What are some Jow Forums approved books to read?

What are some Jow Forums approved books to read?

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The cathedral and the bazaar.

does android dream of online sheeps?

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no, that's iPhone.

I read this as the Catheter and the Bizarre

Ghost in the Wires was ok

Only other related books I read were Cisco portable command guides and they're amazing if you work with Cisco stuff


Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary

Anything else?


Dealers of Lightning
The Idea Factory
The Supermen

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I've found this one a very fun read user, tee hee.

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illuminatus trilogy

High School DxD

I've never met anyone, neither irl nor on any board here, who remotely understands that stuff on a "general understanding and ability to use in examples" level. If I didn't hate category-flavoured stuff so much it would be a great topic to study desu.

What are homo types? are they different to straight types?


Anything else?

How and why?


Because it's the only answer
Islam is a World Religion and it brings peace
Go into a mosque and ask for quaran, they will guide you to the needfull place

Haskell Programming From First Principles.

this picture is literally impossible, it is too perfect.

The Franklin Cover-Up by John W. DeCamp.

You both disgust me. Look at those hog sausage toes. Raise your standards.

OP you should read Atlas Shrugged

>who is John Galt
Foundation Series by Asimov


Ni/g/gers and pajeets can't read. They watch other niggers and pajeets on YouTube.

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ESR is a fucking hack who accomplished nothing and has probably done more harm to the free software movement than any other figure on earth.


>Programming book
No programming socks user?


12 rules for life

i prefer masou gakuen hxh

The Open Source movement is nothing but a bastardization of the Free Software novement, stripped of its real ), deeper goal, and transformed into a buzzword abused by corporations, so that they can play the part of the "good guys" by supporting it.

I prefer onichan daisuki ching chonk PxP

nice meme!

I prefer both of you to neck yourselves, you absolute fucking pedo degenerates

Anything by Neal Stephenson


Laws of Form

superintelligence paths dangers strategies

pick one

Camus - Myth of Sisyphus

to pay an oppressed minority card to get on diversity hiring quotas, silly

this but unironically

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low tier feet


C and unix books are worthless
enjoy your linked lists

low tier fetish

which of these are readable at all for Englishlets?

here comes the Rust army

Smooth looking legs muh dude.

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no, my complains on rust are countless and I don't believe resource scoping is a real issue

camus is pure garbage, one of the worst writers i have had the displeasure of reading.
DAF Sade
JK Huysmans
Louis Ferdinand Celine
Georges Bataille
all immensely better writers

I appologize your words infidel

>Camus is garbage
Elaborate plz

bumping my own question


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Why don't you read more books and find out what is good? Think for yourself.

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>comparing vs Sade
very funny

what you gonna do? burn me at the stake?

Slit your throat

I think it's a matter of his absurdist philosophy not working well with people.

Ok here's my hand:

Being and Time - Martin Heidegger
The Ego and his own - Max Stirner
Paradise Lost
The Master and Margarita
Augustus - John Williams
Memoirs of Hadrian
Chess Story - Stefan Zweig

My God, I'm surrounded by philistines and baby's first philosophy. Are you people really this ignorant?

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B-but I gave out my list above.

Quine and Watts,

Your list has absolutely nothing to do with Jow Forums, except perhaps Heidegger, and even that is kind of a stretch.

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Pic related.
In it is a story of some guy who during the 90s tech boom had a job where he did nothing all day. Also Knuth tells a story how during the summer break he wrote a compiler book for some computer the school was using, then in the fall he ended up in a class that was using his own book.

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Google Oregon Programming Language Summer School.
Each year comes with recorded lectures, they cover this stuff from the ground up.

The basic gist is:
-Type theory classifies programs according to their behavior, rather than their structure. Types are themselves programs.
-Type theory can be extended to higher dimensions where you can identify types and their elements. An identification is evidence for the interchangeability of two types in all contexts by computable transformations.

It's originally based from Vladimir Voevodsky‘s paper on the univalence principle, which spells out how two types can be equivalent. This is all done in algebra/topology then later done in category theory since it was more precise to work with for reasons of being able to compute shit.

HoTT is defined as a formal system, for proving statements in math, hence all the numerous NuPRL style proof assistants around based on higher type theory. So when you are reading HoTT you are learning how to build an abstract formal system in which to do math proofs that are usually impossible in other systems, such as set theory. In set theory you need pages and pages (possibly millions) of predicate logic and shit. HoTT you just write a program. However there's still problems, and now they're on to cubical higher dimensional type theory to work around said problems.

tl;dr watch the oregon summer school lectures and Harper's HoTT lectures to explain all this

this but ironically

what do you think underlies literally all of your high-level list types? a bunch of elves punting bits around?

fuck off back to webdev general. i look forward to your homelessness when the tech bubble inevitably pops.

Name one instance of Islam bringing peace. Just one.

...unironically this. He is more of a programming critic than programmer. All of the Unix OGs loathe the guy. The original larper, mayhap.

The Holy Quran

Allahu akbar

Object Thinking
The Linux Programming Interface
Coders at Work
Liskov's CLU papers
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant)
Demons (or literally anything by Dostoevsky)
Begriffsschrift (Frege)
Annotated Turing

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>Critique of Pure Reason (Kant)
I have this sitting on my shelf but can't bring myself to read it (its huge)
please inspire

The Culture of Critique is approved by all.


then why should I bother with books for children that teach nothing of software or algorithm design instead of reading books on advanced data structures?

pic related is the absolute minimum.

absolutely based

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if you read only one book on aesthetics, this should be the one

The Great Replacement

I, too, enjoy TPTB crafted literature where they suspiciously managed to avoid mentioning the real culprits of today's issues.

babby's first edgy radical

Name one instance of Christianity bringing peace. Just one.

I have this book somewhere on my stack of books. I need to get around to reading it.

J. S. Bell - Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics
D. Bohm - The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory

(go back by the way)

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Get the fuck out of here postmodern cultural Marxist cuckfag