Desktop thread

I just want to look at your desktop, user.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-30 15-50-01.png (1366x768, 1020K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 2019-05-29-171642_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 499K)

why? so you can HACK me? heh, don't think so buddy B)

Attached: 1541446139356.jpg (2560x1440, 491K)

mine looks like thrash

Attached: 2019-05-30-133104_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 570K)



Attached: output.webm (1600x900, 1.71M)

Attached: ltsc.png (1768x992, 763K)

God tier distro, shit tier *fetch logo

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-30 15-26-39.png (3840x1080, 3.6M)

What is that program you're using for opening shit?

Attached: scrot2.png (1920x1080, 1.53M)

is this the new desktop thread

Attached: Bowsette is a qt.png (1920x1080, 1.62M)

Attached: 1496743685736.png (1920x1080, 1.45M)

Can I have that cat picture please?


Attached: bunny?.jpg (750x750, 98K)

Thank you, user.

Attached: Screenshot at 2019-05-23 01-44-01.png (1920x1080, 362K)

No problem! I hope you're having a great day!

Attached: IMG_20190313_002604_688.jpg (728x970, 89K)

Attached: scrt.png (1366x768, 141K)

I thought this thread was gonna be good. I was deceived by OP's cute cat.



anime website

Attached: yes, this is an anime website.png (490x512, 300K)

Neck yourself, pedo scum

oh hey look its general AI. the world is going to die soon. yay!

Attached: imdumb.png (1896x1081, 279K)

anime website

Attached: fb2.png (1920x1345, 2.55M)

Reposting mine because I'm lazy
what makes it god tier?
>arch + i3

Attached: shime_fetchy_0.png (2560x1440, 1.84M)

Attached: Bildschirmfoto vom 2019-05-30 16-09-18.png (1366x768, 517K)

Attached: 1548106191792.jpg (1500x1300, 725K)

looks like keypirinha

that's a fucking nice kitty, user

The launcher is a paid program called Listary. There is somethin similar that is free and open-source called Wox, and it integrates with Everything.

fellow Fedora user joinin' in.
>tipping Fedora, fren

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-30_16-19-20.png (1366x768, 849K)


>what makes it god tier?
Extremley customizable. Zypp is the best package manager IMO once you realize how it works. YaST is also the best linux utility to manage your computer btw.

Here is the same desktop, but with everything hidden.

Attached: wangblows.png (1768x992, 364K)

ok dude

Attached: Screenshot_20190530_073823.png (1366x768, 269K)


why are you even posting?

top tier post, +1, you're wellcome for the gold kind stranger

Attached: r2.png (1920x1080, 254K)


Attached: 1533035708907.jpg (1920x1080, 1.23M)

Every time I try ricing I end up getting back to something pretty generic. I just find it so comfy desu.
Be honest with me, Jow Forumsuys... am I a... n...normie?

Attached: before.png (1280x800, 115K)

Attached: 2019-05-30-105142_2560x1440_scrot.png (2560x1440, 921K)


Just your average Windows 95ag aesthetic fan. Dont mind me. Anyone know how to get rid of the grey boarder in Chicago95?

Simple but hey whatever works for you.
>Literally just gnome
How did Manjaro manage to make riced i3 looks so boring?
Based and cute pilled. What terminal is that though?
Easy on the eyes. VERY nice.
How are bowsettefags still around?
Why is the Windows 95/98/ME atheistic so awesome? How did you get that Start button?
Clean and minimal. I dont know, maybe its TOO minimal.
Hot. Best one in this entire thread.
What are those little desktop weeblets? Idk man...
Generic but useable.
You know what? It's fine. Good enough.
What's your dot files? I kinda like this.
Minimal yet useable. Me likes.

Attached: 1552335760605.png (2560x1440, 2.06M) Photoshop for anyone who wants it should just work but i haven't tried it on any other linux installs other than me main

very nice user

Attached: 2019-03-14-220055_1280x800_scrot.png (1280x800, 1.01M)

I know it is genereic, mr officer. Bu popOS! is great.

Attached: pop.png (1920x1080, 1.96M)

>The Onion Route

update your tor browser btw

Just be yourself user :^)

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-30 12-29-07.png (1366x768, 317K)

whats the difference between that and your usual ubuntu?

literally best desktop here, get on his level you faggots.

it's kinda hard to rice right with a shitty bleached out TN screen. How do you all do it? The colors here look great, but when I look at this thread with my phone later, it looks like shit.

Attached: colors.png (1600x900, 923K)

based manga alita

Attached: isac's fourth pc.png (1152x864, 614K)

good morning qties

Attached: 1559115214954.gif (1506x1004, 1.2M)

i have a shitty tn screen too
take your colourscheme from an image and it should look fine

thankyou user :3

Attached: 2019-03-05-071829_1280x800_scrot.png (1280x800, 447K)

irl colors

Attached: 2b464db0-2800-44cf-9c3e-6a2752cf8951.jpg (3264x1836, 876K)

afternoon ben
are those nuggies chciken or turkey dinosaurs?

