Computer has generated a gif of the mona lisa talking. It started as software trying to do a deepfake from one profile picture. How long until belle delphine is obsolete?
Computer has generated a gif of the mona lisa talking...
Sorce? Or are you just going to be a wanker?
My source is Daily Dose of Internet. He's the best YouTuber and a total hypebeast
This genuinely makes me want to kill myself.
Shhhhhhh. Quiet goy.
yeah man I fucking love science, AI is going to take over the world as soon as it's spliced more videos of talking women together
If you don't see why things like OP are an abomination to humanity I sincerely hope you kill yourself.
It's not an abomination or an achievement
it's trivial
Good goy
You realize this also means that you can now say "that's fake" to any piece of video that has you in it.
Yeah I remember when a merchant told me to give up my language. That's why everyone in the US speaks Hebrew now.
The thing in OP is not trivial.
>taking a timeless piece of humanity and trivializing it with AI isn't an abomination
>art means nothing
>humanity and history mean nothing
>it's all the same as a computer-generated image except worse because an AI can do it better
OP's gif is disgusting and if you can't appreciate the coming consequences of AI for what they are, kill yourself. Some day all your anime will be created by AI too and maybe you won't care because you're a monkeynigger who doesn't care about the human struggle that goes into even the few artforms you consume. Dumb degenerate consumerist scum. Keep fapping to your anime you faggot fuck. keep cumming in your sock you piece of human waste.
Good ignorant goy
I could open it in MSpaint and scribble on it, would you care? Is it blasphemy? The Mona Lisa isn't even a great piece of art. It's just great because it's considered great because one autist liked it alot and put it in the Louvre or something iirc. That moving image isn't art. It's art spliced with a video. AI cannot "create"
When you can tell the Mona Lisa "shoe on head" and she does it.
I get your point. The world is full of small soul bug men. But. The Mona Lisa is not a great artistic achievement. It's pop culture at this point and only famous because someone tried to steal it.
This is trivial. This isn't AI replacing a master artist. This is AI performing a parlor trick.
This is so fucking hot
>small soul bug men
anyone who uses this term is one of them
I'm not going to argue the virtues of the Mona Lisa over other paintings because it's retarded and I'd probably agree with you. My point is that it was made by a real person, it's a lasting testament of his work that's a 600 year old piece of history. Machines can't create "art" and no human made this, it's spitting in the face of something that should take someone hours minimum to create and the depressing part is its implications in other things.
>it's spitting in the face of something that should take someone hours minimum to create and the depressing part is its implications in other things.
it is
splicing a video together
it's not even a new concept, you could do this in the 90s
you're like some tribal who thinks photos are bad because your soul is being stolen
Can you Jow Forumstards exterminate yourselves already. You're just as much of insect NPCs as anyone else, except brainwashed by Jow Forums instead of the mainstream media.
150 years ago you would be damning telephone because no machine should produce voice or whatever bullshit reason you'd come up with. Things change. If a machine can make something and normal person isn't able to tell if machine made it or not, then the conclusion is that machine is able to compete with humans in that field.
>How long until belle delphine is obsolete?
-2 years
The only clickbait channel that's worth of a damn.
Its afraid.
the first looks like putin, the second looks like another face transposed onto the mona lisa and the third looks like a man. I'm not impressed.
>the first looks like putin
Heh, that's exactly what I thought.
Fuck Belle Delphine
only incel losers like "generated" women instead of real life flesh and blood
Where's the one of Dostoevsky? That one actually made me feel something strange. Actually seeing him as a human after reading his books was bizarre. When do you all think an AI will replicate his personality, so that we could speak to him?
Fuck anything sexual about this, it's just neat to see her talk
its another woman who doesnt even look like the mona lisa
Yes she does
bait of the lowest order
My MonaLisa painting already does this
Why do you think they were posted?
This is pretty hot. They should do it with some of the topless Mona Lisa copies.
meh, the paintings at Hogwarts were doing this back in like 2001
>You can see fucking indian faces this algorithm was trained on
Middle looks a bit like Natalie Portman.
it does look waguely jew-y, i wanted to say mila kunis or some other former tween "star"
What historical mysteries could this meme machine learning solve?
have sex
tell Jow Forumstards to look into Lockheed stealth technology demonstrators daily
Da Vinci was an inventor and engineer too. Not only would a man like Da Vinci use technology like this. He would have likely spun it on it's head, using it in a way that no one has ever thought to use it.
>generating movement from a static image
>AI getting better and better in simulating human conversation
>text to speech is also getting better
>VR and AR are just getting started
we're almost there anons... virtual gfs... almost there...
post yfw the hogwarts paintings become real
>yeah man I fucking love science
Deep learning guy here. This shit is pretty impressive. Deepfakes have been around for a while, but relied on having several hundred images (at least) of your target person. This shit makes due with just a single image (although performance improves with more).
Actual paper, courtesy of the Samsung bugmen:
Disinformation is going to get real weird in the next decade. People with moderate compute power will be able to generate fake videos of real people saying whatever they want.
Rule 34 of Mona Lisa when?
>Soon we'll be able to see these historical paintings have sex.
Technology is wonderful.
So, I've been learning blender for the sole purpose of someday making my own offline waifus whenever the internet goes full censorship/IP-control/surveillance. I don't see a problem with any of this. If I save an image of a sculpt and feed it to a future version of this program; it does the face rigging and animation for me.
Also, the eventual shitstorm from the camwhores (both male and female) who leech money and attention off lonely hearts will be legendary.
what you said is going to be coming. It will probably be the new form factor of Siri.