I have a 14 year old daughter who's a freshman in high school and I've noticed a few niggers commenting on her...

I have a 14 year old daughter who's a freshman in high school and I've noticed a few niggers commenting on her instagram page. She also follows them back, she goes to a school that is around 90-95% white. Most of the niggers that go there are "jocks" but they seem to be popular instead of being outcasts. Either way I don't want to go on a tangent but I'm a bit worried, how can I stop my daughter from interacting with these nergoid subhuman?

concerned father has a daughter who is beginning to befriend niggers in her school

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i forgot to mention that some of friends listen to vulgar rap music but she listens to pop and such. I've never heard her listening to rap music which is good in my opinion

She’s going to have the back smashed out of her within the month. Sorry user.

Your daughter is a coal burner.

Why are you coming here? Homeschool or do what it takes to get your daughter to obey her Dad

>going to public high school
>not homeschooling
Your racism is the least of your worries, enjoy having your daughter corrupted by morally bankrupt culture and sexual promiscuity

That nigga be slappin cheeks with yo daughter foo

Do they even make teenage girls anymore that aren’t whales?

She's a kid why don't you shut up

You should have raised her so that this "befriending" with australopithecus wouldn't happen in the first place

Homeschool is not as hard as it used to be.

This thread again?

I browse here before work, and homeschool won't work both me and the wife work so we don't have enough time. Online school is an option but I don't know if being online that much is healthy.
see above

Start talking about politics during your family meetings, slowly redpilling family.

You already failed for having not done so. I'm always commenting, or if not me, then my father, we're always doing propaganda

your daughters womb was most likely already invaded by feral nigger semen.

Your grandkids are going to be nigger mutts... and that's a good thing! God bless America.

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Don't talk to her or forbid her, will only want to make her want it more.

Instead, start with politics 101 and move from alpha to omega. Just start regularly discussing politics in presence of your family and daughter

You had 14years to teach her faggot. Both of my sisters wouldn’t even touch a nigger with a stick.

Shut up soïboï

she's a virgin who's never even kissed a boy I'm just worried that her friends will influnce and she'll end up with a nigger. It's my WORST fucking nightmare. She's my only child so I have no idea what I'd do. This is me seeking your help because I can't discuss this in public without looking like a sperging racist

>14 yo

Im sorry

Your grandkids will be black whiteboi

What the fuck are you talking about? Those girls are at their peak here. Look at those shoulders and flat tummy on the right one. Would breed/10

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see sorry forgot to add you all to that reply

Fuck her in the ass. That will teach her a lesson she will never forget.

Tell that to the kid. She’s gunna get her cervix serviced.

fuck off with homeschooling, that's how you end up with social inepts who can't properly interact with peers

>OP pic is a black guy with two white girls
>not a shill

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MiTM your home network, get her instagram pass, delete and block niggers.
constantly check her account to see if a nigger messaged, if so delete it before she can get to it.

Take her to the ghetto, let her see how they live. Show marriage statistics, both interracial & non, its staggering. Show FBI statistics of domestic violence & abandoning the wife/child, again staggering. Maybe don't do this now but if it gets worse, show her these things when you lay down the law. She won't be able to just say "muh racism" when you have stats. Also, show her Farmlands documentary, that shit will redpill anyone who's not an insane person. Actually, maybe start with that documentary, it really shows how blacks hate whites & then show her the history of Detroit & Haiti to really drive it home

I am 10/10 sure you are divorced.

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If she's 14, you're too late. Should have been educating her as a toddler.

it's the female biology at work. Your daughter sees your cuck onions bread genes and witnessed the negro sexual domination.

hope you enjoy having s tyrone grandson.

this. all it takes is one time associating a picture of black people with the urge to vomit and that will stick for life, its too primordial to be erased.

Mixed marriage & crime, show fbi crime statistics* & also the per capita ratio that they rape, assault & kill whites compared to how often whites do those things to them.

If youre going to tell her she cant date black guys shell do just that for the sake of rebelling against her parents. Best thing you could do is completely cuck and bring jamal over so that black guys lose their exotic attraction and air of danger.


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They already up in your daughters' guts.

you could also hire a chad her age to catfish her and string her along for a year, if she is in love she wont want to sully herself with nogs.

Nope, you will end up with a bi-racial grandchild.

Nice try black guy pretending to be white.

this, homeschool is best but for sure at least private school

she took the black pill


Telling her mother to beat her and ban her internet. It will work way better.

It's already over. You fucked up parenting her if she likes interacting with blacks.

>how can I stop my daughter from interacting with these nergoid subhuman?
you can't. if your daughter has been infected with the "virtue signalling" virus then she is going to get blacked. that's what happens to women. they react to copy whatever does the most "popular" woman in society.

who's most popular? whores like kardashians and other blacked bitches. so a majority of girls at least want to be like them and if given a chance they'll at least try black dick so they can brag about it to their female friends, which in their eyes should raise their social status.

if this behavior was socially taboo then girls would avoid it, since girls wouldn't risk becoming social outcasts.

now having a relationship with a nigger is welcomed by mass-media and is displayed by "popular" women. thus you can't do shit about it.

the only way to reduce the chance of this happenning is trying to indoctrinate your daughter into racialism and preach her about the superiorrity of the white race, about how kikes are vile rats and niggers are animals and chinks are huanoid insects.

if you aren't racialist yourself then you are pretty much fucked. you wife is probably also a dumb SJW whore who probably is cheating on you with some nigger and you don't even know.

>becuase you're homeschooled means you can't talk to others

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My thoughts and prayers are with you brother

Read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

show her a few nigger hate threads on pol and tell her she's disowned if she burns the coal and mean it.

