American woman, aged 20 gives birth to a clump of flesh due to vaccines

>American woman, aged 20 gives birth to a clump of flesh due to vaccines
>The woman, "Laura Smith" has struggled with 'efineye' a disease that means she grows hair all over her body since the age of 4
>Laura decided to get vaccinated just a week before her preganancy and this lead to her giving birth to a clump of flesh

I'm freaking out pol! WTF DO WE DOOOO

Attached: o1AJ9qDyyJNSg3j52kokyfvD831NZXpwxqNT8qTCbB2vhuzZc.jpg (640x494, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

isn't that apart of the podesta art collection ?

>Vaccines are safe goy, trust me

>what's efineye

really shitty joke / 10

>formaldehyde for thee but not for me

She has to go back.

Don’t call it a grave, it’s the future you chose

The first posts werent about if you could fuck it like a flesh light in the lips? Damn Jow Forums you got fucking soft on me

Uhh why is she reproducing.

Fucking furries man

la creatura

literally fake


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No clue

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Don't know why you're implying this woman's problem is my problem you libertarian larper.
I know what you can do is go read a book you boring bastard.

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Can you prove that it lead to that mass of flesh? Other than speculation based on recent events

Since when do Indians have English names?

Attached: 6dBt2Oj.jpg (251x242, 15K)

Wait somebody put his dick in that?

>decided to get vaccinated just a week before her preganancy and this lead to her giving birth to a clump of flesh

its cute when dumb people believe fake news

>being this stupid

England has been in India for AGES, obviously they'd adopt their names in the areas that still have heavy British influence

la creatura de abominada

Is this the old /b/ shooping skills again?

"The Comforter" by Patricia Piccinini

OP is a faggot

Attached: op is a faggot.gif (720x480, 126K)

>modern "art"

Attached: 9637858-3x2-700x467.jpg (700x467, 34K)

Is this satire?

Attached: IMG_20181214_123532.jpg (1031x686, 104K)

Looks like a brexit baby to me.

All part of God's plan.

niggas iffy uh

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On a scale from this is the most retarded thing I've ever seen in my entire time reading retarded posts on here.

So a dude fuck that hairy chick... ok.

Real life isn't safe, moron. Vaccines have their risks but at least fucking polio isn't one of them.

It will be

You guys are such reactionaries, like 3 people got it

>your pic related
my annunaki and chimp ancestors :)))

Meatwad makin money b

The fuck I see. Apewoman with larva of tentacle beast? What is going on, is anime real now?

okay then add to those 3 all the other diseases we eradicated

Yes, we have finally reached the desired peak levels of animu groly.

The new live action Monsters Inc. looks great.

Nice. Where are all big breasted girls that want to take my virginity?

America is the new India.

Firstly, her name is Manuela and she’s not Indian. Secondly, British India lasted 1857-1947, a period of 90 years.

And secondly, there’s absolutely no British influence in India today, places have been renamed, British sites have been destroyed and replaced with Indian styled buildings exception of a few, English was replaced by Hindi, and State governments used regional languages.

Don’t even say we adopted br*Tish culture, fucking idiot. The “English” mostly comes due to American influence on India. I’ve no problem because they’re also a mutt country like us and love Jews.

And they also pooinmart and not in loo which is fine by me

literally (((art)))

The fuck.

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I don't believe this. This shit must be fake.

funny thing is i believed for a second because i though she is indian. we all saw creatures they give birth to there.

Why tf is she sad? She literally gave birth to a beholder. That's fucking metal as fuck.

Attached: beholder_1.png (450x360, 213K)

imagine that bush

Attached: completelyerect.jpg (864x1024, 73K)

Preconditioning you for the evolution revolution

Jesus Christ you fucking dumb cunts.

Superpower 1 year left

meatwad getting hunnies g

>Most of Jow Forums will believe anything you post
absolute state of this fucking board

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Considering the fetus is almost completely and fully formed 2 weeks before birth, there is literally no way the vaccination had any affect on the fetus, even if this was a real thing, which I highly doubt it is

>1 post by this ID
>no source

Sage in all fields and report as spam.

I'm liking these new HD amerimutt memes. Top jej.

Hey niggers, it was a part of art exhibition and I used this to troll you 3 years ago!

she gave birth to Krumm?

Attached: krumm[1].png (461x393, 7K)

This pleases Nurgle

Attached: 4087C493-66FF-455C-A75F-33BB16C273E8.jpg (1024x617, 98K)

Sage this faggy thread

You wish you were still being run by the British, instead you have dogs on the street eating your dead people and shitting them out into your drinking water.

Attached: dog-eating-a-corpse-on-the-shore-of-the-yamuna-river-india-DTD2MH.jpg (1300x935, 266K)

>omg a poo is a genetic freak
You haven't seen the shit that comes out from India don't you?