About to pull the trigger lads
About to pull the trigger lads
Why do you think we care? Go for it, it's your money.
OP here. I forgot to mention that I'm gay, and it's okay to be gay
OP here. Sorry I thought this was the lgbt. sorry guys i'm just low on basedmilk today
Isn't it almost time for the next one?
If you're going to be a retard with your money, do it right. I got the S10+ 512gb version for around $1060 + the certificate for buds
>buying on credit
>about to pull the trigger lads
let's hope the trigger is attached to a gun.
Is the credit part fake or do some people really buy these things on credit?
Yep most retards buy "status symbols" on credit here in murica
Bye, bricklet.
I'm still waiting for my personal loan to be approved to get my fucking mac, sale on at the moment but don't have the $ in my account
s e e t h i n g poor-fag?
It's strange how I've took low-light pictures in Japan recently, and I have decent quality photos, but nice try.
Oh and, have sex.
Taking a fucking fiance with a shitload of interest for a fucking phone. It is an apple phone at that.
Just stop being an idiot and if you want a apple phone then get a cheaper version you can afford right now.
31.25 x 24 = 750 + 499.99 = 1249.99
Somebody can't do basic math or knows what opportunity cost is.
Oh no no no no
iPhools everyone.
Learn how to do basic math dumb nigger.
let's hope that the gun is loaded.
>Apple poorfags don't have 1250 dollars to spare
>Have to dole it out over 2 years so they don't go broke on a CELLPHONE
Honestly I would get s10+ if I was a burger, snapdragon is so good compared to exyshit. Considering XS Max just because of that.
Fair enough but remember to aim at the midbrain, otherwise you'll die a slow, painful death.
Even if I presume this to be true, what is the problem, the person was set on buying a particular phone, why wouldn't they finance it, even if they could afford it? It's at a 0% interest rate, why the flying fuck wouldn't you take it and invest said 750 dollars in literally anything else?
Okay but you won't be able to view webms.
By the time you're done paying for your iToy it will have no support and Apple's gonna be a Huawei-Xiaomi sub brand
just spend 100 dollars on a moto g6 play and spend the literal 1049.99 dollars on something else, anything else, you could even buy a lorry's worth of condoms for your wifes boyfriend
whoops my bad
cant into maths
but you can order 2657 condoms from amazon for that much,
you could buy a moto g6, and watch your wifes boyfriend fuck your wife 2657 times worry free
only a fool would buy the iphone
you can use vlc for that
I sincerely hope you're pulling the trigger to the hi-point held against your head.
What would anyone need 256 gb on their phone?
OP here.
I want a lot of storage so I can take lots of videos of my wife getting fucked by her bull.
So my $300 pixel 3a takes better low light pics than an $1000+ iShit?
You are so funny user..
>About to pull the trigger lads
Livestream your suicide you absoulte fucking room temeprature IQ retarded nigger
Will android phones ever beable to reach the level of aesthetic that iphone and ios are?
Also I'm gay and have AIDS. Not sure if that matters.
Because if you were a least bit financially responsible you would not spent $1000 on a luxury item that you cannot afford outright.
It's okay user, I'm not judging you
Buy a phone with the $499 that you can afford, don't go $750 in debt for a fucking phone.
Certain true bezeless notchless phones have already surpassed iphools
trying to hard and doing it wrong
The carriers will offer them to you for 0%. If you’re going to buy something, that’s the smartest way to do it.
Nigger even if you can afford to buy it outright it’s always smarter to finance it at 0% if given the opportunity. You’re actually paying more if you DON’T do that.
>financing a phone
Holy fuck lol if you are too poor to pay cash you cant afford it
Ruskis do because they are poor and want to flex
>buying top end iPhone, mere months before the new one comes out
If you hate money, then go for it
I love how they hide the notch
Make sure the safety's off.
Why the fuck is this shit still up 12+ hours later?
America economoy is doi g great under trump. The best, actually. So our doolar value is actually in "DEFLATION" so it is wiser to buy it outright and keep your future money because it will be worthvmore befause we are making america great again
I'd be pulling a trigger too if I was considering becoming gay.
Yes 0% financing is used to incentivize sales and I don’t disagree that most of the people financing phones can’t come up with $1K all at once if their lives depended on it. But financing is definitely the smarter move if you have the choice between paying it all upfront or financing at 0%. You’re paying the loan back with inflated dollars and you’re free to invest the original amount in anything you like. It’s hard to fathom how retarded some of you niggers are.
>durr financing anything, even at 0%, is stupid
exactly, Jow Forums are mouthbreathers
Hi retard. Do you think the value of your iPhone remains fixed?
The value of the phone in 2 years will have gone down more than inflation has gone up. Which means even with regards to inflation. Your 35 dollars a month are going less far than they would today all at once.
>Do you think the value of your iPhone remains fixed?
What does it matter? Either way you have to pay whatever Apple wants for it. So again, financing that amount at 0% instead of paying it all at once is still the better move.
I wish I could sell my ancient thinkpad for $1200
That’s a lot of ha’s.
2500iso Max sensor vs 51200iso on the shitty P30 pro sensor
>fagPhone maxes out at 2500 ISO and takes a pure black photo
>P30 on auto can go up to 50k ISO and still produce a decent photo
iToddlers BTFO