Stop fucking arguing about which jews are better. Both sides suck.
Make your own Jow Forums CPUs and GPUs. This is a technology board, you guys are smart right?
Stop fucking arguing about which jews are better. Both sides suck
there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish
No need to aruge user.
AMD CPU with nVidia GPU is best windows gayman
AMD CPU with AMD GPU is best for everything else (especially GNU+Linux)
Said no one ever
>Said no one ever
Said this guy
>Said no one ever
I just said that and I stand by it.
I work for NYC Jews, they are exactly as depicted in stereotypes. I know you have been programmed to be PC, but sometime the truth is the truth even if it hurts your feelings
Are you fucking retarded?
I hope this doesn't hurt your feelings but my feelings are unhurt.
How so?
> autohide: intel
> autohide: amd
No fucks given
I'm going back.
sike you thought I'm not going back xD
If I knew enough digital hardware design to complete with the likes of Intel and AMD, I would be trying to out-jew them, and I wouldn't want to deal with smoothbrain end-users like OP
You may be greedy goyim, but you will never be greedy enough to truly compete
Yeah, even companies like Arm can't. It's a tough business.
but some jews are better than others :^)
AMD has GOAT Linux drivers so I will choose the Jew on the left every time, as supporting free drivers is literally the opposite of Jewery.
Found the kike.
wtf I hate jewish people now
>you guys are smart right?
you must be new here
-AMD has paid kernel devs.
-They also work with userspace mesa team. *cough* nvidias signed firmware *cough*
-Their opened their deprecated scheduler and it's been utilized by the vivante graphics for the foss etnaviv driver.
-Freesync is open, *cough* gsync *cough*
-They adopted GBM like all of the ARM GPU guys and intel did.
-Mantle is what started Vulkan.
-GPUOPEN project
Amd cards don't need signed blobs to boot? even wifi cards are doing that nowadays
But even when AMD was leading the GPU market, they never used as scummy tactics as Nvidia.
Same for Intel VS AMD for CPUs.
I don't even give a fuck about the gaming shit craze, but God damn I'm not blind to the obvious.
Fuck GayMD
Holy fuck, she's literally gray like a jewish stone golem
This is for you.
So sweet, user. Thx a lot
And this is for you.
*unzips dick*
You still have much to learn.
>Jow Forums
If you want 'relatively' smart, is that way.
And only relatively smart in comparison to other boards
>125 avg IQ
>not smart
okay (((einstein)))
granted, recent reddit tourists have lowered it a bit but still
Nice bars, this is definitely real!
I'm so glad to be a Jow Forumsack :^) ^_^
OK user, I believe you
That's an edit, the actual one had Jow Forums in the deep end with /v/.
Capitalists on the other hand