Does CS students make good programmers?

Does CS students make good programmers?

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Only if they did programming in their off time.

what kind of programming? I was forced to traverse graph n times for some CS theory assignment. I wonder if programmers in jobs have to traverse graphs often?

No, but studiying CS should give you a strong mathematical and logical base.
Most of programming jobs don't even require any algorithm implementation, which is why so many code monkeys can get away with not going to college.
CS should qualify you for more skilled programming jobs however, and eventually give you the toolset to become a proper software architect/engineer and not just a javascript code cuck.

second this.

CS trains you in theoretics, but if you suck at programming you can be replaced by pajeet and his gang.

Coding in your free-time is the only thing I care about when hiring. Public code, bonus points. Actual useful code, insta-hired.

>Stealing people's ideas and work is the only thing I care about.
Commiefornia faggot confirmed.

No, you're basically paying out your ass to fuck around and get a paper that's supposed to impress some HR roastie

why you dont like theoretical CS?

Electrical Engineering students make the best programmers.

All engineering students make better programmers than CS students.

we've reached to a point were some faggot prefers code monkeys from computer scientists.
they gotta love you in that company.

that's where the turn it on and off joke came from.

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Why are Indians so smart at math and programming but so stupid at every other facet of life? Do their brains just work like computers?

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No not really. Every programming class I did was made difficult just for the sake of adding difficulty by requiring you to memorize everything for a written exam (yes for programming, lol). It would teach you some programming I guess but the way you were rated and judged was mostly a meme.

In university programming isn't thought to make industry or commercial applications, rather it's there for research goals. Though very likely if you're going into doing a CS phd your programming can be extremely limited (barely any) or you only need to program but it highly depends what kind of research you're doing.

They aren't

>Why are Indians so smart at math and programming
They aren't. Where the fuck did you get that idea?

>Why are Indians so smart at math and programming
[citation needed]

In my workplace the EE and mathfags are the best programmers hands down, but they are less prepared for work kind of than the CStards. I mean the EE and mathfags have no idea what git is when they first come, they release code very unorganized and pretty much don't know a lot of the tools to make their life easier. They learn these things in a few months max and become just better than the CS boys.

Indians are generally considered good at math you retards

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Because in a country of 1.5 billion, the top 0.1% of IQ's can be subsidized by the government then sent overseas to take opulent-paying jobs and then send that money back home

No. It makes them codemonkies.

[citation needed]

A degree in CS isn't about programming.

CS is for science and math
Informational Systems amd Software Engineering are for programming

So far in my career I've noticed that even though 99% of my job is retarded fucking crap that even a monkey should be able to do, it's the people who actually did well in a good university who deliver consistently good results in their programming. It doesn't really matter whether the person has a philosophy, CS, or EE degree, good grades are a decent predictor for job success. Self taught programmers who can excel at work have been extremely rare so far.

Then again when I look back into my days working in a kiosk (think 7-11), that job was so easy one could be high as a kite for the whole day while still doing well, yet some fairly normal people were able to royally fuck it up.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that as long as you have your wits about you, and you are willing to invest time in learning new things, you'll be golden no matter what you study. Once you run into something you don't know, you'll just end up learning it. Of course it helps to find good tutors and a good university (or trade scool, w/e), it means you don't have so much catching up to do later on.

Sorry for ramblings, I'm tired and not a native english speaker.

Name three more Indian mathematicians off the top of your head.

name 3 mathematicians that I can recognize


Albert Einstein
Stephen Hawking
Neil Degrassi Jr. High

>Absolutely sucked in CS class

>Can program avr chip's in C and communicate through USB with a C++ DLL through a Java/Scala REST microservices

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they are physicists

The only correlation between a good programmer and a bad programmer that you need is IQ

they aren't. They get by in school through memorization, as that is what their examinations are geared towards. Abilitiy to memorize != intelligence. There are a ton of nomadic sheep farmers that have memorized the entire quran.

Pascal, Turing and Pitagoras.

>Can program avr chip's in C
lmao, are you a hacker or something?!?!?!?!?!/
I hope you are friendly hacker, I don't want to get h**ked.

Hey someone has to make those remote controlled dildos up your ass.

Not often, but sometimes its applicable.

>its just memorization lol
brainlet cope, bet you can't remember shit lol!

>Does CS students make good programmers?
A good programmer, for all his genius, is still a peon.
Words you will never hear: "Is that the programmer's Ferrari?".

You are proving him right though, memorization is useless in programming, it only helps in written programming tests that are indeed useless.


they aren't. they just cheat and no one catches them because they do it in one of their 6 million different dialects

im a latinx and literally got by in
>linear algebra
>discrete math
>physics 1
>physics 2
through memorization and constant repetition. I never cared to understand anything beyond short term memorization just so i could get a pass.
now i switched to comp sci and am dabbing on all these programming classes next to wh*te b0is and gooks who actually know their shit, while I don't.
If i ever get hired after I graduate it will be because I'm a minority. I love it

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>What is a startup

Too bad you picked one of the only fields that actually does technical interviews. But on the brightside you just need to be good at CS2 level topics

im actually doing surprisingly well in algorithms/data structures
make me do any actual math tho and my true IQ will show.

Indian user here. Indians in india are retarded and can't code or do math. Those who can try to kill them selves in a crowd of retarded people.

It's not like that at, there's just a shitload of Indians and many of them get into coding, it's really a numbers game.

It can but it doesn't make the best ones. With enough self motivation and focus people zoom past CS grads but that's not most people and it wasn't me. It's good learning experience because generally you go from being spoon-fed in high school to uni not doing shit to help you.

The piece of paper is useful but nearly as useful as connections.

Jesus christ I hope you're joking. You're hardcore fucking yourself if you don't understand advanced mathematics for the classes you took.

have you ever worked with one of them? they heavily rely on stackoverflow and online tutorials because of their lack of cs knowledge (and most online tutorials are too superficial and target newbies).
as i say: literally everybody can code - but only a few master software development.

everybody knows how to read and write but only a few are capable of writing a novel or an article in a newspaper.
same goes for coding.

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"help why is the programmer's robots killing us and taking our women to his basement"

What is this even means?