Why the fuck do tech companies do this?
I fucking hate trannies and fags, your product has nothing to do with them.
Why shill THIS hard?
Just another reason to get an orange pi
Other urls found in this thread:
Why does it make you so mad
smooth brain
So they really went all in on that "Pidora"-thing...
He's probably faggot in denial
>giving even the slightest shit about shallow pandering
Cyka blyat, xaxa
>tech related
>your product has nothing to do with trannies and fags
>tech related
Pick one
It's just another stupid way that companies can look good and impress those who care more about "company political views" than the product itself.
but, actually, true
made me think
Why would i buy a Pi in the first place, i can literally get something much better for the same price from ChinkExpress.
Rustles my jimmies but I still like the devices.
It's easy if you stay off of pozzed Twitter, you'd have no idea.
bigot, it's 2019
Is an orange pi stallman approved?
Aliexpress sells orange Pis.
is anything
>wanting something jew approved
Have sex.
Faggots stole God's rainbow.
You are contradicting yourself based user. If the product has nothing to do with trannies then why does it make you mad that they put a sequence of colors on an image for marketing purposes. The product is very much unaffected by it so it makes no difference, you can just ignore it.
I'm more concerned with the corporations who don't do this shit at this point. They might unironically get the bullet if they don't clap loud enough for the (((cause))).
Based and redpilled
Thinkpad T400 with libreboot and Trisquel GNU/Linux installed on it.
Isn't it up to 44% now?
The description you are looking for op is "virtue signalling". Your pic is a perfect example of it.
Not using chink orange pi without 200% hype markup.
When I see this shit I like to ask people to remember when advertising was racist and sexist, then just when they think I mean this in the way of progress I say companies never gave a shit, they were just pitching to whatever is popular at the time.
>tfw you find another Chapo Chad on Jow Forums
Yeah, this is just a tepid show of support for a cause that in no way challenges the status quo or puts the company's profit at risk.
I don't get the butthurt though, what practical effect does it have on OPs life. It's like all those morons fuming their impotent rage at Gillette ads
kys commie scum
It is a sign that meritocracy will sooner or later be replaced by "diversity". You know, because meritocracy is a "tool of whiteness". ( campusreform.org
Call it a slippery slope, if you will. And that this is in no way related to the gay pride flag. But you'll find the diversity train has no brakes and no reverse gear.
Why be trans in the first place then? Makes no fucking sense lol
lol why be black if it's so bad?
>having the choice between two things is the same as not having a choice between two other things
>Why the fuck do tech companies do this?
Easy PR. Seriously. The funny thing is that the LGBT community haven't caught on yet that most (this is mostly for the big ass worldwide companies) don't really give a shit about them and are riding on the pride month bandwagon for piss easy goodwill points.
That's all there is to it. They do it because it's cheap and easy marketing.
>'born' the wrong gender
>claim biological sex does not exist
>claim social gender is just a construct and gendered behaviour has no basis in biology
Which is it now? Why not just 'be' whatever aligns with your physiology?
I was born with a two digit IQ, which is wrong because I OBVIOUSLY feel I was born with a three digit IQ. Why won't society conform to my needs?
>Hello, fellow popular talking points! have you seen our new products? they support that thing which is popular now! isn't that good?
>Why would some business pander to a niche audience to try and increase sales, when their whole business is selling products online where it literally does not matter what you look or act like as long as you have a credit card number?
Gee I have no idea OP.
If it helps you to understand, think of them being born with a brain that does not match the genitalia
I was born with no money, but i firmly believe my true identity is a millionare, why won't the government provide me the means to be who i truly am?
Gay pride is a joke
It's capitalism doing their thing, companies have no moral obligation and they'll hop on anything that will generate them revenue. I used to be indifferent about it, but the fact it upsets people like you makes their efforts to me. Normalizing LGBT is good.
You first :)
It's called Pinkwashing, look it up. Americans suffer from liberal retardation and eat it up like it's their last meal. There is no hope for my cucked capitalist country
>your product has nothing to do with them.
