R5 3600 beats 9700k in gaming


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>at price/performance

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Intel still winning in pic related. Cope.

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Can't wait to get a Ryzen 7 3700, should replace my ancient i5 4670 and last for a long time.

>no link
What's the point of these threads?

Based and redpilled. It's not about who has higher performance now, it's whether your security risk is high or not. Risklet AMD will never can cope that.


How can you claim improvements if you have nothing to improve? AMDlets btfo as always.


Anyway, faggots is AMD Ryzen 9 3800X a better choice for Gaming overall ? or should i go for 3900x

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Struggling with that choice myself. Do I really want to spend $100 more for 4 extra cores?

wait for the embargo lift and you will know. stop asking questions that no one can answer.

they specifically used the lower core part for the gaming comparison.
That might be just to show that their reasonable CPU is now on par with the nearly(?) twice as expensive, three times as power hungry intel part...
or maybe things don't work out that smoothly with 12-16 cores.

Mommy Su still referred to the entire Ryzen lineup as gaming stuff repeatedly, so i personally wouldn't count the 3900x out - but i'll still wait for reviews.
2-3 weeks additional wait after the 7.7. release won't kill me, no reason to blindly preorder from 1.7.

the 4 cores are irrelevant but if they use better silicon on those they might oc higher

Some niche games actually use those cores, so if you play those extensively, go for it.

3900X is probably on par with 3800X in gaming but in multitasking it destroyed ANY other mainstream desktop CPU

all these recent articles are making this shit seem crazy

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This is the guy behind the legendary Athlons and Apple SoC, did you really expect Zen to not deliver? Fools.

Attached: https_%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Fmarcochiappetta%2Ffiles%2F2018%2F04%2FIntel-Jim-Keller.jpg (960x1076, 133K)


He's competing with himself now. This is how based he is.

How can 1 (ONE) man be so BASED

Playing 4D chess against himself

Is this man singlehandedly driving CPU innovation?

whats the matter, too poor to buy 2 AMD systems that you're forced to settle for a single intel? lmao

>6% faster in pubg
Oh wow this really is going to be a turning point in the history of mankind.

and now he faces the greatest challenge, intel's JUSTED fabs. Can he do it? Can he unfuck the fucked?

>Can he do it? Can he unfuck the fucked?
Only God (which is basically him) knows.

>it's another tedious 'Jim Keller gets undue credit' thread
Mike Clark was the lead architect on Zen.

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kys cringe basement dweller


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neck yourself

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>t. seethe noFPSer

>if i hate a trash underage meme than i am a jewish intel fan.
I am waiting for 7/7 but that doesn't make me as cringe as the Jim Keller autists, also read this

Based. Keller is a faggot for working for the kikes at Intel.


team red has passed the torch

> Ryzen 7 and 9 destroying COPE i9
> Ryzen 5 destroying COPE i7
i5 niggers on suicide watch, if you fell for the i5 meme after first gen zen was out, you deserve that.

Are Jim Keller and Lisa Su(e) real life Mary Sues?

i7s became i5s after the software mitigations anyways

could you delete this post please.


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his mission is to destroy Intel from inside

Im still on my i7 2600k Sandy Bridge which i've overclocked to 4,5 GHz, should i upgrade to flagship Ryzen in my new PC build, anons?

only the 6-core and below i7's. On the newer ones, the i9 became an i7.

Depends on what you do with your PC. If you don't feel the need to upgrade, then don't.

I got memed into buying a ryzen for my first PC, should I upgrade when the new AMDs come out or switch over to intel?

*ting ting ting*

May I have your attention, Intel marketeers? I just want you to know I'm going for the 3900X. And last but not least, fuck Intel, fuck diversity shills and fuck Israel.

That is all.

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What the fuck is an i9-9700k. Are amdrones relying on false computer models at this point? Get with reality

>hasan mujtaba
>i9 9700k
This nigger site must be wccfcraft. Muslims writing up fake stories and rumours all day.

based and redpilled

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what RAM, clockspeeds etc? Oh wait, nothing as usual. Why do I still come to this shithole.

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delid dis goy

All these cores on the new amd cpus are quite lucrative but do I need it? How's multicore support nowadays in games and softwares? I still use a 4690k.

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>4 threads
I hope you don't play modern games.

I think the issue is the latency of 6+6 vs 8+0

(((((((higher is better))))))

What's the point of the universe?