/hpg/ /esg/ - Headphone General

No rest for the nostax incel edition.

Purchase advice:
>sound preference

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Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/61srehjyaltd7w0/Stax SR-009S.pdf?dl=0
dropbox.com/s/dm0m6u3s3b4zqzl/Sennheiser HD600.pdf?dl=0

for me it's bose

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First for SUMMIT FI

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On the go? Bose every time. At home? Has to be STAX.

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My koss porta pros died. Is there any other model in this price range better than those or should i just get another pair?

Depends. There's nothing quite like the portal in terms of form factor. But there's options for 50$. The superlux HD-330 Is a good open back that's great for jazz and gaming. You just need to replace the pads and headband but since it's a beyerdynamic chassis replacements are easy to get.

Unironicallly what a suitcase Chad would use.

Dead zombie general.

what’s listening with this afternoon, user?

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Which pair of headphones is the most effay?

Buy Stax

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Me? Stax.

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Just bought a THX-789 to resell to good goyim at a 150% markup while I enjoy my stax :^)

There is no audio general so I will ask here.
There is a high pitched noise that is very audible through my speakers when I play a sound in Windows, regardless of what is plugged into my pre-amp (when there shouldn't be any signal going to the speakers at that point).
I've attached a picture for reference. Please help and thank you in advance.
- Big Retarded Idiot.
files.catbox.moe/33ifwf.m4a (Recorded with my iPhone but you'll hear it after the mouse click).

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What's a good budget amp? The one I've been using for like 5 years is starting to fail (bad pot) and I should probably replace it but I don't have a lot of $$$ to spend right now.

Replace the pot?

Have you tried cleaning it? Hit it with some FaderLube.

Replace the pot faggot

Liquid Spark


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>up to ~300 USD
>closed, want as much isolation as possible
>neutral preferred, isolation is more important

Over-ear is strongly preferred since I use glasses, on-ear is too uncomfortable for extended listening. I've been looking around, and the DT 770 PRO seem like a good fit, despite the strong bass.

It's either a ground loop or a terrible integrated amp. That setup is janky AF btw. The fact that it gets louder when you switch bitrates makes me think that it's just shitt being shitt and shitting out shit products.

Save up for Stax

Just listened to the file and now I'm 100% it's not a ground loop. It's way WAY too high pitched. I'm betting on the modi being crapped out ( it was shit from the start anyway )

I motion to separate /esg/ from /hpg/ so us staxchads don't have to mingle with the nostax yottacels.
All in favor, give me a (you)

Every over-ear model on their website is open-back.

Yeah fuck off

Staxposters only shitpost. Don't listen to them. DT770 is a good fit indeed.

Look for used stax 4070

Dont listen to Beyers are basically shitposting for your ears.

Buy Stax


just waiting on my new stax now

Jelly, what model

the one made by koss you dumb nigger

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I can’t even afford nigger-tier koss estats

How should I spend birthday money?

on a handgun that you put in your mouth and pull the trigger on

Put it towards Stax

so what's the best on ear headphone? I'm planning to buy the 1More triple driver "over ear"

Buy a road bike

FUCK stax
FUCK anime

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Been using HD600 for 3 years, I love them but I want to sidegrade to something more fun with probably better soundstage and sub-bass. I know of K712 and HE-400i. Anything else? Please don't mention Stax, I'm poor.

Fidelio X2, then stax

Wtf stax chad not (completely) shitposting for once

it's just not the same without the seething samefagging nostax incel around

so I own an HD650, would it be chad to also get a dt770?
Seems like they would compliment each other nicely and cover opposite use cases and genres.

880 or something better

Sell the 650 and get an Elex instead

stax duh

I'm not paying $700 for hd650: more neutral edition
Those are nice, but I'd prefer something with more bass because that's really what the hd650 lacks.

TR-X00 (fostex)

fostex makes some good shit

That guy is based and redpilled. dont get the 7xx tho.

Damn, I might just get an optical switch and use its optical input for everything. I know that the optical-in on the Modi 3 measures well. I don’t know of any better $100 DACs though (if I were to get another I’d get the Cambridge Audio DAC Magic)
How exactly is the current setup janky though? PC -> iDefender -> DAC -> Headphone amp (pre-amp) -> Active speakers
I thought this was pretty par for the course (minus maybe the iDefender)

alright bros, I'll check em out

HD650 too veiled for me.

DT990 600 ohm is what you should look at. Strong treble, strong bass. Very different from the HD650.

