Okay, I'm a woman, I'm not self hating I really just wanna know why most of the women that I had considered as "friends" always want to know what I'm doing and always want to do things their way. They would go through trying to figure the security code on my phone and go through my text messages and every little thing that they don't agree on they end yelling at me. Also they always want me to do the activities they want to do and not ask my opinion if I would want to go or not. I just wanna get on with my own life, if they wanna hang out then good, if they don't that's their choice. I don't want them dragging me wherever or whatever the hell they wanna do.
Why are women so controlling?
>Okay, I'm a woman
why are incels so prevalent?
They feel they're living a better life than you and need to constantly keep checking out they're right, they are unaware of this tho they truly believe they do it because they care about you, as soon as you show them that you have something else going on in your life they'll hate you
>Okay, I'm a woman
shitpost lvl 1
hang yourself useless nigger
This is now a woman respecting thread
First time here? Tits or get the fuck out
came here to say exactly this. women can't be real friends. all they do is use another woman for their own benefit. else they use a more beautiful / sexual successful woman to push themselfs a few scores up or they use a uglier one to push their confidence. they always have to campare with other girls and they want you to do things that make them happy. not you. so never listen to women. they just argue in their own point of view not in the pov of the subject.
Waaahh WAAAAAAHHHH widdow baybay gunna kwy
Fuck off with your easy mode life problems sweaty, this board is for the big boy shit like niggers and jews, not for your kind to burst in and menstruate all over the place like it's 1999. Buzz off madame flounder de la arbys (insert cool sunglasses emoji)
Women just care about the well-being of their fellow human beings. You should listen to them and be inclined to obey them. The world would be a better place if men would take a step back and let the smarter sex make all of the decisions.
Y chromosome deficiency syndrome.
Now tits or GTFO.
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?
That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)
stop bitching and do something about it
I'm male and I'm tired of bossy bitches.
> inb4 show benis and bank account or GTFO
It's their mothering instincts. Their over-controlling nature is suitable for raising children. But sometimes they do it to non-children.
whats the issue dog she's a fucking chad
It is over.
They want power but don't realize that responsibility comes with it.
Being a male is generally hard mode, but females cherry pick the handful of douchebags they got mad at and 1% chads they fantasize about
Females are like children, hence why males are generally supposed to MAN UP and lead them.
Females generally destroy themselves just like spoiled children when given power without learning responsibility.
anyone mind teaching me how to fish
This used to be obvious. The innocence of the woman is both a gift and a curse. Now we have lost the good aspect of female nature and are left with the destructive aspect. They only realize how wrong they were after 5 abortions, stds, and dried up ovaries.
Fucking lol'd
10/10 if troll
7/10 if copypasta