What terminal emulator do you use and why?

I use urxvt because it works best with emacs -nox and the fonts I use.
It's customizable and has handy perl extensions.
Pic related.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I like st
At first I thought it was gey because it doesn't even have scrollback by default, but not I've patched it with alpha, scrollback, scrollbackmouse etc it's super comfy
It also integrates nicely with my dwm+dmenu setup
My only issue is the choppiness with some ncurses stuff, like cmatrix

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I use st primarily because it just werks, though I wish I was able to dynamically configure it.

I never understood why people would need cmatrix, just to look "cool"?
Reminds me of this guy in uni running tree on his windows terminal to show off, what a meme.

Sakura. Too lazy to change fonts manually.

I use urxvt because its minimal-ish and does its config in xresources, only thing wrong with it is unicode support.
I'll switch when there is something faster and more future-proof (wayland)

>unicode rxvt
>unicode support lacking

yes, it fucks it up, tried patching it but didnt help

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I use kitty because it uses fully video card accelerated graphics and was written by a based street shitter

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I'm using st, main reason why I switched to it from urxvt is that ranger-fm image preview worked without glitches in st.
Not like I actually use it very often, but still it's nice to have something that has less problems.
I don't think it's noticeably faster than urxvt, though.

Don't you just need the fonts avaialble in fonts cache dir?


Nigga it's a terminal emulator not a font library.

kitty or alacritty?
they are
then why does it work on st nigga

I don't use it for anything, it's just a good example of how st can get laggy with fast output
Slower stuff like gtop and htop works fine though
Anyone have any fixes or suggestions for the lag?

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Fucking based

Attached: based.png (1920x1080, 2M)

Use the real thing, nerds

drink bleach, retard

What? ranger image view works perfectly on my urxvt.

I can't, I use also use a browser, which requires X
Also, ricing

I think your computer is just slow.
I have a thinkpad x240, and it runs it perfectly good

I use Luke Smith's fork of st. I have my issues with it, but it's still the best I've ever used

>Using someone else's fork of a suckless util
Kill yourself

PuTTY, iTerm2, and GNOME Terminal.

why would you post this?
is it some form of negative attention whoring?

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How can you work like that?

So many people using st, I'm surprised. Threads like this maybe a year or two ago used to be filled with rxvt, urxvt, and xterm posters. Did something change or is this just a statistical aberration at the beginning of the thread?

As for me yeah I use st. Technically a fork of st, as I added a keybinding to toggle colour schemes, which I use to toggle between gruvbox light and dark to adjust to ambient lighting conditions.

lag was unbearable, that's why I switched back to urxvt

Change the refresh rate to something higher in st

termite since it's native wayland

The default one that comes with Fedora. I've tried different terminal emulators but frankly I don't know what's different between them, so I don't know why anyone would even bother to use something different than the default that comes with their distro.

humiliation kink?

my distro didnt come with one

I've just kept on using xterm just because why not. What would be the advantage of using anything else?

Kitty, because I like ligatures and kittens.


No sane person can stand it's shitty default colors.

termite with termite-style because i'm too lazy to customize mine, any termite-style like programs for urxvt?

I can use emacs with other terminals.

gnome terminal cause I don't really care about customization anymore. all i need is ubuntu mono and a dark background


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xterm has been good to me since the early 90's.
I bet you young faggots can't even tell me what a termcap is without wiki searching.

desu i use it because i'm familiar with it and that's all

Kitty. Just werks out of the box, fast (the guts are written in C), cozy extension API, good enough documentation.
That stupid fucking name though.

terminal capabilities
its useful so that xterm can act accordingly and send the right input?

Alacritty is a total meme. Kitty is solid.

Post screenshots.

I use Terminator. It's GTK 3 python bloat but it's unironically good and lets you split windows better than screen/tmux because they update independently, so no lag/stutter and easier to split.

If that's your only problem, just change the shitty default colors.

I can use emacs with xterm, and in fact regularly do.
Sounds like your problem is with your window manager. Why would you want a bloated terminal emulator to compensate for what your WM can't do?

