Alright you dumb fucks I'm forking clover, what do you want in the new release?

alright you dumb fucks I'm forking clover, what do you want in the new release?

Attached: (337x322, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

pictures of your mom


nice trips btw

you got beat to the punch big boy


Just copy every feature from Dashchan

Cunny mode

Clover works fine

text-only mode

Clover already has text only mode


need it on a per-thread basis though

Custom themes.

>Custom themes
>an auto-post timer
>some sort of stealth mode so normies don't realise you're browsing Jow Forums in public (custom themes maybe covers this?)
>less irritating captchas if possible

rot in jail

no u

Attached: 6058f569ae3ffe4263b6b01e01fe71f9.png (992x1653, 938K)

>dropping support for 10% of users for absolutely no reason




Attached: Blank_3a6a6180f9bdc3338101a6f485131640.jpg (317x326, 33K)

fucking pedo

A ban evasion button that switches my IP and a fart button for comic relief

5.0 support

fullscreen gallery

The reason is to make neckbeards upgrade their nexus 5's and S3's

Coding below Lollipop is a chore, that's the point where they put in native support for vector graphics.
If possible I'd code for Marshmallow or higher because it's last API where they made useful API changes.

Also fuck poorfags.

Support for "legacy" android (5.0 and lower)

A native browser for desuarchive, rebeccablacktech, and plebs
Extraflags support
Ability to view a post to see why it was filtered, and highlight the filtered portion

good goy



If you want updates to old devices buy an old iPhone. Android devs couldn't give a fuck

support for android 4 and 5

android devs should kill themselves,
just like floens


did floens actually die? source

ADS for free user
Premium bundled with pass

The ability to block images!

dude trust me

I'd post the obituary, but I don't want to dox her (yeah she's dead but she still has family)

I want Floens in the new release.

His commits were getting slower and slower until they stopped, I think he just got bored.
There are still translation strings being committed in a branch but I think it's a bot.

i want to be able to post with Bantflags or

extraflags, please

Emoji support in the main text field

Someone to fix these issues, please.
>Second captchas for creating threads on certain Eight-chan boards not working at all
>Pic related

Attached: site.png (1076x281, 33K)

Jow Forums meme flag

Stop being poor.

Attached: varg.jpg (700x426, 71K)

This is the only thing I want
Or maybe a dedicated archive reader app, either one is fine

This, based.

Fuck off, Clover is perfectly fine as it is.

Make it support Android 4.1.2

based kitkat user

That's jelly bean

Attached: Screenshot_20190601-123323.jpg (1080x1094, 165K)

Cutting out the retarded portion of the userbase allows for more advanced features

can i trust this guy not to steal and sell all my data though?

release it under GPLv2

Hello? Is this Jow Forums the technology board?

Categorizable/groupable pins and boards.
I want to be able to put all my pins from nsfw boards into a separate folder from all my sfw pins. As well as toggle nsfw boards on and off.

Sorting of boards, favorite boards and a default board to open the app to.


Thanks for the (You)

Why don't you use Dashchan?
Normalfags everywhere.


>why aren't you eating shit instead of food? don't you know eating food is NORMAL?


are you fucking retarded?

Attached: 1559079920622.jpg (480x480, 50K)

>t. floens

For NSFW put on text only

Do you have a git page up yet op?

So I just installed kuroba
To what third world country is my personal data going to?

It's to BTFO Holofags so they switch to a version that actually has Material Design.

This this this this this
Fireden, etc deserve love

A total mess I cant even install that Kuroba crap

This, post her feet

Of course you can't

There is also android 9 for s3

Attached: android 9.png (878x841, 609K)


ok let me just make some money
thanks for the advice user


How is it going OP?

Way to bookmark threads automatically, e.g. every time a general pops up.

a clear 404 button



I don't get what problem everyone has with clover. I use it every fucking day I don't even use the desktop site anymore. It never gets updated. Literally works flawlessly. The guy is a really good developer this is a quality app.

I agree. But the Kuroba 4.0.6 fork just became better than the original Clover.

Crossboard links don't work and there are bugs like not being able to highlight text. Kuroba fixes all these and more!

(You) navigation in a thread.

shut the fuck up cheesenigger

Being able to delete boards
More boards support
Archive support

Clover generally works well but Kuroba fixes long time bugs and adds features.

Attached: 1559450653.png (2316x3114, 3.86M)


Just installed it and it's perfect. What more can cheese add to it? Aside from bug fixes, are there any features you could want? I can't think of any myself.

There's always room for improvement. The new cpatcha still doesn't work. The (You) counter still doesn't work.

Please submit an issue for the you counter, because I have no fucking clue what's wrong with it. As far as I know it works fine

Go back to thread from a zoomed image using swipe down would be a good thing

Attached: 1516152940900.gif (500x460, 499K)

I don't know what's wrong. It just always stays at 0.

Attached: Screenshot_20190602-001810.jpg (1080x2032, 524K)

This is some good shit.

Gonna try this, how do I export my settings in clover??

Weird. It should update when the thread refreshes.