School or prison?
School or prison?
nothing wrong with that
makes the turret targeting system more efficient
Orwellian nightmare
who gives a shit? they're not watching your take a shit or jack off.
if it were up to me i'd put cameras on every public street corner.
Based pseuds
>they're not watching your take a shit or jack off.
>he doesn't shit and jack off in the school hallway
Nice. Hope they will develop an algorithm to detect school shooters, right-wing activists, and other kinds of inappropriate people.
This but unironically
>i have nothing to hide so why would i care being spied on
you're in public, faggot, it's not spying.
>US public schools
you already know the answer
t. Chang
If you want privacy, don't be in an open, public space.
That is exactly what is happening
Anyone have the screen cap on the 4 or 5 points on privacy?
They very fucking first one addresses this issue
>oh no I have to act in a way that's socially acceptable while in public and take responsibility for my actions which are now provable instead of hearsay
>what a nightmare
well I mean they were already prisons before the oppressive surveillance. Isn't that the definition of a prison? A building where the government says "You must be confined in here and do what we say, and are punished if you aren't inside when we say you have to be"?
t. tranny
Nobody cares about your dilation, you'll be fine
>facial recognition
das racis
Whoa whoa whoa, you act like we live in a civilized society with a base level of expected order which allows us all to live together despite our private and personal differences
I mean schools in US have always been like prisons.
Metal detectors and body scans, guns and drugs, mass shootings. None of that happens in schools of first world countries.
>who gives a shit? they're not watching your take a shit or jack off.
when I was in jail they had cameras in your cell
>None of that happens in schools of first world countries
Are you retarded? Do you know what first world means?
don't break the law
there's a difference between being in public and being seen going somewhere/doing something by some, then forgotten and being seen and recorded every time you go anywhere, practically having a complete on someones steps
how mad are you that Chinese society doesn't have self-hatred issue like white liberals do?
you break the law on a regular basis. you likely commit several felonies a week without even realizing
>unironically being a bootlicker
>facial recognition
>but won't release footage cause it would make people racyss!
That's a myth. The guy who made that claim originally that "the average American commits 3 felonies a day unknowingly" had 0 data to back that statement up, it was pure conjecture and you fell for the meme, congratulations.
glorified daycare
Move to China
>Metal detectors and body scans, guns and drugs, mass shootings. None of that happens in schools of first world countries.
This. Or in any white country.
I commit three felonies a day on average.
this but unironically
rookie numbers
Why. Seems expensive and pointless. What benefit do you get from it? Schools already have lists of the students attending and they know all their faculty they hire. What random people are strolling around school that they need to identify? Schools are generally locked tight to outsiders now.
You could perhaps make a better case for it on college campuses where anybody can come and go regardless of whether or not they are a student but I think even in that case that's still not a good justification for it?
Do they just want facial recognition in schools so they can build start building a facial database which a.) ages with the student b.) will include nearly everyone since every kid goes to school for some portion of their life? Another plus being kids will be too young to question it when they start school and by the time they're older they'll just be used to it and will consider it normal.
Imagine being so fixated on not baning guns you spend millions and millions of dollars installing facial recognition systems in every school
>Another plus being kids will be too young to question it when they start school and by the time they're older they'll just be used to it and will consider it normal.
Seems like one of the more plausible scenarios. That or simply some friend who sold a contract to the company of a friend.
None of the shit makes any sense from security point of view; especially in a country too poor to fund schools.
Socially acceptable education-camps training serfs and wageslaves.
Bongoloid here. I was recently arrested for carrying needle-nose pliers in public.
this past week most of the u.s media were shitting and saying how bad the chinese system is and how it can exploit u.s citizens
now they introduce this
moral of the story
when you see us media shitting on something you know they are already doing it
united states of africa
>he needs daddy government to protect him
so do you put on your pants yourself, or do you let the government do that too?
In most of Africa it's not a problem to bring a pocket knife to school.
