Is this a meme?

Attached: openbsd.png (1200x781, 180K)

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yes, from 1997

It's an operating system.

It's an nice hobby OS for people who want to run a Unix system from the 80s without using an emulator.

It's a pressure point

Basically this. At least it comes with some great tools (the Open* series), but you can get those literally anywhere.

OpenBSD developers are literally in denial about the (lack of) performance of their OS.

Individually, all their performance mitigations have a small cost (~ 1%). Put together, they have a larger cost.

But that's not even the fucking problem. The issue is that they have never optimized their system at all. They barely have any performance measurement tool in the first place. So they use their ancient kernel that has not evolved much from the 80s with completely outdated scheduler, TCP/IP stack, allocators, file system, etc.

Attached: openbsd-developers.png (603x1172, 123K)

I'm using it as my daily driver and I like it quite alot. I've used FreeBSD before, and before that Debian SID and stable. After FreeBSD went to shit I retried debian but it sucked. I tested OpenBSD for fun and everything worked out of the box. One thing that can be an annoyance however is the lack of linux emulation layer, but I kinda like how the system doesn't do any compromises when it comes to bad design.

The question is: do you want performance OR security? You can't have both, not with small teams of developers...

Not even "big-tech" Google has a experienced team big enogh for carry both security and performance while develop an OS with strict quality controls like openBSD does.

Certainly they are a pressure point for innovation in the world of OS research.

If you can do this, there is no limit.

>monolith kernel
>no MAC
my fucking sides

There are many criticisms about OpenBSD's view of security, but MAC is something only the military cares about, so it's not an issue for most people.

>mono kernel
Micro is cute in theory, but it's not implemented in any OS worth using AFIAK.
Pledge governs use of syscalls.
You can shit on OpenBSD for poor performance, but you cannot shit on it for incompetence or complexity. I'd be more open to using it if it were not so slow.

>is something only the military cares about
you must be one of those "military-grade encryption" boomers.
MAC is not just for the military, it's a fundamental security concept to be used by anyone. On enterprise GNU/Linux systems, the bare minimum lowest setting available during install afaik is to have the controls on, but in a permissive, silent logging mode. That's the lowest you can go, and there's degrees of higher settings from there. Not all MAC is MLS.
Also, I believe SELinux is the basis for security isolation in Android phone apps, so there's that as well.

Pledge is not a form of MAC, but it doesn't matter because MAC is only useful to organizations who handle classified information in a multi-user environment (i.e. the military).

what you refer with MAC and were are you secure microkernel?

Attached: index.jpg (220x229, 5K)

>MAC is not just for the military, it's a fundamental security concept to be used by anyone

It's a system designed to prevent users from declassifying information without being authorized. Explain how that's useful to anyone not in the military.

>Micro is cute in theory, but it's not implemented in any OS worth using AFIAK.
good point for now, but with the big G's backing, that might not be true for long. We'll have to see how it pans out though.

Attached: FeatPicgoogle-fuchsia-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 25K)

This. the old joke is: BSD was designed by people who love Unix and Linux was designed by people who hate MS-Windows. Thats why Linux distros are so bloated today.

As a Linux bystander: how exactly did FreeBSD "go to shit"?


The feminist hipster shit user below you linkeed is one of the reasons. Now, another thing I came to dislike with the systems I've used before is doing minimal installs. On FreeBSD I did clean installs and the same was for Debian. I got tired of setting up X and the drivers etc. OpenBSD has the perfect balance between working straight out of the box, fully featured whilst not being bloated. On Debian I felt that you only had the choice between full DE or minimal install. This became more of a rant, but it might be worth mentioning


>Is this a meme?
No and not really. Its a OS that works, try it is the only way to know if it will work for you. The not really part is its mention triggers the fuck out of freetards, freebsdtrannies, and other lefties. The lie and lie and lie, and they do it for free. Its so funny, they actually think they are accomplishing something. Seriously, they are that no life.

Based user poster and Based unix distro

Attached: neo.gif (499x204, 726K)

That was an issue with timer calibration under kvm, since fixed.

I'm very interested in learning it and administering it some day. Thanks for reminding me. I should practice it in a VM for a while.

It went from 3 times slower than Linux and FreeBSD because of a retarded bug (that literally everyone using OpenBSD in virtualization suffered from) to only 2 times as slow.
The only reason they fixed the bug is because a lead Go developer raised the issue and made it visible.

Good job!


>Jow Forums calls it a meme
>Receive 400k CAD$
I know what I am going to use anonfags.

See you in 2 days when you inevitable move back to Linux due to OpenBSD not supporting anything

no security holes because nobody use it

It's a very good server os.
I use it for mail server, and it's very comfy, it just work.
Don't give a shit to few ms if delay or more. It's strong
I run it on apu2 board. Intel/amd proof .

Attached: apu2c4_1.jpg (800x600, 113K)

Is it viable on ThinkPad x201 or something, assuming I'm an autist who uses Arch with i3?

>reddit spacing
>reddit link
user, I...

Attached: leddit.gif (350x232, 461K)

Sure, ThinkPads are one of the best choices you could make for an OpenBSD laptop

>It went from 3 times slower than Linux and FreeBSD because of a retarded bug
FreeBSD had the same bug, the Go people worked around it in the same way.
>The only reason they fixed the bug is because a lead Go developer raised the issue
The bug was already fixed in OpenBSD. It hadn't been backported to the version the Go people were using.

How hard is it for average Linux user to switch?

The HP EliteBook x360 1030 G2 does not boot OpenBSD without a CSM. If I install it, I can't boot it from disk.

depends. if you're a linux user who likes games, enables all the nonfree repos, thinks systemd is the best thing since sliced bread, and uses a Nvidia card it's probably no good for you.

however if you constantly open man pages and fly into a rage when you see "the full documentation is available in GNU info", if you're sick of jumping between distros because non of them fit your goals and expectations, if you're a zoomer who was born in the wrong generation – its time to come home brother.

if it's a meme it's god tier status for longevity

OpenBSD is the future along with Plan 9. Linux development and direction is controlled by the five Platinum Level Linux Foundation members, Microsoft, Google, Intel, Samsung, and IBM. Linux is *fully* pozzed at this point.

OpenBSD can always be worked on and improved. The tiny size of the system compared to Linux a huge point in its favor. System D now has more lines of code than the OpenBSD kernel + base install + X.

That crap example isn't on any other place tan r/unixporn... Get rekt faggot

>GNU info
How dare you GNU, always trying to make the world more miserable.

Yes, use LibertyBSD.
It's OpenBSD, but without any propietary malware. It fully complies with the Free Software Foundation's Free System Distribution Guidelines.

Attached: libre.png (938x304, 95K)

>using the meme fork of a meme OS