Rural retards are going back to dailups
As if the peasants getting fucked by climate change after voting for a science deniar wasn't amusing enough. Oh well, at least they still have a security net and free healthcare when they are broke.
okay cuck
GTFO underage piece of shit
>voting for a daddy who fucks you and doesn't even kiss you goodbye after fucking you
>calling other cucks
Hope you're at least as underage as you seem.
>chink 5g gets banned
inb4 absolutely nothing bad happens to rural America as a result. screencap this post
Damn saying cuck really set these losers off
nobody needs more than dial-up
Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?
The cuck is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a pervert, sodomite, onanist, faggot, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a cuck and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Shoo, shoo Jow Forumstard.
Literally why can't people just run fiber
Go back to your containment board 56%
need huawei equipment for it, otherwise it's unafforable
Jew spotted
how come everything trump does just harms his supporters the most?
i bet you have an intel/nvidia pc
You don't need Huawei to have affordable fibre. Americucks are just getting cucked once more by their glorious corporations.
Intel/AMD actually and soon AyyMD only.
If I were a Jew you would be worshipping my cock, Mutt
Still better than Hillary. It doesn't matter how bad it gets.
where's the rest of the article, faggot?
>19 thousand people have found it
>you are not one of them
Is this bait lmoa
Daddy needs to be rough to be respected as daddy. They enjoy it.
none care tho
>find it
what is this a treasure hunt?
Oh no what else will they do if they can't get one of the other 50000 cheap phones out there that are around the 100 dollar mark?!?!
>5G will affect rural areas
Were they really trying to give 5G wireless internet?
Shit would be expensive as fuck anyway to be profitable at all.
Not only the service would be expensive to give and maintain you need to give the user a signal booster, that means hiring multiple people that went to houses to install them.
I honestly cannot understand how people give these retarded doomsayers any attention at all. What kind of goldfish-like attention span must you have to honestly believe that the world will end tomorrow every single day for two and a half years?
in case you haven't noticed, everything has started to crash and burn after the retarded trade war
Whatever you say, user.
Everything has been crashing and burning since 2012.
>peasants getting fucked by climate change after voting for a science deniar
Trade war was either going to happens sooner or later. Either being
>bow down and suck chinas dick for their slave labor
>man the fuck up and get it addressed
Only smartphone fags who make a living off youtube shit care about this trade war because they swim in money
thanks for input nsa
>implying it wasn't all downhill since 2007
>implying the first dot com bubble is not the beginning of the end
Good thing starlink is starting up.
You know that if the worst case predictions come true, it's the people who have no land and normally have to BUY food who will be screwed right? The farmers will still have some food. They'll just keep it for themselves.
more of
>either focus on innovations and services
>start a destructive conflict you CAN'T win in any scenario
>mom and pop telecom
good one op, next you'll be telling us all about how good our broadband is due to all the competition from ISPs
Dotcom was just a bunch of kids getting cucked by boomers.
Meanwhile the US and Europe still haven't recovered from 2007.
>"x could y" news
ask me how I know you only read headlines
They called minimalist installs of linux useless, now who's laughing
$800 million across the entire 5G US deploy? Sounds like chunk change. These articles are alarmist crap.
I'm voting against the tramp until I stop seeing "tariff applied" in muh digikey listings.
t. 40%
it's because anyone who tries to start their own ISP faces a mountain of "regulation" and legislation paid for by comcast, spectrum, et al
>Were they really trying to give 5G wireless internet?
no, the spectrum the FCC allocated is unfeasible for rural deployment due to the amount of towers needed
just a huawei propaganda piece
Sure thing mutt. Don't you have some school or office to shoot up?
>implying the world wasn't tilting towards the fall in 1987 when Gorbachev tore down that wall
Fine with me I live in japan starting the new year
Remember, no one can sue you for even the most blatant, unfounded lies if all you ever do is put weasel words like "could," "maybe," or "suggest" in your propaganda.
>implying we weren't dead set for nuclear anihalation when the soviets made Pepsi the 6th largest military in the world in the 1980s
>orange man bad
>communism good
This, but unironically.
That's the worst strawmen I've seen this decade. At least put in some effort you absolute turbo kike.
how jewish do you have to be to write "mom and pop telecommunication providers" or pretend family farms still exist
clinton and his mcjobs were worse.