Chad Here. I will be willing to bang your daughter if you pay me.

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Australopithecus originated in Africa you moron.
If you’re going to try and be witty, at least have some basis for a pun. You need to go back

sound lad

I saw OP's picture and immediately remembered the bald eagle with the stars and tripes on the background.


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>14 year old
>listens to trash

Go fuck yourself faggot.
My 13yo daughter knows better than to try that shit. I'm also ethnocentric, so she knows that other "white people" are not to be trusted.

You keep letting your girl mudshark around.

also at 14 you've left it too late, you need to teach her these things at 12, my daughter is 7 and knows why Africans can't feed themselves and why the one black kid in her school is in the bottom groups for everything.

You like bigger girls. That’s ok. I don’t.
Both of these girls would be considered overweight where I live.

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jojo the monkey boy nailed it. social media is no place for a 14 year old. it's digital attention whoring. the masterwork of brain chemical (((manipulators)))
>peak degeneracy gets the most (((likes)))
>digital hearts raise serotonin and endorphin
>"you can't go on there sweetheart"
>"fuck you dad, i hate you!"
>dates nigger to rebel
>single mom of half-breed
her life is already over

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cant wait till she gets her back blown out by the niggers in her school and she becomes their cum slut OP

based dad

I'm white you fucking retarded jungle chink faggot.

My sister was repulsed by niggers from the beginning, what do they find attractive in them anyway ?

Or is it just to complain afterwards ? (about violence/single mother)

Kid beating is the answer. But you guys are too scared to do that.

>She's a kid
Since when did that stop Tyrone? Just makes it easier for him.

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its because every media source has a forced interracial relationship in it

you have failed her
i have a 5 year old daughter. i hope i do a better job at raising her than you by the time shes 14

women are mindless pack animals, if one fucked a black man the others in the group will want too

Life isn’t a porn movie you autists...teach her to love her own people and she will stay claose to them...no white guilt...it might be too late the indoctrination starts young...i will be in the same boat soon..young daughter

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LOL she'll be blacked within a year

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Why do you insist on spamming this pasta every day?

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Show her crime rates and illegitimacy rates. Then let her know you won’t help if she messes up. You can’t control, only warn.

Spend as much time with her as possible and don’t be a hard core racist. You hating blacks will only make her wanting to fuck them more.

Hey. Isn’t this the third time I’ve seen this thread?


>flat tummies
When you wear loose fitting clothing it does not show all the fat that would be spilling over if they wore let's say... Jeans.

Why do you think women wear as little clothing as possible? Shit those girls are probably 150+ lbs, disgusting

niggers play the percentages. they target every single girl possible and wait for one to respond.

Not starving to death is considered overweight where you live

why are you posting this again? If both you and your wife work, why can't you afford private school? are you janitors or something?

>being below a 24bmi is starving
Holy shit you fat fetishists are disgusting

Your daughter was a nice girl, now she is a slut
A queen treatin' niggas just like King Tut
Gobblin up nuts, sorta like a hummingbird
Suckin up the Lench Mob crew, and I'm comin' third

Used to get straight A's, now she just skippin' class
Oh my, do I like to grip the hips and ass
Only 14, with a lot of practice
On black boys jimmies and white boys cactus

Sorry sorry sir, but I gotta be brief
A lotta niggas like bustin' nuts in her teeth
Drink it up, drink it up, even though she's Catholic
That don't mean shit, cause she's givin' up the ass quick

Quicker than you can say, "Candy, "
The bitch is on my Snicker, and oh man she
Can take on three men, built like He-Men
Her little-bitty twat got gallons of semen

Fourteen niggas in line ready to bang your
Pride-and-joy, I mean daddy's little angel
Tell the little bitch to bring her ass out the house
Cause your daughter's known, for givin' up the nappy dug out

Mister, mister, before you make me go
I'm here to let you know your little girl is a ho
Nympho, nympho, boy is she bad
Get her all alone and out comes the kneepads

I know she is a minor and it is illegal
But the bitch is worse than Vanessa Del Rio
And if you decide to call rape
We got the little hooker on tape, now

Tell the fuckin' slut to please hurry up
And wear that dress that's tight on her butt
So I can finger-fuck on the way to the bed
Been in so many rooms, she got a dot on her forehead

Face turnin' red from grabbin' them ankles
Fuck and get up is how I do them stank-hoes
You should hear how she sounds with a cock in her
Boots get knocked, from here to Czechoslovakia

Two are on top, one on the bottom
First nigga got the boots, man, you shoulda shot him
Cause after I got 'em it was over
Now niggas get lucky like a four-leaf clover

On daddy's little girl
She keeps nuts in her mouth like the bitch was a squirrel
So tell Cheryl to bring her ass home
Cause the line at my house is gettin' long, ay!

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Time to get out your redpill race folder. Start redpilling her now. Otherwise, she will have a black boyfriend soon.

now i understand the appeal of communism

Nip that in the bud. Wild dogs gonna sniff, you need to protect the herd.

there are nigs in private schools nowadays due to gov't gibs

Transfer to a private school you degenerate. Yif you couldn't do that from the start, why the fuck did you have a daugher if you can't protect her financially?

Stop being a racist scumbag and start treating your daughter with respect. Its not her, its you.

She's ugly, we don't need your gene or daughter mixing into the white race.

Roastie detected

Based and bluepilled!

Burn coal, pay toll. No white man, or even mexican most likely, will raise a half-nigger with a used goods roastie.

t.asian manlet incel