>Africans can go to school without stabbing each other
>Burgers can barely last a day without a mass shooting
What makes mutts so much more inferior?
school's have pretty much always been the same shit as a prison.
whenever I had gotten out of school and started working it was weird not having to ask for permission to go out buy food, go to the bathroom or take a break.
the issue is people don't understand that their freedom is at risk. people see it as "oh they will just use it to catch the bad guys" when in fact they will use this to essentially "spy" on everybody. If this system was simply security cameras I would probably not have an issue with it so long as the videos were only used for their intended purpose. however, once you start attaching biometric data to this it instantly becomes an attack on EVERYBODIES freedom. building up profiles on people by using surveillance is disgusting and should never be tolerated in ANY application whatsoever.
their government treats them like criminals so they start acting like criminals.
For what purpose?
They've had cameras in the bathrooms at the local high school here since the early 2000s. Evidently it was because there were drug deals and stabbings happening.
t. fatass
Are they surveillance or security cameras?
Take any of the Nordic nations, even somewhere like China that all amerimutts want to believe is second or third world has no problems with students stabbing each other. Other places you think is shit like eastern Europe is fine. America is an absolute shit hole and you all are too indoctrinated to see it. Even India has safer schools than you. Talk about being shat upon.
>Force your subjects to go to school, allowing you to indoctrinate all of them and build profiles on them, biometric and otherwise, to quickly quell dissent among your subjects.
Statists please kill yourselves.
>even somewhere like China that all amerimutts want to believe is second or third world
So, no, he doesn't know what these designations actually mean.
>the media is the same thing as the school districts
based post
include antifa and nigger gangbangers and we are set
School is prison. Its prisonment of kids to give them brainwashing from cat ladies and nigger diversity hires.
That's the most söy I have ever seen in one post holy shit terminate yourself
Crying about "1984" is pure onions and something only numales do. Do you think Chad gives a fuck about mass surveillance? no.
Prove me wrong.
nice post newfag
But it's not like it's better in Africa. Or even fucking Russia. There is clearly something about Burger culture or the lack of it that makes a solid bit of their population act the way they do.
that isnt what a prison is.
The endgame of this facial recognition tech is to profile people by their facial features. Analyse enough faces and the data will tell you which students are gay. Which students are suicidal. Which students are criminal. Which students belong to certain religions. Which students are incels. From this you discriminate, just like the Nazis did with their racial purity laws. It's atrocious. Does no one in these tech companies have any historical knowledge or any basic morals. Anyone?
And fix the fucking site I still can't upload images because of some random range ban.
>enforce discipline and ensure social order
If it wasn't literally fascist before you just made it that way
I can't imagine having parents that despise me enough to send me to a daytime orphanage just so I "learn social skills" with the other drug-addled inmates.
>R*ddit spacing
>From this you discriminate
Not necessarily. Arguably this system could be used for the purpose of taking reasonable preventative action against latent criminals. But trusting that it won't be used for orwellian purposes is like trusting that your tax money won't go into the pockets of corrupt bureaucrats. It simply gives too much power to the one controlling the system for it not to be abused, whether it be for blackmail or for data selling.
And this is why you're here now.
>latent criminals
>punishment before a crime has even taken place
>preventative action against latent criminals
That actually takes manpower and money. Besides it's not like you need fucking cameras to catch someone doing a crime.
Attempted murder/robbery/fraud is still a crime. It could just be used to keep a close eye on those displaying suspicious behaviour and apprehend them just before the crime is committed.
You mean like how the latest US school shooter was flagged on all these different watch-lists and reported by numerous concerned citizens but nobody stopped him? Yeah I think we'll have to deal with that problem sooner or later, orwellian surveillance or not.
>who gives a shit? they're not watching your take a shit or jack off.
Remember when filming kids was considered creepy? Remember when Snowden revealed that almost all of the surveillance network was being abused by third party contractors who commonly would use it to spy on neighbors and ex's?
Now they can see your kids. Think about that when you go back and read the article about how his co-workers used to jack off to 'private' skype calls.
You are fucking retarded
>You mean like how the latest US school shooter was flagged on all these different watch-lists and reported by numerous concerned citizens but nobody stopped him? Yeah I think we'll have to deal with that problem sooner or later, orwellian surveillance or not.
You could not propose a system which can accurately catch 'school shooters' and not net hundreds of people performing perfectly mundane tasks that are non-threatening in the least.
You always hear "BUT THERE WERE SO MANY REPORTS ON HIM" before someone goes crazy, but there are thousands of reports on hundreds of people, everywhere you go.
