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how is this a bad thing?
how is this not a good thing?
how is this a thing?
This is literally what normans want.
because future windows is going to be a toy like chromeos
*reserves another 30GB on the system drive*
heh, nothing personel, goy, it's for your own good.
which is linux.
are you saying linux is a toy?
This sounds pretty good for your average user. Keeps shit up to day without being annoying.
This is what everyone wants. Even in Unix people love live kernel patching if they can have it. Does anyone like rebooting their machine for any reason? Let alone software updates. Fuck that.
In what ways is ChromeOS a "toy" in your opinion?
hows the thing?
NT strong.
Why would you want updates that you don't approve of and don't know what they do being applied in the background?
Why would I want to manage my operating system? Why do you think people paid SUN, HP, MS, Apple, et al.
Do you want to be a sysadmin for free? Do you want to be a sysadmin at all?
Most people don't care to approve them. In fact, most people wouldn't want updates anyway, so if Windows can keep shit up to date without your typical user even realizing something is happening, that would be awesome.
Enjoy you mobile os cucks
Especially for developers. Fucking dumb fucking XP and 7 users complaining about things that have been fixed for years in newer WINAPI versions.
I don't want to support your legacy shit. MS developers themselves are fed up with it.
I have been saying how embarrassing the state of desktops are when compared to mobile. Reminder that Windows didn't ship with a package manager until 10.
Android has had this since day 0. The state of package management on desktop distros of Linux where laughable for a very long time. And that's just 1 component of a system. There's more.
It's about damn time people started treating what used to be the majority market, seriously again.
Gotta have some space for candy crush goy
Nothing wrong with a bit of a forced update goy
What's that? You need to shut down your laptop and go now?? Well too bad here's an update that takes 30 minutes
>Just a second we will be done shortly
>Finishing some things for you
>Almost finished goy :) gettings things ready for you ;)
>Something went wrong.
>There's more
Capability based permissions that are actually used and in fact standard/common on the platform.
Suspend and resume is required to work.
Spotted the butthurt freetard
Ironic that they don't realize this is a update method invented and used by freetards
Network aggregation and failover is set up automatically out of the box.
This is great. I already use automatic background updates in Fedora SilverBlue. All you do is restart your computer whenever you feel like it and you boot into the updated system. There's practically zero extra waiting time that you would normally see with vanilla Fedora or Windows. And unlike unattended upgrades distros like Ubuntu have, you can reboot any time you want with no chance of a broken system.
Windows 10 sucks but android has taken a nosedive in quality with Pie and my guess is that the downward trend will continue for the foreseeable future.
Android started being shit UX-wise since v7 or 8.
Apart from excessive whitespace, I actually really liked nougat (7), but I agree with you that it started going downhill from 8 onwards.
And yet, ironically enough, it doesn't happen without the user's knowledge, and doesn't happen without their consent. Unlike Windows. I wonder what, then, that freetards are complaining about? Could it possibly be something other than the very existence of the system in and of itself? Nah.. Couldn't be! ... could it..?
I wish I could act like that wasn’t a good thing, but I’m a normie. I’d rather my computer just stayed up to date rather than having to pick and choose what updates I want to apply like I’m going to sit down and think about the implications of them. Thus far my best defense has been “this just got pushed out, here’s how you disable it.” If I was more Jow Forums I’d install gentoo or some shit, but I honestly just want to play video games with a mouse and keyboard and watch porn, and I make more money being a corporate windows drone than I would learning and running Linux machines.
>this is a update method invented and used by freetards
Wrong, retard. Chromeos may be open source, but it is not freetard by any means.All updates are optional in true Linux.
>Unfortunately, an unknown error occured
>press OK to reload error dialogue box
>it doesn't happen without the user's knowledge, and doesn't happen without their consent
Are you retarded? What is SUSE, what is Redhat. The entire point is to be unobtrusive. Not to mention you're acting like users having to know, monitor, review, and apply updates to their system is somehow a good thing.
Why should updates be optional? What are you NOT accepting as part of an OS update? It's not security updates, it's not performance updates, and I highly doubt you're micromanaging kernel driver modules manually. You luddites slow progress and are the reason we can't have anything nice for multiple months to years because developers need to wait for everyone to accidentally update one day.
>Why should updates be optional?
So you can review and decide what gets installed.It's a gesture of respect and an act of trust.
how soon they will give users no control over the system
>Look, I know it says that my job is maintainer but can't you maintain your own distro?
How respectful of my time. An act of trust is expecting your OS authors to not fuck the OS when they do their own reviews. Which, while different for all distros, is typically public, audited, and peer reviewed for a long time before the decision is made to push it.
I repeat the question, what updates specifically are you denying and why?
>control over the system
It solves almost nothing as long as you can install whatever software you like.Software security is arguably impossible to manage in a system like Wangdows.
you are retarded. eat shit and die
What a convincing argument, surely I'll change my mind now. Just kidding, I don't even know who you are and your post has no substance. Make a point and I'll consider it, otherwise fuck off.
*laughs in Kubuntu*
>I repeat the question, what updates specifically are you denying and why?
I never said I did deny updates, yet. But there are packages I've been leary of, and have removed in the past, after learning about previous security issues. VLC was one of them.
you really know someone has absolutely 0 response when they react like this
>a world without pretentious faggots not wanting to install the latest updates
God, it'd be beautiful.
