I'm losing hope. I've become so very cold and lonely. It's like I'm really dead inside. The world I knew growing up is dieing a violent death. And, I feel as though I was born into a world designed to use you like cattle. What the fuck is the point. One day I just whant to go to sleep and never wake up.
I think of the nazis differently now because of you Jow Forums. I no longer despise them, I cry for there dead and loath there ideas. It was humanities only hope to make a better world free of fear and full of art, medicine, science and comradeship. Game over man. Game over.
Other urls found in this thread:
Not me, I feel great!!
Redpill me on monasteries. They look like dens of homosex. Is this true?
nah they aren't but if you're used to western life you're in for a fucking awakening.
you're basically assigned a job to do and for the rest of your life you wake up, pray, eat, pray, do your job, and pray.
Watch Into Great Silence. documentary on a monastery in the French Alps
You can't let the state of the world get under your skin. There's no point in being upset about something you have no control over. It's like being upset about being confined to a wheelchair, yes it sucks but eventually you're just going to have to come to terms with it. Having an angry vengeful attitude to everything is only going to hurt you.
Thanks user, I'll check it out.
Fellow /doom/er checking in.
Do you have apathy concerning basically everything? I am so desensitized to the world now nothing fucking garners emotion, good or bad, about anything. Any emotion felt is normally anger about nothing fucking changing and only getting worse.
same case as OP here pretty much
Anyone got more DOOMER feels & memes?
me except for the gamer stuff
Revelation 9
>"And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."
wheres the popcorn?
die pathetic incel
You know there was actually a genuinely good doomer thread that I found while searching for doomer memes on google images and it made me feel like there's some hope left. Watch this video and remember to never give up. The fire is rising all over European civilization and more people are waking up than ever before. Ian Smith and Andrew Jackson and Adolf Hitler fought their entire lives against the Jew, you should too. Don't let their sacrifices be in vain.
Yeah man I don't know what it is about these doomer threads but for whatever reason they seem to bring out the best in us. Looking through this thread there's practically no shills and everyone is giving genuine advice, no cuck shit, no brother wars, etc. Good shit all around.
just wait until you realize that anti-technology is the only way out of this.
This is true. Real suffering isn't depression, or feeling sad or angry or bitter or hopeless. Real suffering is not being able to feel anything at all. On those days where sometimes you go to bed and realized you haven't felt any genuine emotions during the entire day and it's sometimes a struggle to make yourself feel anything. That's why I always make sure to find at least one thing about western civilization that can make me genuinely feel something every day. Every day I make sure to remind myself why I'm still fighting.
You posted the official anthem for European Union.
If that doesn't make you DOOM, I don't know what will.
itt: friendlessness
You should call that one the British doomer. I can understand why they would be dooming, especially considering what happened with the vote of no confidence. Don't worry, it's only a matter of time until they push decent white people too far like what's happening in France. Politics and voting gets you nowhere; strikes and mass demonstrations are what get results.
The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Thanks Ted. Technology is has subverted our natural emotions and experiences. Its very nature is to isolate and fracture society. No wonder (((they))) are behind social media and pornography.
Instead of beong sad all day simply Ascend towards objective greatness in your spare time
Strive forward in your excellency little by little, and starting with the gym
This image is now my 25 birthday goal
This new year is gonna be the year boys, we’re all gonna make it
I got 3 close and good friends. Realizing the absolute DOOM we are in for isn't caused by friendlessness.
The bloom is a total COPE caused by inability to deal with the blackpill.
Go to the gym, but don't mistake your progress in lifts for a better world. The world is fucked, no matter if you're a fat NEET or a ripped millionaire. That's a hard pill to swallow. To acknowledge our powerlessness against the powers that drive the human condition forward.
Suffering to do justice to God is enjoyable
That's the real redpill
grew up catholic in a town in the midwest with a monestary, all the monks were dope as fuck, I'd help make coffins with the old carpenter that lived there, really fulfilling work
Quit pot. Or smoke more pot.
Without a reason to live, life is just not all that interesting.
Might want to check into the reasons.
This. Techno Luceferianism is coming soon. Gene editing is already happening in China.
The final black pill is deciding between suicide and living. And choosing living because watching the world burn is better than nothing
>Enoch was right
What did he mean by this?
The first step is believing that you deserve and can have better.
Nothing can be done unless you genuinely believe that.
Holy mother of hell, delete this.
wtf is /nightwalk/ & why would i do it?
Great video on the Black Pill. Hits the nail on the head. Check it out...
>Not realising the doomer mindset is known as Acedia, a spiritual illness documented for centuries in the Church
Protestant cultures were a mistake
Enoch Powell (I assume), british politician who delivered a prothetic speech commonly referred to as the "rivers of blood" speech.
>acedia, the belief that one cannot contribute meaningfully to the world and that god does not care about you
How do I develop proper feelings again? I'm not particularly sad but more like I'm numbed, I don't really feel anything when I hear about shootings, I don't feel a sense of accomplishment even when I do extremely well in something and I can't remember the last time I was genuinely content since even after a huge milestone I go right on to worrying about the next deadline or task I have to do. I haven't had a clear conscience in years.
