Well fug. I thought that I wouldn't jack off today.
w-what does that look mean?
Cool now can we please us the photo realistic graphics on actual beautiful people?
and also animate them in a way which doesn't make them look soulless.... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THAT MUSIC?
i wish nvidia still made tech demos
I wish all pedo degenerates like you die
None were as cute as this one. There was the Goth remix ( youtube.com
No other demo girls could even get close to Dawn, so it didn't make sense to continue. Or close to Ruby.
Some of the official renders were lewd as fuck back then. Marketing was catering to horny teens without any inhibitions then.
better days
Sadly, the future is no longer what it was.
Why does it look like shit though?
>itt: zoomers
Normies had not invaded the computing market past office use yet. It wasn't filled with retarded SJW who will take down your company's stock if you do something they don't like.
it was a different time
Peak computing right here.
Old faps are sometimes the best. Too bad I had ATi at that time.
Because you are a faggot
Why are they so happy with Dreamcast graphics in 2002?
Schizo, lol
It's pretty cool but it's a low poly model with really simple shading and the background is basically a 2D texture. The hair is still pretty good though, so many gaymes have shit hair.
its a platform video game
The MadVR guy made a wrapper that made the demo run on Radeon 9800 etc. I tried it on x700 back then. When you renamed teh exe to Quake3d.exe or 3DMark2001.exe (joke relevant to then common driver cheating), it would skip rendering the petal/leafclothes. The original model had proper nipples.
more like people had the "nobody sees me on the internet" attitude and treated it as a another world, so embarassing stuff got pass.
We know what fairies are for.
>When you renamed teh exe to Quake3d.exe or 3DMark2001.exe (joke relevant to then common driver cheating), it would skip rendering the petal/leafclothes. The original model had proper nipples.
nah, SJWs existed already then, they weren't just as much online
>The original model had proper nipples
You have my attention
Well not much more to it, you renamed it, high quality nude fairy. They covered her genitals by a bit of the leaf panties texture - probably to prevent the underlying skin/goodies flashing through some model seam. So when the panties disappeared, it looked silly. I recall having a fixed nude texture from somewhere. I wonder if I saved those things somewhere, because things disappear from the web.
I suppose there should be some screenshots on the web.
>Dreamcast graphics
...meanwhile ps2 graphics circa 2004
Is she sleeping in garbage?
well, it had to run on GeForce FX. Those were not so good. Imagine something like a GPU with 32 stream processors running @ 350 MHz (but with worse IPC than today) and 8 GB/s of memory bandwidth (rough guesse).
All the resources were on the one character, obviously it looked much better than what you had in contemporary games.
>huge open world
Here's Dead or Alive 2, it had more on-screen than a single model and some shitty vines on the floor too.
Try with uncompressed full screen screenshots before comparing dicks.
I don't suppose you have seen the demo outside of the youtube vid (where all textures are wiped by the glorious compression).
>all the GPU power is spent on rendering a fairy thing and a piece of wood
we have come so far
It's the Dreamcast autism again lmao
Your piece of shit can barely do PS2 graphics and is completely outclassed by the GC. Hardware wise the Dreamcast is garbage.
>>huge open world
But how much is being rendered at once, and I picked gta because I've been playing gta lately ahah
>being rendered at once
Tracking all of those active objects took up a lot of memory, which the PS2 didn't have a lot of.
Those earlier consoles had a common pool of memory for video and logic processing so that's why.
looks like guitar hero 3 lmao
>no CUDA
>no classic fap
AMD keeps disappointing
Because she doesn't want you to do bad thing.
I don't know, what do you think moron?
See It was artificially limited to only run on GeForce for marketing purposes, but when they hacked it, it actually ran much faster on the competing Radeon 9700/9800. It was kinda embarasing for Nvidia, but GeForce FX was simply shit (I bet it still sold more than 9800/9700 tho, some things don't change).
I think you would need older GPU/drivers tho.
Yeah still doesn't work.
Now idea how old is needed. I last used that wrapped in probably 2006, Radeon X700. I guess I should try it again some time.
Seems there are two different wrappers, maybe try the older one (but probably not a huge chance to get it working): rage3d.com
>not the daddy issues version
>some anons here got hardons from her before some anons here were born
the future is not what I wanted it to be
This one was league above.
