Are you ready for Stadia, noobs?

Are you ready for Stadia, noobs?

Attached: Stadia.jpg (620x414, 47K)

i will be in 250ms

Gaming finally comes to Linux


I'm fully ready for the shitshow

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I don`t believe that it will work. Sorry.

Watch all the open sores Jow Forumsentoomen be mad, and the larger pc mustard race

I've been running gentoo for a while aka ChromeOS

Based and ReadyPlayerOnePilled

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but as long as linux has killing floor i don't care about gaming on it. if anything, it keeps all the retards out.

Seeing how the frame time for 30fps is about 33.3ms, they will have to make sure the latency between the server and the user is equal to or than that, which presents a number of challenges for them.

*equal to or less than

I think there is a reason why doom was announced with it

Hey if it saves me $ than buying 1TB drives because game devs can't make games fit on a double sided DVD anymore then I don't care.


They literally can't solve the latency issue. Onlive didn't go big, whatever streaming shit nvidia has right now isn't big either. This won't be either.

there is fighting games with ping good enoug to be playable, why people think ping is not manageable

It will be closed down 2-3 later. Just like all other Google products.

Yeah I'm ready for entirely losing the right to own a physical game and remaining entirely at the mercy of a service that can dispose any content at the press of a button

This is perfectly normal! Right?