>imagine buying cheap plastic and seran wrap and calling it hifi
lol stax are literally audiophool garbage

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>t. nostax incel

.t triggered stax incel

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Looking to upgrade after some good years with AKG k240

>flat or a bit on the bright side

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What should I get anons? Philips SHP9500 or ATH-M40X? For music listening, movies, prolly games too, and some lil music production stuff and minor mix? Both are within my budget range.


i haven't heard the m40x but i own the shp9500 and i've heard the m50x.
the shp9500 will rape you with the treble spike. trust me i've tried to mix with those.
m50x are supposed to be the like "djing" headphones but that's all they're good for. so those are out.
m40x are supposed to sound better but you need new pads, and i really can't be arsed to buy into chinkshit when koss ksc75 exist and sound much better, but they'll be bad mixing headphones.

You can usually find a pair of Hifiman HE-500s for $300 on the used market. There's not a single headphone on the planet in that price range that can compete with them. To find proper competition for them you need to be well north of $1000.

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This may speak the truth But you should still get Stax

I really like the Dekoni Blue mod of the t50rp if you're looking for a bassier/funner pair to compliment the more relaxed 650.

That's not sundaras

stax are like $400

With energizer amp ?

What’s listening tonight user?

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>falling to snake oil


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Me? Enjoying hd650 with Bottlehead Crack OTL amp.

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I just ordered an HD660S and it's arriving tomorrow, what am I in for after using regular headphones/earpods my entire life?. I've read some disappointing posts about them on these generals...

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theyll be fine ^.^
enjoy them anonalona

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>go to yodobashi
>has like 100 headphones on display
>only about 5 are working and capable of beinh connected to a working amp with music playing

So fucking stupid

It's a weird combo to be sure, but using a battery-powered source eliminates the electrical noise I was getting with this amp before. Obviously it's not as good as my HD-DAC1, but it's fun to screw around with.

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Working out to podcasts?

Buy Stax

Finally someone talking sense.

Im looking for closed around the $100-150 range. Any recs?
I listen to a lot of heavy bass music.

Why so many niggers ITT?

Mad because they can't afford glorious Stax


Sennheiser 569 any good?

no, buy stax

Replaced the pads on my ATH-A900X headphones
The old ones were so gross, left them on too long
Feels good now

yes, it's what i would usually recommend for closed around that price.
they're all-rounders though and i have no idea if there are better options for your preferences.

Ignore Buy Stax

Thanks m8 . May just settle for that.

I'm going to buy sr-007 and srm-d10 and there's nothing you can do to stop me.


Bought Stax

>tfw fell for the wireless gaymen headset meme
Fuck me. Now the power switch is worn out which causes the right channel to fade.
>tfw I deserve it

Rin is such a babe

Redpill on STAX for newbies: STAX is an old Jap company with outdated tech that was considered high end back in the 1960s and 1970s but sounds like ass by today's standards, so they went nearly bankrupt.

They were purchased by a Chinese company for just a million dollars who decided to market STAX to the audiophool "more expensive is better" demographic who buys those crappy $3000 vinyl players, they shill heavily on HeadFi and here on /hpg/. They also leveraged STAX's prior Japanese identity to market it to weebs, using Youtubers like Zeos.

>In December 2011, Chinese loudspeaker manufacturer Edifier announced the acquisition of 100% equity in Stax

Oratory has measured the highest end STAX, the SR-009S.

dropbox.com/s/61srehjyaltd7w0/Stax SR-009S.pdf?dl=0

dropbox.com/s/dm0m6u3s3b4zqzl/Sennheiser HD600.pdf?dl=0

It's worse than the HD600. HD600 scored 92 and SR-009S scored 76.

Rtings rated STAX across various dimension, it's worse in terms of sound than mid-priced offerings from Hifiman and Audeze, and only got a 7.7 rating.


In a separate study:

>The very highest end STAX ($4000 SR-009) was rated lower in blind tests than a $200 K701


Download the PDF of the study at: mega.nz/#F!3MFm1DrD!4GlU_vNtEeF148kZcQ05wA

To add insult to overpriced injury, they have shitty plastic build quality that you would expect on cheap chinkshit headphones:


Oratory (respected sound engineer) on the build:


Even best Stax headphones sound objectively worse than mid-fi. This is why they don't demo them in store, they rely on the internet to create a sense of mystique around STAX and shill it as the endgame because its expensive, Asian, rare and obscure. In reality its no bass sounding garbage, Made in China snakeoil for the audiophool.

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