Come up with some cool speedups and algorithms

>come up with some cool speedups and algorithms
>go to
>make cool posts about some cool computer graphic algs and speedups i ran into, some GPGPU stuff, SIMD, text processing, etc
>no one cares or sees it
>check out the rest of the site to see what actually trends there
>it's all hugbox career-therapy tier posting and webdev shit
>write my shit on github gists and just use the comments section, post on reddit or twitter to discuss
>no activity

I guess I should just make my own github pages site or make a hand-written html site on a vps or something to put my articles on or something.. Not that they're super important and ground-breaking to merit an entire website made for them but I'd like to collect and sustain a conversation about them somewhere at the very least.
How the fuck do I document this shit without bluring into the mess that is medium-article level shit

Attached: 1551405723910.webm (320x180, 2.75M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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pls i beg you

Attached: 1549868408801.webm (888x500, 2.67M)

gross cow udders
nice ass

Make sure to write it on an actual website (e.g. themed GitHub pages) with nice typography, not GitHub Gist or Medium, where people will immediately disregard you.
>reddit or Twitter
You're looking for Hacker News in particular.
Possibly Lobsters, too.
Everything else is pointless unless you already have name recognition from some readers.
You'll need multiple posts and multiple attempts.
Submit during the American morning or your post is moribund, especially on weekends.

Post 'em here maybe if it's small.


Since when is 3dpd allowed here?

Try, seems to be less onions-ridden than medium.

who sauce?

Are you new? It's jessicah schipper

looks like another fuckiing webdev hideout

Post it on hacker news, or a properly techical Stack Exchange site (i.e. a maths-, computer engineering- or algorithms-related one), and explain you've found some improvements to these processes.

The problem you're running into is that they're too technical for the average tech person who only cares about money and not the specifics, so you need to find a more technical community.

By also stating that you have found improvements to these processes, other technical people will jump on your posts and read them in high detail to try and prove you wrong, because people on the internet (especially Reddit) *love* correcting other people.

Be prepared for the case where people may prove you wrong, though.

should have been the op

Also read this:

>Be prepared for the case where people may prove you wrong, though.
I mean of course. A healthy exchange of criticism

Some people can come across as really condescending though, especially on Reddit or Stack Exchange.

It's usually a case of someone being smart, knowing that they're smart, and not having been challenged enough in their lives to have been humbled.

>knowing pornstars by name
it has nothing to do with being new and everything to do with you being a virgin

he's trolling thats not her

Gonna buy a medical glove now

stack exchange has a place to just post and discuss stuff like this? like a blog?

Looks like you can find on your own then

listen man, be grateful, sometimes you need a porn connoisseur
he did you a service

Attached: suspiciousface.png (400x400, 5K)

just make a based hand-made HTML website like this


>click on a random fuck on
>"reliability engineer"

what is this shit pile

its all webdev and "how to cope with failing an interview" shit

Not sure. Do some research.

Post it and I'll read it.

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