The point of Minority Report is that the Minority Report future is only possible if you have literal magic future-seeing technology. You cannot replicate it outside of a world which can only see clearly through hindsight, because hindsight is 20/20.
Otherwise, you create a fucking nightmare trying to grasp at straws that you cannot count the number of and you cannot track benefits it gives your population. It's entirely speculative bullshit which is to be taken with a grain of salt.
>but nobody stopped him
Well, ideally even before that. How many people would shot up schools if they had a reliable support net available that isn't some bored school therapist who wants to go home already. Then there is still the whole stigma of therapy, bullying, prisons basically being colleges for criminals and whatever else.
And yeah, there isn't much of a infrastructure to deal with reports unless something is going on already. Happens a lot with stalkers too.
You are being supervised all the time in school anyway, and there are already cameras and everything. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this, if you are doing anything other than studying on school, you don't deserve to be there.
>he thinks school is for studying
You'll never make it.
>all the replies
They really got mad, didn't they? And not a single argument, just ad hominem kek
The ones that don't study are the ones that never make it. I'm on college and already getting called to do researches and stuff just because I'm top of my class.
It is important to start normalizing certain systems since early childhood. Older working population still remembers the old days with concepts like morality, privacy or god forbid certain chapters from history books describing various crimes against humanity done by the very goverment which swore to protect its citizens against such atrocies.
Young people and children have no such memories. Whatever they will see doing the people around them and in school will be considered normal by them. And its perfect step because many adults have mindset
>if it isnt my problem, i dont give a shit
so it will almost certainly wont meet any resistance whatsoever ( perfect example). Its perfect and you have no way to reverse this. Welcome to "democracy". Next step is to make register of good boi points which will start at school next to getting good grades and then without anyone noticing extend it to the adult life.
And remember
>nothing to say
>nothing to hide
>nothing to protect
Just pay taxes. Its very important to pay taxes.
Pic related. I hope you dont want to break laws about illegal demonstrations. That would be very bad for your credit score goy. Have you filled your tax form this year yet?
>First public school in the U.S.
Wow... welcome to 820 years ago.
You got arrested? was it your first offense? I got a ticket for carrying scissors.
I would finally benefit from being a good citizen. Nice. Hope this idea spreads.
I never studied a day in my life and graduated Magna Cum Laude. God, in high school I didn't even do fucking homework after sophomore year and still netted #3 in the class. Studying is for fucking retards who can't remember something they've already been taught even when prompted with obvious hints.
>most of them won't even get a job as good as the guys who check them for guns/knives/drugs anyway
Why don't we just allow people to drop out after 16 again?
Well they're both learning environments. In prison you learn that the opinion of the guy holding the shank might be worth reconsidering before you do anything rash.
>all those benefits including tax breaks
Moving to China right the fuck now
why not both
Because No Child Gets Ahead. Can't let the kids who can't even spell their own names feel bad just because the bright kids learned algebra before high school, now can we? All we can do is force them to keep going until everyone graduates at the same retarded level.
>The ones that don't study are the ones that never make it.
I never studied and I make 10x more than the majority of my friends. There's a saying in language learning, "when you know something, you know it". The same is basically true for most concepts. If you could deduce it once, you should be able to do it again. Repetition, memorization, and the rest associated with studying all seem like a waste of time, if not detrimental. It's almost like people who blame poor memory on their reliance on technology to account for everything for them. I wonder if people who study can be useful when they stop studying, or if they're reliant on constant reinforcement. Apply knowledge when needed, not constantly imo.
I suggest you to watch few uni classes from (macro)economy on youtube. If there is a system which promises to reward a certain group of people, this group has to be notably smaller than the rest of the population. Aka to pay social benefits to unemployed, majority has to work and pay taxes. Simple principle, isnt it?
So for any system to actually reward "honest citizens" (whatever the fuck that means), it has to be set up in a way majority cant reach on these rewards. Otherwise it will collapse in one way or another.
In eastern europe the only people who ever seen benefits during communism regime were the few who snitched on their coworkers / beighbors and recieved various prices for cooperation. TLDR: average people will never ever see any real benefits, it will only work as addition windows 10, but this time for real life. And to silence people with wrong thinking.
Stop cheating in online games and maybe you won't get snitched on nigger
I thought school was out by now?
>schoolshooters BTFO