rest in pieces itunes
Rest in pieces itunes
Other urls found in this thread:
source on the pic?
My basement lrl
I Herd U Liek Mudkips
give the artists name at least pls
When I hear a mudkipz I turn on a Xbox 360 and walk away
iToddler so upset
how will he ever recover?
can find it on yandex
Give source OP you faggot.
I bet you cropped it and that's why I can't find it.
what if the toilet clogs and she can't flush it haha
I wonder what she smells like
Then I'll have my dinner ready for me.
isnt she a dropout?
spicy melon bread
youre all nigger cattle nd i found it on my own accoRd
I dont care about this lewd image but what is the source of this MACTODDLERS BTFO girl.
What anime? Is it good?
this is just you being lazy at this point
looks like maldraw's artstyle
literally doesn't appear on a single search engine. Surely it's OC.
so you cant think to check this very thread, or just everse search any of the images itt
As retarded as iTunes was, I found it useful to organize my music and auto sync onto my phone.
Is there something else that's out there that I can use to organize my stuff like that?
Gabriel dropout
god i wish that were me
the debiru or the dog
Eventually, the last major optical media plant is due to shut down as well. The future is the end of both physical and digital ownership of media, only streaming will remain. This is the future you chose.
Thinly veiled GabDrop thread.
>you chose
nobody chooses anything, just like cows dont choose their fodder. We just buy what's available and advertised.
failed to post the pic. there it goes.
Hey Satania, I pissed on your melon bread, whatcha gonna do about that.
I found it with no issues using just google.
I miss the 2012-2014 iTunes. The interface was nice back then until they screwed it with the redesign. No wonder why they're discontinuing it
Plus it still supported PowerPC machines.
Based source giver
Sony Music Center is what I use
>rest in pieces
you do know thay re just renaming it right?
repeating 's question. I have a 7th gen ipod nano, what can I use to quickly sync sorted songs to it? preferably something I can import my itunes library settings to
I have iTunes installed and use it occasionally for music.
What happens to me?