Someone post the nudes already. Faggots.
pedo website
I think she is sleeping in garbage
she's dreaming, grow eyes
This demo came with my nvidia 5600 I bought from Sam's Club back in the day, *Sip* good times.
Maybe its because even Crysis looked better and included a background terrain that didn't look like a fucking fish bowl AND it came out a whole year before the slut in the OP evidently did.
Looks like she is sleeping in garbage bro
>Crysis is a first-person shooter video game developed by Crytek and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows and released in November 2007
yes fagget
now go google up when GeForce FX came out
Crysis came out in 1997 along with Doom 3. what are you smoking?
Dawn came out with your mom, when 386 did.
there are unity asset flips look better than this tho
Back in 2001 there weren't
>tech demos are BS
>just realising this now
Have fun with the ps3 ones
This thread makes me sad. Faggot roasties, feminists and jews have really killed so much.
Its all do tiresome.
I'd say gamer "culture" just got full of shit and dumb memes and attitudes mostly with its own power.
This is why I always buy Nvidia.
No. Gamer "culture" got destroyed by popularization and normies and women.
"Nerds" for lack of a better term are beta cuckold pushovers so they bent over for the changing influence.
>Gamer "culture" got destroyed by popularization and normies and women
You think tru gamer spirit is some "no girls allowed" edgy virgin teen circlejerk? Sure as fuck not the future I wanted back then (2005).
>edgy virgin teen
Spotted the r*dditor. Next you'll say incel too.
Are you one that you are bringing it up?
>le reddit
yeah retard
>I don't like you, let's call you tumblr/reddit/something, that will show you
People that use virgin on Jow Forums with a negative connotation clearly are r*ddit.
people that try to tag people like that to feel safer or something are one of the dumbest things here
>tagging everyone as a virgin
there is nothing wrong with being a virgin.
if you exclude female "mobile phone gamers"
Women, fags and trannies are such a small demographic to market to in video games.
idk why the industry bends over backwards and tolerates their bullying.
indeed not, if you aren't at the same time dumb and shitty teen, which I was alluding to. Naturally virgin doesn't need to be both
I was one of the privileged few that saw Dawn for the first time ever in that suite at the Bellagio during COMDEX back in 2002, was fucking awesome in those days and a lot of stiff dicks happened (yes, men, we're simple creatures).
Even to this day Dawn is awesome and I still use the wallpaper (attached to this post).
The best looking 3D model used for Nvidia demos was Luna, however, always wanted to be able to rip that model data out of the demo but Nvidia used some encrypted shit format for it and nobody was every truly successful at ripping it sadly.
Gods that butt
Bless you user, I couldn't find the high res one anymore. Was the original always 16:10?
Yeah, that's the original one at 1920x1200, I have one I modified for 1920x1080 but it snips off some of the top and the bottom obviously.
I even wrote to the creator of the character, Steven Giesler (he also did the model creation for the movie "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within"), asking if he could provide a proper version of it but I never heard back from him. There are some additional shots of her at his website along with some others - the actual site seems to be down for some reason so here's the Archive.org link:
I would pay hard currency to get the original Dawn and Luna model demo in a form that I could use with Blender or Maya, I swear I would.
>having tgat demo done today, the creators/devs involved in the project would be acused of sexiam and probably fired at the request of sjws
Here's the 1920x1080 version I've used on occasion. Personally I can't stand 16:9 AR displays but unfortunately a good 16:10 one is very difficult to find anymore, sadly.
holy shit i remember messing with those nearly 20 yr ago
Aren't there some modern Dell Ultrasharps with 16:10?
Oh, I remember those shots. I wonder if I still have them burried somewhere from back then. Grabbed just in case.
Those use old 1920x1200 panels.
Oh, wasn't aware of this. Easiest solution is probably getting used to 16:9, but I really hope my 2560x1600 meme monitor will hold up a little longer.
> goth remix
> music is techno pop
Its nearly 20 years old
never underestimate youtube compression of game graphics (or well, anything)
Cunny Cove
Dat projection tho
ironically is racist now using a woman with tits as a product mascot.