Suicide isn't a risk for me since there's still so much stuff I want to do but when I don't get a rush from actually doing this stuff it really fucks me up. What do I do Jow Forums? Surely man isn't meant to live like this
Nothing you post here will ever close the gap between you and the opposite sex. You will always be alone. You cannot meme a woman into your life. You cannot sage away the ever-present, soul crushing loneliness that hangs over you like your body odor. Your whole life will play out without ever experiencing love. She will never notice you, she will never care for you. You will always, always be alone. You have nothing. You are nothing. You will never escape. There is no shore to swim to, and the water is deep and cold. Sink. Give up. You will always be alone. Stop fighting it. You sit in front of your computer completely alone. You are not in anyone's heart. You are a loser. The game was over before you even got to play. You lost. You are excluded. You are passed over. You are adrift and completely alone. Sink. Let the water swallow you up. Treading water only makes you tired. Struggling does nothing but prolong the suffering. Your only hope is in the deep, in the black, where you will finally find relief from sadness. Sink. Do not hold your breath. Sink. Take in the water and welcome release. Everything is pain until everything is done. Sink. There is no place for you here. Sink...
>I'm numbed
Stop watching porn do Nofap
Get Jow Forums
browse less Jow Forums
eat healthy
Yep. Thats me.
>1 Post by this ID
Abandon demoralisation Posts
>implying you aren't already crying yourself to sleep every night of the week...
End it loser.
I know that feel. I've been redpilled for almost a decade now, but it hit me pretty hard a couple years ago and I haven't been able to get out of this apathy/depression thing j have now. There's nothing I can do to fix the problem and anything I could do it minor.
who needs pussy when you unironically have God
woman are low IQ by default, and trying to get with one these days is only made more difficult by their empowered 3rd wave feminist ideas
Stop projecting your doomer insecurity onto others.
The whole male-female system is fundamentally fucked up. Women do not love you, they only love things about you that directly benefit them. They also be with you if you don't engage in petty manipulation, like you have a kid. So how can you even respect such a person, is that really a life companion? You basically pay them to be with you with money and status. As a man, you're worthless, faceless. You're worth is measured only by how much you benefit other people.
So I kinda laugh when people are sad because muh women, who gives a shit, they love your wallet anyway, not you. Fucking stop idealizing them, they're pretty shit human beings.
if your god is so great why do you feel empty inside when you see a couple holding hands? Why are you so angry at a world that offers you no place in it. Why won't you bathe? You are a virgin loser.
>pretending women aren't that great
>coincidentally completely incapable of satisfying one
inb4 "hurr durr I'm chaste my lack of sexual activity has nothing to do with my pasty flabby body and complete lack of hygeine or the fact that the average 5th grade girl could take me in a fight"
>Yorkie 2 sugs
state of ya mate
Sounds comfy.
I'm a shitskin manlet on top of all these accurate doomer images. Life never began for me.
>le put words into their mouth begus i am so edgy xddd
if by telling people you perceive to be suicidal to kill themselves you think you are doing a service for mankind, you would be mistaken.
it's 5:40 am, if you're posting here chances are you're a loser yourself
>coincidentally completely incapable of satisfying one
What does that have to do with anything? Or are you one of those literal niggers who think they're tough shit just because they fuck skanks with ease? An actual man is well aware of the fact that pussy is quite easy and would never brag about that.
>called out
>Truth Burns
>Better call them a nigger
You'll be sleeping alone again tonight, loser.
Time is the same everywhere! Typical 70IQ trump voter.
false dogma, once saved forever saved is fallacy. unless one dies in the state of grace they wont be saved. no sin when you die that you have not repented for and done contrition.
Every fatscist in this thread
Where can i find this video?!?
Your mom says you are a handsome boy but she tells other people she thinks you are probably gay. That is also the prevailing opinion among your extended family. You're a fat gay loser in the eyes of the entire world... and in the mirror. LOL!
How does it feel knowing she will leave you for a bigger Chad whenever she encounters one? How does it feel knowing that she's probably speaking with 5 guys on Tinder while you're here acting like a 15 year old? Oh but you have a solution for that, you'll leave her before she leaves you because heh she's only a cumdumpster anyway.
Everyone post ungroomed doomers
He unironically loves women & fundamentally disagrees with your assessment but can't actually refute it. He feels weakened by his uncontrollable love for women & lashes out at those who speak harsh truths about them. He hates those who remind him that all of his life is only in service to solipsim, that his entire worth is in the eyes of soulless creatures. I pity this man for he can't help himself, he's weak, he's butthurt, he's secretly homosexual but continues fucking women to deny his true nature- which is sucking lots of cocks. This poor poor faggot... I feel sorry for him.
I was like that when I first started waking up to the horrors of the world. Only thing you can do is surround yourself with people you love and be the best man you can be.
Well, yeah, nicely put. I would also add that he probably hasn't achieved anything else in life so he brags about women because it's the only 'achievement' in his life he can try bragging about.
“The best thing for being sad," replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, "is to learn something. That's the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn.”
― T.H. White, The Once and Future King
I feel personally attacked by that image