Wow. Just wow.
Wow. Just wow
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She looks great for 70 years old
photoshop and a ten year old photo will do that
Preview of speech:
Russia, Russia, Russia, *cough *cough *cough *cough *cough, IT’S EVERYONES FAULT I LOST, *cough *cough *cough Russia, Russia, Russia
american hero
is this real? Holy shit
that's not photoshopped retard
I have always wanted to know how to wipe all my emails... looks like a good cyber security summit - I can learn to wipe emails, create incidents in which people die, sell my country to foreign forces.... good stuff.
I wonder if she'll give a shout-out to Bleachbit. Or at least a quick seminar on how secure you can make your data using only some household hammers.
The things we could learn about cyber defense from her are invaluable to say the least.
lol yes
She clearly knows a lot about operating unpatched Windows servers for sensitive email storage.
Let's have a standing ovation
>falls down stairs
For the former US Secretary of
>passes out and is held up by bodyguards
State, Hillary
>support brace falls out of sweater even though it's 90 degrees outside
Rodham Clinton!
>Pulls Bill off of the pre-teen conference assistant
>tutorial on how to use bleachbit
> its real
I feel like if you have a hard time using a BlackBerry, then you probably shouldnt be giving anyone a speech about cyber defense.
Wtf is the strategy she's employing here? I mean she's just so fucking good at pissing people off and being so blatant in her misconduct, like she'll kill your parents and for the fuck of it she'll speak at their funeral
What kind of a strategy is this? Does she deliberately piss people off so they are guided by rage and make mistakes? This being a happenstance is impossible
>the private server law breaker
>cyber security
ayy lmao
She's confronting issues head-on to build up support and loyalty among donors and other powerful people. If she can show that she can speak on cyber security without issues at big events, she minimizes the critique in that field and thus nullifies the problem
She is a genius. You don't single handedly master american politics and bring a nation to its heels from within, almost winning an election despite being the most unpopular candidate in history without being smart
I'm not even capable of feeling anger at this world anymore, I'm just having fun watching Mr. Bones wave as we pass him by yet again on the way to utter destruction.
Sneak a gun in and be a hero OP.
Her keynote is on how to destroy evidence.
looking forward to her keynote speech on email security
that's definitely not recent
She charges large sums of money to give speech's, it one of the ways they pay people off.
She must be going to give a speech out next level data wiping
>drumpf drumpf emails drumpf drumpf immigrants improve tech drumpf drumpf encryption thank you
>thunderous applause
That or we are getting a how to on securing an email server. Followed by a lot of bitter resentment and rage against some far off country called Prusha and a man called Bonnaled Dumpf.
Sponcered by Bleachbit.
Of course she's a robot (not joking 100%).
>average antendee
Bilderberg 2019 looks great.
In her defense: Her emails never leaked and even the FBI couldn't get hold of them.
>cyber security
Isn't she the one that stored government emails on a personal server and thought you wipe a server with a cloth?
Yes, FireEye is an actually respected and senior company in the InfoSec field as well, so it's all very confusing
>stored government emails on a personal server
Yeah and wiped it so that she wasn't caught with... Well whatever incriminating those emails might've had.
>thought you wipe a server with a cloth
I very much doubt she genuinely thought that
>it's all very confusing
When you remember their only two choices were "let the nice, innocent old lady speak since it's her turn" and "go on a crazed drug binge, viciously slaughter your whole family, and commit suicide by shooting yourself twice in the back of the head from five feet away," it gets a lot less confusing.
>Don't host your own email server
Trust me
Stop excusing their retardation, no one would risk getting caught because they weren't allowed to speak at an event only neckbeards and people in the field care about. They obviously want her to speak to appeal to f*moids and because of their ghastly politics.
You wouldn't be able to tell dipfuck.
Age reduction is high school tier.
>no one would risk getting caught because they weren't allowed to speak at an event
What risk? She's been proven to have flagrantly broken federal law and didn't even get a slap on the wrist. The trail of Clinton "suicides" is also well known. Who gives a shit about getting caught when you're immune to consequences?
Multiple deaths because you didnt get invited to a security conference would be asinine and much harder to cover up. I'm not denying she's a shady piece of trash, she most definitely is scum of the earth, but it shouldn't be surprising to you that the absolute soi riddled filth that work in this industry like and respect that same piece of scum.
>"Hillary presents: "How to manage your own email server" and "How to safely delete thousands of emails without a trace"
Oh sweet summer child
Fucking kek
Ironically during the whole hillary server debacle I created Jow Forumsbleachbit just to fuck with plebbitors. What should I do with it? Open to suggestions.
