What Happens When You Steal a Hacker's Computer


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Skip to 3:12

we've seen this before friend

I was incapacitated by full body cringe 30 seconds in, what's the tl;dw?

hi newfag

also recommending his talk on explosives

how do i check if my computer has keylogger ?

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>my macintosh

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Why does every speaker at defcon look like an incel?

because they are

because they can't get laid so resort to living life through their computer

get your shit together melvin

>Mac user

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hi melvin

Don't worry Windows already has one built in

If you encrypt your machine or don't allow login without a password, or you're not hosting something on it with dynamic DNS, you won't be able to recover the machine if some nigger breaks in and steals it.
So, be aware of all avenues of ingress to your house and secure them, have dead bolts on every single door in your house, keep a backup in a safe that's way too heavy to move, make sure to make a guest account so they can log in without wiping the hard drives, take photos of all your serial numbers, and host an SSH server on the machine that's tied to a domain name and use dynamic DNS so you can find it.
Data stored on the machine should be on a separate drive that you need a password to access (unless you log in as an admin accout).
And if you ever steal a computer, wipe the hard drive.

Back when defcon could have hacker jeopardy with topless woman, "woman in tech" were not crammed down our throats, people from the democratic party and the NSA weren't invited to speak, and there was no "defcon" kids. Boy I'm sure glad my first defcon was 25 and we became such an inclusive hacker community despite dreaming about going for 10 years (basically since high school.) I'm it's still fun but jesus it's mostly full of sys admins and developers now. Outside the people I've worked with over the years it seems like most couldn't hack a box or web app to save a life...

>and host an SSH server on the machine that's tied to a domain name and use dynamic DNS so you can find it.
And just hope they forward port 22 on their router to your laptop? What?

Guy steals a guy's Mac/server. Guy has a dynamic ip. So guy has software to update ip for his domain. Domain updates to guy's ip. Guy calls the police
Watched it a year ago. Really wasn't that impressive of a story

>work won't fly me out to defcon because they know it's just one big honeypot and drug rave

Feels bad

Why don't you fly yourself out?
If I can afford to fly to Norway while earning $30k, you can afford to fly to Nevada making whatever you make.

But it's ZOZ man. You know the one and only zoz! holy shit bro. Meh many of the speakers now at defcon are just in the right groups and thats why their talks get accepted. He's had several pretty lame talks yet they always put him up there.

I'm not dying enough to use my own money to go to one

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This is one of the funniest talks ever

The computer in question seemed to have a dial up modem built into it.
So yeah, I guess if you don't have that feel free to ignore everything I said.


"Do i have a keylogger on my computer? please answer."

If you have one the hacker will respond.

go back, retard

Gay Australian who lived in Boston for a decade.

Now THATS and accent.

More than you'll ever be lmao

I've seen this before. My favorite part was how the cracker giving a talk at DEFCON knowing full well how bad of an idea having backdoors in your computer is had backdoors in his computer anyway, only they became the thief's backdoors when his shit got stolen. The entire premise would not have been possible had the dude exercised even a modicum of persec. Sometimes it do be like that.

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not everyone that enjoys a hobby is as good at it as the majority..
...I'm sure most NBA fans cant dunk...its still fun to follow and be involved...
be mad at the organisers not those that choose to come...

download something like kaspersky rescue disk (shits free) so you can scan outside of your running os