How did this RGB shit become a thing again?
How did this RGB shit become a thing again?
Any color you want, as long as it's (not) black.
How are you this retarded? Just turn them off if you want black
why would you want black though? niggers are subhuman.
>non-uniform white
30 something childless numales with disposable income clinging into childhood.
>If only you knew how bad things would become
Mainly this.
.t 23yo boomer clinging to 2011
Because it's fucking awesome you prolapsed faggot I bet you use Apple unironically and pretend to like minimalism
Dumbest Generation children.
You can be minimalist and usable non, 2012 $80 mid range pc cases were awesome when it came to drive bays and good looks.
>5.25" bays
Throw away your floppies boomer
The 5.25 bays are awesome though, you can get hot swappable 3.5 inch bays and re-purpose an old desktop as a server.
It's fucking disgusting.
Gay pride
>what i don't want red LEDs all the time
>i don't want blue LEDs all the time
>no i don't want green LEDs all the time
>what the fuck is this rainbow shit just give me the red LEDs
>30 yo boomers that take everything at literally dumb-shit face value because they think it makes them "mature"
Because gaymen is a mental illness.
Backlit has some actual uses.
The extra light bleed around the key ruins your nightvision though.
>inb4 lel touch type bro
What about when you are eating or watching a movie and you want to pause it with K on youtube for instance.
You can click right on the key instead of going to the home row and over.
Lets say you are at work and you washed your hands and to save time you are eating a sandwich with your left hand and you begin work again to save time using your right hand.
If you try and type letters on the left side of the keyboard past the center you are fucked because you have no muscle memory and you have to glance a sec.
>inb4 but my lamps on
Sometimes you got to handle a remote patch at 4am bro.
Gooks started buying computers.
People sometimes have brains that work better by associating with colours rather than structures alone.
looks cool if you ask me desu senpai
Adding to this, that said the keyboard in OP's pic still looks rancid.
Imagine a keyboard where you could set the colour for specific keys though, like I could set the colours for white for letters, green for enter, yellow for space, blue for shift and red for delete and backspace. Then if i didn't like that I would change the settings.
Then I would use specific settings for specific programs.
That would be cool.
Obviously you would design the keyboard for as little bleed as possible. Perhaps you would make it dimmable too.