?
That's not the best part though.
>15-minute plus classical piece or a lecture
>get force-fed ads every 5 minutes
They're an heroing their own hegemony with this shit.
>my newfriend
>when you've probably started posting after 2012
looks like a canadian lynx
looks American to me
your both wrong its Russian