I work as a professional graphic designer (I use GIMP, btw), plus I have seen Hillary in person. She looks exactly like the pic in the OP
didn't she use to teach cyber security or some bullshit?
I thought bb was just some underground sex cult.
i thought they were on wikileaks, like 30k of them
Cloths will be supplied, but bring your own hammer.
honestly if that's from 2019 then yeah she doesn't _look_ bad for a 70 year old (no I didn't vote for this bitch)
>tfw its actually real
What ever credibility or reputation this company might have had just went flying off the edge of a cliff. FFS
Dios mio, es la goblina
>>Don't host your own email server
nothing wrong with running your own email server, computer illiterate faggot. just don't use windows and have a clue about linux security.
they are banking on her becoming president in 2020. they are paying her a ton of money for a speech that nobody unironically gives a shit about
>nothing wrong with running your own email server, computer illiterate faggot
enjoy your emails going straight to your recipients' spam folder
>she doesn't _look_ bad for a 70 year old
>encased in makeup
>with 3/4 dentures for teeth
>dyed hair
you need to get a stronger prescription for your glasses, you blind fuck.
>enjoy your emails going straight to your recipients' spam folder
> duurrr i have no idea how to run my own email server
> duuurrr i have no idea how to set up a dns that isn't cancer
> duuuuuurrrrrr what's a dns?!
my sides. computer illiteracy at its finest. lmao.
>I work as a professional graphic designer
professional blogger more like
nah, just a compulsive lying demorat shill.
And not be a neoliberal corrupt hag
There is literally nobody else they could pick that would make me think of this summit as less of a joke than Hillary Clinton.
I meant for a 70 year old white woman. I am not saying she looks good you dense fuck, I am saying she doesn't look bad for a 70y/o. You'll probably die of virginity before you hit 65.
>falling for obvious bait
It's true--Jow Forumscucks will get mad at anything
protip: there's no such thing as a 'professional' graphic designer that uses GIMP
>She looks great for 70 years old
You would too if you drank the blood of minors
I miss him as part of the three amigos. Those were better times. Nearly forgot he was once a used care salesman
I’m not even shocked anymore. This timeline is a fucking joke.
This will end up on faux news
>"Mrs. Clinton, what software would you recommend to delete an enormous amount of emails?
cloth or something
Why is the cyber security industry such shit? Seems like anybody who knew what they were doing would just be a black hat because the dumb fucks who run these firms obviously are shit.
That's essentially what's happening, anyways. I mean, look at all the data breaches that have happened the past few years. It's been nuts. I can't help but believe that the blackhats tried to secure shit, but were shut down at every opportunity, so they bailed out because they knew it would be their heads rolling for their boss's incompetence. Then, just to drive home how incompetent these fucks are, I'm positive that they had a hand in cracking them wide open.
When it comes to IT in general, management is always a joke, and middle management even more-so. You wouldn't believe some of the stories I have from IT at the power plant I work at. They would spend 4 hours trying to do something, fail and give up, and I would get it done in 15 minutes.
>Wasting FBI time
Doing the lords work user
Better than the timeline where she's president
Am I retarded what the fuck does she have to say about Cyber Defense that is worth anyone's time?
It's a bait. Someone is bound to mention the emails, giving the liberal media an excuse to accuse the security community of being racist and needing more diversity.
I work as a professional graphic designer (I use GIMP, btw), plus I have seen Hillary in person. She looks exactly like the pic.
Cuz of the pixels?
why doesn't she go away.
>She is a genius.
Trump beat her.
I fucking hate Hilary, but if I walked into someone's apartment and saw a big fucking plant in someone's sink my reaction would be the same
Dunno why this got so much attention
i voded too
Those were the DNC emails, not Hillary's emails.
NO you're getting your corruption emails mixed up.
The dnc emails were the ones the "russians hacked" ie sent podesta a key logger and were just emails of the democrats trying to rig the primary.
Right. Hillary Clinton just set up a private email server to get government emails, including classified emails (which is a crime), and used bleachbit to delete tens of thousands of them after a judge had ordered her to turn the emails over (also a crime). The DNC's situation was just one of mass incompetence. Clinton's was criminal.
oh dear god, that documentary was gold all the way, weiner really is like the prototypical /b/tard
i jsut wanted soem weed a hug fguck me right >?>?>?
anwyas how did she die
Heh, I didn't know that one yet
is this meme magic?