/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

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$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

Attached: 1514417490756.jpg (1024x1347, 602K)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for freetards are dildoheads
based dildoheads

Second for first is wrong.
This post can’t be countered

Third for Debian Stable + Xfce is maximum comfy.

I'm working on a script that opens or reloads specified document in mupdf. It that can be used in
1) Makefiles for pdf, for example
PANDOCFLAGS=-V geometry:margin=1in

pandoc "$(INPUT)" $(PANDOCFLAGS) -o "$(OUTPUT)" && mupdf_open_or_reload.sh "$(OUTPUT)"

2) Terminal, to open the file quickly.
I have the script aliased as mup for quicker use.

if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then
echo 'USAGE: mupdf_open_or_reload.sh '
exit 1

# get filename w/o extension
filename=$(basename "$1")

# get $PID of existing instance
PID=$(pgrep -u $USER -xf "mupdf.*$filename")
if [[ -z $PID ]]; then
# start mupdf, wait for the window to be created
mupdf "$1" & disown
sleep 0.1
# make window visible in case it got stuck under other windows, adjust to screen height
#xdotool windowraise $(xdotool search --pid $PID) key H
xdotool windowraise $(xdotool search --name "$filename") key H
# make window visible in case it got stuck under other windows
#xdotool windowraise $(xdotool search --pid $PID)
xdotool windowraise $(xdotool search --name "$filename")
kill -s HUP $PID

There are three issues with the script:
1) windowraise doesn't seem to work on KDE and I don't want to use activate or focus, as it'd make no sense to my use case.
2) I'm using way too many tools, I feel like it could be improved significantly. You can see the 3 commented lines I wanted to use instead of xdotool search, but for some reason they don't work with mupdf.
3) sleep 0.1 is just dumb, it may or may not work
I'm looking for directions on how to fix / improve it.

I'm trying to make Conky display the number of unread messages in my email inbox. I have a Conky object that represents that number, and I can make it display "0 unread messages", "1 unread messages", "2 unread messages", etc. What I would like is to make it say "message" instead of "messages" when there is only one. That is quite a common occurrence, and the poor grammar is not very aesthetic.

Conky allows you to run Lua scripts from within the configuration file that can do processing on Conky objects, and I could generate the correct output that way, but I do not know how to feed it back to Conky. The Conky documentation suggests writing directly to the screen from the Lua script using Cairo, but Conky will not compile with that feature enabled.

Conky also includes an object that displays the output of any program, but I don't think that Lua scripts run this way have access to Conky objects, and thus there is so simple way for such a program to know the number of unread messages. If it was possible to pass a conky object to a script as input that would solve my problem, but I have not been able to figure out how to do that.

It seems that I can either get the necessary info into a script but not out of it, or vice versa. Does anybody know what I should do?

This, freetards are not based. Fuck freetards, acidic fucks. Glad there are people like you who speak the truth.

while no mupdf window; sleep; done

Just got a job as a redhat sysadmin; what are the essential resources

install debian

Existence is suffering.

Attached: A52E9801-23E4-4ACA-A9A7-37161DF808D8.jpg (1080x1080, 165K)

based existential kotposter

>finally have some money
>dont actually want the money just doing work to get family off my back
>decide i want to just donate to fsf and arch linux
>fsf donations page is a dickwaving contest, doesn't feel like its actually appreciated when higher payers for some reason get special treatment like they were buying shares or it is a patreon page or something which sickens me
>arch linux donations dont even really go to them despite me actually wanting to SUPPORT THE DEVELOPERS by giving them some fucking fun money, it "goes to server costs" fuck you

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ReText's fakeVim mode has this nifty thing where the current command is shown on the bar. Is there a similar config setting for Vim's Airline or any of the statusbar plugins?

Attached: input.jpg (115x49, 3K)

Im trying to install Oracle JDK 8 on Linux Mint 17. But no matter what I do I keep getting:

Unable to locate package oracle-java8-installer

I've added the PPA but I can't locate a JDK package. Im trying to run ubooquity.

