You guys ready to see foldables done right?
Apple sees a new trend that makes their phones less durable and will also boost sales. Ofc they will jump on it, they make so much from repai... I mean replacements.
They already did it with the iPhone 6.
how can they patent something that other companies did first?
I saw this coming. Fuck these companies. They have no clue what consumers actually want.
apple truly is a great company, they deliver innovation every cycle
I bet you own a thinkpad from 2002. It goes well with your fedora and virginity card
Try harder iFag.
the last and only apple product I've owned was an iPod from ~2007
So why the white knighting?
What do they get a patent on? Everyone and his mom has already shown prototypes in various forms. God, the US patent system is such a cluster fuck of hot garbage
i can't wait 10 years until apple releases this!
thank you based apple!
Who gives a shit?
a different way of doing the exact same shit
patents are for specific designs or processes, not overarching concepts
yeah, but does it have wireless microwave recharging?
>white knighting
you either don't know what that means or you're a fucking idiot (logial OR, so both can be (and probably are) true)
I don't know user, you're the one that took issue with me calling Apple a garbage company. It seems like you have the issues.
weren't phone foldable like 10 years ago
We don't talk about the beforetime.
What's the point of foldable phones? Serious question, I think this is the final gimmick that marks the top the smartphone market and their stupid prices. Foldables serve absolutely no purpose at all.
>marketing gimmicks
They are running out of any good ideas. They have to increase market share or investors jump ship. But it doesn't work. Apple will be nothing in the next 5-10 years. Fuck what the iFags say. They all have stockholm syndrome anyway.
Maybe they found a method that isn't shit.
If it's done like in the Samsung trailer from 2013-14, you'd get a small phone for phone things and a medium sized tablet for tablet things in one.
It has a lot potential.
What is the purpose of folding it the way that image suggests?
Apple already stopped reporting their sales figures to investors.
I see it very handy to have a foldable phone on your pocket. Specially when screns are getting bigger and bigger.
>very handy
Handy enough to pay $2000 for?
Because investors are like children who can't read a single line without jumping to conclusions.
Apple selling fewer phones makes their dumb asses panic and ignore that they still make more money by getting more per phone.
I'm pretty sure that you could get a foldable phone today with $2000. The point is that technology has advanced enough to make an affordable foldable phone.
>an affordable foldable phone
so.. this is the power of Western innovation.
I have an iPhone 8. i don't like any full screen models, and think foldable phones are even dumber.
When did Jow Forums get so stupid?
Thats folding the wrong way
Commies BTFO
More screen in a pocket-sized device.
I can't wait for them(PDA companies) to perfect the tech.
It's sad that Chris chan's mental illnesses manifest as portland fashion I hate humans