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-10 17-05-52.png (1920x1080, 2.83M)


Posting in comfy thread.
Just installed Debian / Stable + XFCE
No bully pls


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-30_13-44-11.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)

Attached: cap.png (1920x1080, 3.61M)

take these pills and transform your life

i once was a xfce bloatnigger

hey what's the suckless way to change my wallpaper?

Attached: image2.jpg (2048x1534, 788K)

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-30 20-58-12.png (2646x1024, 2M)

Less bloat and some polished details that makes a difference.


My tendies are chicken
Sigh, cute.
hsetroot, I believe.

>dwm - Doesn't come with a simple configuration file; instead, you're supposed to edit config.h and recompile dwm yourself. At least they make an effort to keep the code well-commented and under 2000 SLOC. Not for beginners as they themselves claim to want to "keep the userbase small and elitist", though you might want to give this a shot if you know C and you're willing to hack into the source code.
t-thanks user, I'll uh, check that out

Doesn't really have to be an exotic riced desktop. The goal is to have a desktop that one has control over and doesn't fill one with dread.

Just get an IPS display. Worth it.

Not available for T420, can't find it anywhere.

i like arch linux. ya im not really a ricer but i like having a tile window manager i downloaded a few days ago so i can learn programming i dont care if its very basic it gets the job done.

Attached: screenFetch-2019-05-30_13-13-08.png (1366x768, 193K)

why would I install an image viewer to change my wallpaper lmao
i know x can already have wallpapers so it's bloat to randomly install a image viewer....

Attached: image1.jpg (1536x2048, 987K)

>modern day storage is like 20 dollars for a terabyte
>worrying about bloat
You linux niggers really are retarded. NO wonder you guys worship Richard Stallman you all have some sort of mental issues.

good shit

Attached: 1558973756109.png (1920x1080, 1.68M)

i just want to be suckless like my friends on Jow Forums : (

> 5918 packages
Are you all right OP?

every gigabyte of bloat is a gigabyte less of loli hentai

Don't worry about it true professionals use Mac OS. And anyone who is actually trying to get programming work done use Windows enterprise. Most all software is coded on windows the true hackers use Mac OS for unix interfacing. Most the people that use linux communist trannies who are mad that people develop for money and all the projects that had millions of dollars put into them turned out great.

what's the suckless way to set my wallpaper on xserver on macos?

Attached: DaVgwbVU8AERSLv.jpg (511x680, 75K)

I've never used Mac OS I use Windows 10 which is what most professional developers use. The nasa rovers telemetry and guidance systems were programmed and controlled through windows enterprise.

what's the suckless way to set the wallpaper on x server for windows Linux subsystem?

Attached: D3x5hYMWAAEBiL-.jpg (2048x1536, 391K)

>add to panel
>mate menu
>text none
>image pic rel

Attached: startbutton.png (54x22, 1K)

So i removed 100 or so packages what do

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-30 13-33-13.png (1920x1080, 1.27M)


Attached: 2019-05-30_08:26.png (1600x900, 582K)

True professionals don't use the linux subsystem there is no need when all the programming interfacing is written for multiple operating systems because its compiled at machine level. I've never used that nobody I know who is developer uses that mainly use github and cloud based hosting.

what's the suckless way to change wallpaper on cloud based github windows 10

Attached: IMG_20190527_090851.jpg (768x1024, 137K)

who dis

Back up your /home folder and reinstall Arch

This is the quickest and most painless way. For true suckless, back up your /home to another box and ssh into that box whenever files are needed, leaving your current metal as bare as possible.

but to answer your question best way is to use feh and edit your .xinitrc to load the script every time you start xserver. if your worried about feh been bloat then you have OCD or something weird and you'll never make it as a professional programmer because you have to download 1000s of packages and repositories to get jobs done. if your worried about downloading a little img viewer.


Cute umbrella.


usually write a systems script to change the wallpaper dynamically and clone/build the repo. most true professionals don't worry about backgrounds if you're worried about what your computer looks like in the first 5 seconds of loading you'll never make it as a professional programmer because we always have so many windows tiled we never see the background anyways.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-30_19-38-32.png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

I'd love to cum in her chink face desu.

my gf

why the fuck would I use feh which is an image viewer in a bassh script (bloat) to set my wallpaper
my distro comes with a default image therefore we know that feh is NOT required to set the wallpaper and installing image viewer is bloat
it's called suckless philosophy, Google it

Attached: IMG_20190527_092053.jpg (768x1024, 198K)

why would I need a script when windows comes with a default wallpaper and there's no script required for that to appear...

>using a distro with default wallpaper

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-26 at 8.10.47 AM (2).png (1200x1920, 299K)