loonix is free only if you're a NEET
Prove me wrong
Loonix is free only if you're a NEET
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nah you're right
he's right you shouldn't dual boot, you should only use linux
People don4t deserve to use a laptop
why do you need a disk to connect to the internet?
he's saying you should use linux only on servers
he is a smart man
win10 > linux anyday even with the spyware shit
well he can suck my dick lol, I use linux daily and i'm nowhere near any kind of software engineering or server maintenance, i'm in biology.
He is just a cuck to big enterprises and shitty software
Linux is easier, better , faster and more intuitive. That's just the truth
>people are just using linux because they are cheap
>distro with minimal background processes isn't suitable for web browsing
he has a point with software support not being great but the same could be said about windows. with linux you at least get wine to run eroge now try to run cmus on windows
There is WSL for cmus on windows and it's easy to setup
Because the internet is on the disk dumm
>Linux is easier, better , faster and more intuitive. That's just the truth
This is your brain on Linux.
>WSL currently doesnt support audio
>have to install alsa on windows and setup a virtual device to pass through audio to windows
>easy to setup
WSL is a joke
it wont allow you to run linux software it doesn't even support xserver
Find a loo Pajeet
what distro do you use?
Is that how you pronounce Ubuntu? I've always said it differently.
Why should I care about this guy's opinion? All I ever used for work is Linux(Debian) and everything works and nothing breaks, unlike windows 10. So again, unless he's talking about jobs that require photoshop and you don't want wine running it slow as fuck, he's just a shill.
currently on arch, used to use gentoo but i came to the conclusion that gentoo is one of the few actually hard to setup distros
Arch is actualy incredibly easy to setup you literally just download shit and manuals in linux are straightforward so i rarely have to go look at a tutorial like i used to do all the time on windows
Linux is a kernel.
shop shilling this guys worthless channel here