How'd you get the meta (or alt) key to work?

gnome-terminal, emacs-gtk3, gvim

same anti-aliased fonts (SF Mono) same theme, same everything

fuck you

xterm*eightBitInput: false

I use st. Works and looks nice, taught me how to use the patch command lol
Sometimes there's some issues with the transparent background when you start irssi and shrink the window but I'm pretty sure that's actually xcompmgr's fault
Eh? Never had any choppiness myself, although i've heard cmatrix gets choppy if you run it for too long
I like to use it when someone comes up to ask if i'm "Hacking" just because i have a terminal open
It's funny

urxvt because it just works
fuck st, most people here that use it just because of some memetuber and dont even know C

xterm. it's literally the best. no useless gimmicks or extra bloat I don't need, just always works 100% of the time and it's incredibly fast. I have nothing against suckless software but st is completely useless and xterm does the exact same shit without having as much latency and the need of recompiling or patching to get basic features like scrolling.

Went with st for a while as I don't need many emulator features if I slash in tmux everytime anyway, but am now on termite for same reason as .

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>no extra bloat

Why? It's a terminal emulator. It can be configured to look like whatever the fuck you please.
Here. Cargo cultist.

Attached: hereasshole.png (1366x768, 152K)

because I wanna know it looks like
>cargo cultist
that's how I know you're a cargo cultist about cargo culting
how tf am I trying to do something random in hopes of achieving success
what success am I trying to achieve here????

if you're referring to how much code the application has, yeah I could care less about that and I doesn't affect usability at all. what I'm talking about is that it's a pretty barebones and standard terminal that has everything you need and always works. no need to patch anything to get basic features

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Why do people use non bitmap fonts in the terminal??

for the kino
but really, my vision is dogshit and I discovered by happy accident that the ligatures help my blind ass discern between operators.

+ like every other hipster feature, Kitty supports it out the box and it works without fuss

Because they look better you fucking idiot

Whatever the default is.

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mlterm, because it's fairly light and comes with a graphical options menu.
I also keep gnome-terminal or xterm around because they are hardcoded as default emulators for some functions in GNOME/Cinnamon.

Attached: mlterm.png (804x493, 68K)


It's the only one that just works.
Urxvt is bloated and very buggy.
St is good, but patches clash with each other and different versions.

Yeah, I know. That seems to depend on a system.
Some people report the exact opposite situation to mine - urxvt works fine but st fails with image previews.

i have not even changed my 19 04 ubuntu wallpaper

Go away, Luke. Stop advertising you configs.

I use konsole because I'm not autistic.

>urxvt because its minimal-ish
not even remotely minimal
its got about 200k LoC. st is minimal.
I just use konsole

I use urxvt because everyone else uses it

What's that font and color scheme?

Been using urxvt for a long time, then switched to terminator for some of its features. Then the new version of terminator was dogshit and I switched to kitty. It's not that great but so far I've been too lazy to switch back to urxvt but I definitely plan to.

I use st because it actually works with unicode

poo in loo

konsole. perfect

only correct answer

this desu

How so?

ansi-term. Emacs.


urxvt because of the perl scripts

I use urxvt because it has a daemon mode

>running emacs in a terminal emulator

Urxvt because i can increase the interline spacing

dtterm because I use CDE on REAL UNIX.

The new Windows Terminal.

xterm is unironically still the best one overall.
st shits itself with images, getting Del to work is a pain (no, the patch isn't enough), and every time some bug up Suckass blames other applications.
Urxvt has useless perlshit and contrary to popular belief, it's more bloated than xterm. It's the original rxvt that is smaller (but sucks at unicode).
xterm works well with everything, is fast, has no bugs and it's still reasonably lightweight.
Yes, it's a mess code-wise, and it emulates obscure terminals, but I honestly don't care. It works and it works well.

I use quick3270

Not really, they look offplace and ugly.

>running emacs in X

>1 million LOC

>deliberately restricting yourself for zero gain

Urxvt is larger, yet no one bats an eye.

You are already running Emacs in X if you're using a terminal emulator anyway. Might as well take full advantage of it.