>kdenlive is mostly singlethread
When are they going to get their Krita renaissance? PUMP MONEY INTO IT AAAAAAAAAAAA

Attached: (Guberman) Dating a Team Magma Grunt (Pokemon) [English] (Ongoing) NEW!! Chapter 08.zip-125_CH_08_2 (690x369, 66K)

you added the ppa and updated your apt repos with sudo apt update right?

Is KVM worth setting up, or should I just stick with virtualbox?

literally just install qemu and run it with -enable-kvm

Hey Jow Forums, what's the best lightweight and user-friendly distro for daily use?

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Depends, if ur not gonna be throwing a bunch of cool stuff on it, probably debiandog. Even an idiot can use it.

Best lightweight distro for a power user is an impossible question, though. I have not found one myself yet.

here are the list of my on going issues:
steam client STILL requiring me reinstall/purge to get stop it from stuttering
Thumbnail images take forever to load even though I am using a NVME
Firefox for whatever reason stutters when I am typing sometimes
still not easy way to shortcut upload a webm

unironically arch

Attached: tryguix.png (320x100, 75K)

arch linux. im new and figured it out. the hardest part is debugging everything once you get it set up. for instance downloading wifi utils and connecting to wifi, my mouse didnt work the touchpad wasnt functioning etc.

what's the best looking dock for KDE?

docks are for fags


What is the best distro for an absolute retard that can't into tech, and just wants things to WERK while he slowly figures out how to master the black fingolian magic of LUNIX.
xubuntu? tried gnome once and hated it.

Attached: gobborin.jpg (1200x1158, 344K)

>tried gnome once and hated it.
You're out of fucking luck, there is no hope for you. On a serious note, try Ubuntu or Fedora with KDE.
May I ask why you didn't like GNOME? I don't love it, but find it useful after tweaking it a bit. It just werks.

Is there a way to keep logs of the terminal inputs outputs?
Something like the history command, but that also keeps records of the outputs and errors.

The official japanese goblin distro is Guix System

Attached: GuixSuikaDistribution.png (1212x1374, 1005K)

Since when does mpv support vaapi on wayland? Is this an error? CPU usage is higher decoding the same video on wayland than on x11, but still lower than disabling hwdec completely.
not a KDE user, but I know a lot of people use latte dock.

Attached: Vdy5FE.png (641x321, 57K)

>Stop using ls in scripts.
>Quote your variables.
>Always read with -r.
Why did you even reply? I made a quick example to ask about clearcache not changing outside the loop, not any of this.

Trying to use xwinwrap, but mplayer goes over all applications instead of behind.
Any ideas?

xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- mplayer -loop 0 /home/user/wallpapers/'wallpaper.mp4' -wid WID

Gnu project
Lets encrypt


Xubuntu or kubuntu.
Nobody likes gnome.

What are the benefits of using Debian over Ubuntu?

I have Debian but the resolution is all fucked and has other problems.

Xubuntu or Ubuntu Budgie. Both are stable and absolutely fucking stellar. Don't listen to anyone else because they're retarded and this community always looks to me first when making decisions.

all developments are done in debian
ubuntu devs don't do jackshit

What to do if i want to keep SOME folders in home directory on another drive.
For example i want /home to be in /dev/sda and /home/user/Documents and /hpme/user/Music both point to /dev/sdb
Creating different partitions for them would suck

what the fugg is happening when I startx (gnome)

Attached: IMG_20190531_212915.jpg (3418x2863, 1.22M)

ln -s

what the fugg is happening when I startx (gnome)

Attached: IMG_20190531_212915.jpg (3418x2863, 1.22M)

default debian settings kinda blow, always had problems out of the box with it that distros like void and arch didn't.

post ~/.xinitrc file

So I installed WoW through Lutris and when I launch it, Battle.net doesn't launch, it crashes.
However if I disable DVXK it works but the performance in WoW is really bad.
Is there a way to disable DVXK for Battle.net and have it enable for Wow?
Or does anyone know a fix?

its just the default with the gnome config bit at the end

Attached: IMG_20190531_214413.jpg (1200x2633, 702K)

>those xterms
That doesn't look right. You sure you didn't modify it?

GNOME is seriously good, I've got no idea why anyone wouldn't like it.

