it's stuck, wat do?
It's stuck, wat do?
Have you tried pulling harder?
nvm, fixed it
push it back in gently , then try again
just use some wd40 my dude ;)
the breakable tab is still there, they put it there at the factory. It's suposed to break off when you first install a video card, kind of like a seal on a jar. You can reach in ther with some needlenose pliers and twist it off, I've circled it so you know for sure which part I'm talking abou
damaged a lil pin though
I'm proud of you Jow Forums.
yeah let me just break some parts off my mb with some pliers because someone on the internet told me. low quality post
that's not a pin, you fucking retard, kys
WD40 is shit. Use CRC Mos2 (new name CRC Rust off) for penetrating oil.
Things that claim to be good at everything can only be mediocre at them. Use special purpose fluids/oils that are good at ONE thing, and they'll do the job perfectly.
WD40 lubes stuff (badly) but for a short time, leaves a sticky residue, and collects dirt. Avoid!
>being this autistic
take a photo of it for an electro LP
pad you dumbass
Пятaк eпты бля. Speak English, bastard.
No, it's called a contact, bro.
newfag that you are, you do not see the deeply thoughtful qualities, the meaty chunks of sarcasm, the ethereal wisps of tenderness drifting across the yawning maw of the void, and everything else that makes up the briny depths of my shitposting. you must polarize your eyes to see past the glare of the wrapper that is mere text on your screen to fully understand everything I have said or will say to you. you can actually accomplish that in a weekend by shining a common laser pointer into your eyes for short periods of time, no longer than 5 seconds per eye per hour. try it and then come back to this thread and try to read my posts again. I promise you will be amaized.
be less retarded
Пятaк этo тaм, гдe пaяют. Этo жe кoнтaкт.
I'm "amaized" at what a fucking idiot you are.
stop drinking onions and start lifting, fatty
that was better
stop fucking with computers since a mechanical locking tab is too complex for you
That tab is plastic.
It's still a form-fitting and therefore a mechnical connection. The other type of connection would be chemical, and it's definitely not chemical.
everyone fucks up once in a while. quitting my job over a minor fuckup would be stupid, because tomorrow I won't fuck up, but you'll still be a retard
ever hear of a mechanical pencil
Speaking of low quality
that wasn't me