>Implying we didnt sign our death wish in 1913 with the creation of the federal reserve
>implying we weren't already dead when Jimmy decided to trade his rocks for Groggs berries in 500000 BC
so as far as I know, our country has a debt of trillions to china. Why cant the us goverment just tell the chinks to go eat a big fat dick and just clean our debt to those subhumans?
>just clean our debt to those subhumans?
the dollar would become worthless
showing you know absolutely nothing about agricultural production of commodity crops. most farmers in america literally can't even feed themselves out of what they produce
>implying it isn't already
it's held up by the chinese peg
i was talking about not paying back and tell them to fuck off
>I am a retard at international economics: the post
Are you even 14?
It's true, it's too costly to go against China at this point.
We should just get along and buy their stuff. We don't want to fight China.
>them to fuck off
sure m8, just let me call the autobots and our 'glorious' army before that
fucking retard
the us goverment let them do what they wanted for too long
say thanks to bush and obama for that
we have allies and bases around the fucking world and we have the biggest military army and naval fleet in the entire planet
the chinks and the russians cant do shit to us
Is this what Americans actually believe? The Cheeto in Chief has pretty much destroyed all goodwill the US had left in the world.
>The farmers will still have some food.
Everybody would realize they can be next and the whole world will dump USD. USD worth something ONLY because US is ready to convince anybody to accept it.
> Here’s my bottom line: America must always lead on the world stage. If we don’t, no one else will. The military that you have joined is and always will be the backbone of that leadership.
- Barack Hussein Obama
>The Cheeto in Chief
if your view of the world wasn't presented to you through late night comedy talk shows you would probably have a more realistic view of how the rest of the world sees our country
>implying I am American
>implying I American "comedy" shows
You should really work on your reading comprehension user.
this isn't a problem with reading comprehension its a problem with you using two bit grade school insults that are a staple of low brow sports team political cheerleading and it severely undercuts the point you're trying to make
dunno about the rest of the world but here in France, we look at your average american as an uncultured mongrel, and those are the ones who join your army
I just wanna watch the world burn, white men don’t deserve it
>implying there is a problem with that
soldiers only follows orders, m8
here and in the rest of the world
let sanders win the elections
this would be an insult coming from any other country in europe but coming from a frenchman it's not even worth consideration. your country is so uncultured you've given up all of the things that people generally like about it now and through history, to the degree that the only thing people know about your country in the 21st century is that your women don't shave
Nothing will happen to rural America ever, whites have socialism for themselves and feed off the slavery of city dwellers and the millions of inmates working in the PIC.
let them eat basedbean
I kind of want the internet to keep being slow/expensive in a lot of places around the world. If everyone has fast and cheap internet, "cloud services" like Google Stadia and other crap will become the new norm.
I still want my own internet to be fast and cheap though, because I'm a hypocrite.
oh, and baguettes.
Want me to call him Trump then? Cause in the end it doesn't matter even if I call him the Turbo Cocksucking Niggerlover, Trumps politics are alienating every ally the US had once upon a time.
And it is a problem with reading comprehension when I say "Is this what Americans actually believe" and you still think I am American jumping straight to the conclusion that I must be watching Jimmy Whatshisname every day.
better internet access will only mean the global elite's technocracy will enroach on your personal life ever so faster
>surrender monkeys hate Americans
In other news, water is wet and the sun will rise tomorrow. How are those riots going by the way? Or did you guys give up in that, too?
>Trumps politics are alienating every ally the US had once upon a time.
such as? specific countries, maybe?
Canada is furious that Trump still won't let people fuck dogs.
le frog hon hon hon...estuppid amerikhans!
Have you kept up with news outlets outside of american ones like CNN and Fox in the past year?
The entirety of Europe is a pretty good start, Mexico isn't too fond of the US either with the new trade tariffs, Canad isn't exactly foaming at the urethra when thinking about Trumps strategy when it comes to international politics, and so on and so forth.
Have you noticed a subtle push to normalize bestiality? Just look at some of these thots instas....fucking weird
>says the murrican retard
it's like you've never read history or philosophy books.
why you need internet in rural america? don't they have better things to be doing outside