SSH sources

Clue me in on ssh? What can it be done with it? Can I control 20 rasperri pi's from all over the world via tunneling at the same time? Why doesn't Jow Forums talk about it more often? I've been told this is like the ultimate tool

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the current state of Jow Forums holy shit

> Can I control 20 rasperri pi's from all over the world via tunneling at the same time?
No, you need to buy 20 Thinpads for that, that's why some Thinkpad posters have so many. Basically, SSH connection can't negotiate handshakes and keepalive packets if they all go from different servers to one client.
It's the dark truth of IT, that's why we hoard old PCs. Some suggest using telnet which doesn't have this limitation, but it's still a pretty novel protocol if you ask me.

please be bait

At the same time i mean in 20 different terminal sessions of course

>Clue me in on ssh? What can it be done with it?
You can log into your computer.

>Can I control 20 rasperri pi's from all over the world via tunneling at the same time?
I suppose you could if you bought 20 raspberry pi's, set them up all over the world, and then logged into them.

fucking hell, this better be bait

Why? Networks begginer here

IIRC SSH has a 10 device limit for the free version so you're probably shit out of luck OP.

it stands for Sensual Sadist Homosex and is a very powerful way to manage your gimps from any location

SSH is a simply a network protocol for secure services over an unsecure network. It was originally designed as a replacement for telnet, so it is most commonly used to login to a remote shell. But it can be used to encrypt any traffic between two computers.

You can connect to 20 other computers and send commands to them, yes. Tunneling is simply using SSH as a secure "tunnel" to transfer unencrypted data.

SSH has been compromised by the heartbleed virus trojan so is completely useless.

Not OP, but I wanna piggyback.

What's the difference between SFTP, and FTPS?

Actually, never mind. Don't answer me. I'm an idiot, just like OP.

It's useless old technology. Use powershell.

Haha me 2 mate

SFTP is a file transfer protocol built on top of SSH. It has nothing to do with FTP.

FTPS is old fashioned FTP with SSL bolted on.

Half of all learning these days is coming up with the right question to type into google. Compare the following.

>What is SSH?
>How do I log into computer good?

Holy shit its not bait

I think you're confusing it with SCP, friend.

sftp is scp with cheese

Clue me in on walking.
What can be done with it?
Why doesn't Jow Forums talk about it more often? I've been told this is like the ultimate tool

Because there's really nothing to fucking talk about? It's just a means to log into a computer remotely.

We don't support the anti-neet tools here on Jow Forums.

Doesn’t heartbleed only let you view a few bytes from an overflow? I wouldn’t be transferring important data on it but for OPs /HackerMan/ nonsense i don’t see why it would be an issue

>Why doesn't Jow Forums talk about it more often?
because it's one of the most basic network protocols, that's like talking about paint dry.


How aboout you shut the fuck up and lurk more

Man ssh

I'd rather we have this thread than going cpu gaming bullshit. That's what's killing /g

The real reason is because g is full of kids that fight about graphics cards and do t actually do anything else with them

SSH is a replacement for RSH (Remote Shell)

Let's do a nice recap here. The reason you're mocked isn't because you asked "What cool things can I do in paint?". It's because you asked "What is paint?". It's so rudimentary, you should just google it or ask in /sqt/. If you get the hang out of it you may open another thread discussing distributed systems and best ways to control them. The /hsg/ crowd is also onto this stuff. But now everyone knows you're an underage clueless kid which will be mocked accordingly. Good luck next time.

>Why doesn't Jow Forums talk about it more often?
because it's not some uncommon thing people don't know about
we also don't talk about cursors or icons

>he doesn't distribute jobs across 20 worldwide pi's using ssh and gnu parallel
fucking kek, the absolute state

And it’s a goddamn shame we don’t talk about those things to be quite honest family

ssh for NAT traversal isn't ideal. I only use it as a fallback if my tinc network fails for some reason.

ssh is a swiss army knife, you can port forward only 22 (ssh) and never have a need to forward anything else, because ssh can provide;
- a remote shell
- file transfer
- remote filesystem
- arbitrary socket tunneling
- dynamic socks proxy
- access machines on a remote LAN

What the fuck is your problem?

Didn't know that one, thanks.

name one software that isn't compromised

You can do pretty much anything with SSH.

Heartbleed was patched ages ago.

>even microshit now admits that unix tools are superior by adding wsl with linux kernel on top of wangblows

When I started at uni they were still using rlogin.

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