He's right though, you are a retard, and you should eat feces.
Elaborate or your posts have no effect. Not to me, and not to any other reader of the thread. Make a point. You're anonymous, what are you afraid of saying.
jesus christ
Trolling this bad should warrant permabans
Arguments against updating your OS so far:
Doctor: You're clearly insane.
Patient: Nope. Prove it!
By law they have to, that's the entire point of the profession. Was this supposed to be a good analogy?
Wait, so everything a doctor says is magically true?
I claim you're retarded and I don't have to prove it. Is this fair?
nobody is against updates. they are against losing yet another level of control over their systems. ok?
wtf i pseudoscientific headshrinkers now?
No, very much not ok. Why is "control" inherently a good thing in this context.
We're not speaking in analogies, the topic is clearly defined. I don't want maintenance control, I don't want maintenance period. I'm trying to find out why you would want that. Why shouldn't the system manage itself? Why even elect people to create and produce the system and updates if they can't be trusted. If they can't be trusted why are you using the system in the first place?
None of this makes any sense to me whatsoever. It reads like paranoia but with even less basis.
>Wait, so everything a doctor says is magically true?
Wait, so everything some faggot says on Jow Forums is magically true?
Yes, I, as in me. And you, as in you. What could you possibly be confused about.
I'll repeat it for the third time now.
>I'm trying to find out why you would want that.
Are you incapable of explaining it?
That's a complete non sequitur. Why don't you stop being retarded?
>Nope.Prove it!
Brainlet tier reasoning. There are numerous examples of updates breaking things or even deleting files in the case of Windows 10. The end user is ultimately better left with the decision of whether to update or not due to reasons like that alone. Coupled with the fact that forced updates can also remove features that you would like at a whim and it becomes very easy to prefer manual updates.
Now that I've dismantled that very retarded argument stop baiting this thread and kill yourself.
>1 vendor made 1 mistake that affected 1 user
>the whole methodology is bad now
Redhat has been doing this probably longer than anyone else and I've never seen a complaint.
Having an IQ this low should make you candidate to lethal injection.
Precisely. How long was the October update held back? Like, 4 months? Oh, and how many people got fucked over before Microsoft decided to take action? Mr. Proof-me is a piss poor troll.
i should decide who lives and dies
It seems you got caught in the undertow, m'lady.
You agree forced updates have consequences so why are you still debating? Like I said, I would rather have to power to decide updates vs. risking the chance some pajeet fucks up the code and ruins my day.
I agree.
>And yet, ironically enough, it doesn't happen without the user's knowledge
Yea it does
>the unstable channel is unstable
Microsoft themselves says this about the insider builds and explicitly tells you updating from insider to retail is not gauranteed to work. I don't think this is a fair point in the slightest.
Microsoft hasn't had an official QA team for quite some time. The insiders are the QA. Updates can break things.
You talk like a fag
Prove it or get out of this thread.
Why should I care?
This isn't Reddit, I'm not going to say "we" in its place because I don't speak for you or anyone else here. I suggest you learn your independence and learn how to discuss with others. It's very basic communication, I ask you for your opinion, and the 2 of us discuss it. Lurk more I guess.
>This isn't Reddit,
Exactly, but it seems you got lost and landed here anyways.
the point the poster you're replying to is trying to make is that everything you're talking about is *your opinion* and nobody gives a flying fuck about what *you* think about this
Just letting you know you're projecting this real cunty, confrontational superiority-complex kind of energy. I'm not involved in the discussion, just a neutral observer. Just throwing it out there, take it or leave it
If you go back through the reply chain, I think you'll understand why that is.
Doctor: You have McButthole disease and the only cure is to consume my semen straight from the source.
Patient: Okay, I believe you without asking for any evidence.
Also to address the actual topic, just because you don't want to approve or reject updates manually doesn't mean lots of other people don't wamt to, you 1984-tier robot
Any experimental, innovative OS that makes you wish for a traditional OS when you want to to real work, is a toy OS.
1. It shows that Windows 10's concept as the definitive Windows version ended up failing
2. modern Microsoft are retarded when it comes to optimization, so I can easily picture these "background updates" eating 50% of the CPU, and you can't turn them off
3. le spyware memes
I'm a techlet and not sure if I need to start a whole thread.
Is the claim that edge uses less battery on surfaces true?
Is YouTube sabotaged in edge or can I fix it?
I hope you realize we're on a forum. Specifically the technology board where people discuss technology.
See there it is again, goddamn you're a faggot. Go away
What makes Linux not traditional? Where's the line, Multics, Unix? This is absurd.
>people that don't have real jobs
What's the probleeemmmo
>people that have real jobs
Oh shit they are going to break stuff and not tell us.
This shit already happened with office 365 and TLs 1.2 , they pulled the plug before the date they announced and fucked tons of VoIP services scanners and email servers.
>An act of trust is expecting your OS authors to not fuck the OS when they do their own reviews.
Experience has shown that they often fuck up.
At least I'm on topic and don't devolve into personal ad hominem. Maybe Twitter is a better site for you.
Kill yourself faggot
The issue is that you're a narcissistic retard who can't see things from anyone's perspective but your own. Better run upstairs to mom, I think your tendies are ready
The point is, the insane are incapable of seeing that they are insane. Insanity is a lack of reasoning. Autism and retardation apparently lack reasoning, too.