TOP KEK fucking dickhead

Did you write the file yourself? Or did your distro generate this?

urxvt fucking sucks, it's hard to get the symbols working properly on my font, are there any alternative for lightweight terminal?

suckless st

fresh arch install, xorg-server and gnome. only wrote the last 2 lines

im not touching anything made by them except dmenu

buzzword. just use a multiplexer and any vte-based terminal. i recommend tmux+termite.

way too minimal thus lacking in features that you need patches to make it usable. so why even bother.

t. uriel

by lightweight im looking for something that instantly pops up when i press the hotkey, i'll try termite


i dont lurk this general or this board long enough to know who that is

Hey Jow Forums I'm tired of Linux, can you help me install Window 10?

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why is ricing while high so comfy?

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I think I found the problem.
"Call from 0x7bc8f981 to unimplemented function vulkan-1.dll.vkGetInstanceProcAddr, Aborting"

how i change ownership of directory? trying to build a package but it say you do not have write permission there?

holy shit termite just fucking works out of the box, thanks user

hello if i build where should i put that directory in after the package is built?

Can someone tell me (or point me in the right direction) how stuff like gimp/firefox/gpaste/copyq puts images into the clipboard? The problem I have is that when using xclip -sel c -t image/png image.png everything works fine if I paste into something that expects images(gimp/some upload site) but when I paste it into the url bar in firefox it just pastes the raw data but when I copy an image in firefox it won't paste the raw data no matter what, only the image if that's the desired behavior. I know that stuff like firefox copies more stuff (pic) and xclip creates only the image/png object but is there a way to "force" xclip to do that?

Attached: file.png (208x339, 43K)

Hi /fglt/,
OS: Arch.

So I wanna backup my start-menu and start-menu settings.
Which folder holds these settings?


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It's hard to escape the conclusion that the FOSS movement is falling further and further behind the hardware in popular use. Coreboot and libreboot only work on decade-old motherboards, free wifi firmware is also only possible on ancient hardware, etc.
GNU/Linux is worse on laptops than on desktops, and almost non-existent on phones, with a clear decline in its relevance year on year as laptops replace desktops and phones replace laptops. The Gnome devs are apparently more interested in making a laptop seem like a smartphone than in actually adapting to smartphones.

Will Linux even exist in twenty years time, outside of a small community of hobbyists still tinkering with Thinkpads from 2011?


Got a Raspberry Pi to try to run as a hobby webserver and DB.
Except neither MariaDB or MySQL have update-to-date builds for Debian/ARM.

Trying to decide whether to downgrade my SQL to make it compatible with MariaDB 10.1, or just run my desktop 24/7 instead.
I guess Linux development on ARM isn't as progressed as I though it was.

>free software movement
>Coreboot and libreboot
not sure if stupid or trolling

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I was waiting for the mascot to accidentally btfo him

nice try jack

Is there a software that I can use to stream music from my PC to my phone with Lineage? I know Spotify does this but I have a lot of tracks that I can't find on there.


mpd + a lineage client.

My guess is that in your example firefox would copy the url, the receiving program would then identify and fetch it.

Which start menu? Which kind of settings? If custom lauchers then they are all under ~/.local/share/applications.

>start-menu and start-menu settings
Are you sure you're not using Windows?



Attached: CraftyFlakyKodiakbear-small.gif (245x200, 998K)

>why is ricing while high so comfy?

Attached: zoomer.png (434x327, 43K)

Replacement of proprietary blobs isn't a FOSS thing?

I never know wether he's a fun guy to be around or really annoying. He seems to have a sense of humor and he seems not to have it.

Is RMS in superposition?

hes a fucking cringelord

So I got a Sempron 2600+ with 1GB laying around, any hopes of running anything with decent speeds? Or anything running at all without a GPU (it got a SiS Integrated graphics)

Anyone found a good replacement distro for Antergos? Don't want to configure 70000 things after I install it.

Anything with Xfce or LXDE.

he's a programmer

>Anything with Xfce or LXDE.
Yeah, maybe. But I'm more concerned with the SiS thing

I don't know what's a "foss thing", and I don't know what is this "foss" organization.

so not fun to be around then?

he's autistic

he's something. he looks like he descended directly from karl marx i imagine they shared a the same personality too.


Marx was a big baby too, but probably not as autistic due his social status