Then why the fuck do you care? Why post this? I didn't know, but now because of your faggot thread, I do. But still I don't care.
Your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
>think of them being born with a brain that does not match the genitalia
Except that cannot be true, since there are no differences between male and female brains, according to the modern progressive agenda. Their dogma even infected Nature, look up: "Neurosexism: the myth that men and women have different brains"
>hey guys lets talk about gay shit again
lets not, this isn't technology
Nice bait lads, but if you live in a first world country then society and the government already have pandered to both of those needs by providing subsidized education and fair labor laws that allow workers to accumulate a lot of money quickly.
Keep fighting the good fight, dude. You totally aren't a closeted fag lmao.
Normal people don't throw tantrums over shit like this.
No, I'm not looking that up, I don't read that trash, and I will not buy your shitty book you're peddling for whoever it is. Think for yourself and stop strawmanning my arguments.
Why would I care if there's a label for it? Tell me why it's wrong instead, if you want to argue.
Gas all incels and tranny fags imo
>Normal people don't throw tantrums over shit like this.
Normal people just have a keen sense for obvious traps. That's why only autists like that google engineer would fall for the "we'd be happy to receive feedback on our mandatory diversity course" line.
Any normal person recognizes pink hairs as the sadistic social manipulators that they are.
Sounds like projection lmao
It's an article in Nature, the scientific journal. I wanted to post the direct link, but Jow Forums claims it's spam.
An honest person wouldn't strip references from a text and intentionally mislead people about the content.
An honest person wouldn't project
>can't handle it
Most of them are obvious Cluster B types. They're keen manipulators. I'm not.
I can't tell if you actually believe these things or are doing an elaborate satire
Fuck off to the 1950s with your bigoted bullshit.
Hiro should add a rainbow theme just to piss off some autists.
Still not reading it, why do you look at these publications written entirely by paid shills and then wonder why they suck.
Because it exemplifies my claim: that the modern progressive agenda denies the existence of male/female brains.
Frogshitters get the rope too.
because it's bad to be gay? like holy shit you'd think i wouldn't even have to explain this
have sex
The suicide rate drops when you look at transgender people that have started transition
How does somebody being gay affect you personally
>Qanon has posted another breadcrumb! Quick! To the Jow Forumsmobile!
Meritocracy is a joke and always will be
IKR?? Like, it's 2019ffs!!
That's a bold claim! Care to elaborate?
I did last night with my wife, way ahead of you bud.
>Normalizing LGBT is good.
Yes, but that's something this is not. The proper way to normalizing it is make it a non-factor. I.e. "we don't care who or what you are". Your gender, sexual orientation, etc., is never brought to the spotlight, because it doesn't matter to the point.
Instead what he have here is bringing attention to a specific set of people, which positive or negative, is still discrimination, especially if (like here) you're parading it like it was a circus attraction to grant you good guy points.
Every columnist in right wing media being paid to blog their garbage
It's just annoying virtue signaling. I'd be kinda pissy if companies were going around pushing wrestling culture even though I have nothing against wrestling. It's just weird and obviously done for good boy points with certain groups.
Non sequitur. Try again!
Go suck a dick, closeted faggot
Virtue signaling implies that there is a way to be virtuous without signaling to the world. Sometimes I wonder what kind of world you guys want to live in if you think that doing bad shit to others and being assholes should be the standard by which social interactions must be judged
You forgot something
No, it implies that virtuosity isn't the only thing you can signal. Are you an idiot?
The fact that these assholes are being paid to write drivel that are read by less people than my Jow Forums posts just because they're the failsons of somebody important should tell you all you need to know about muh meritocracy. How is this a non sequitur
When are scientists going to find a cure for homosexuality or at least come up with a test to detect it in fetuses?
Yes, you can also signal vice, though why would you want to do that
>the modern progressive agenda
This is a totally vacuous and meaningless phrase. Your entire claim is nonsense. Let me repeat: try coming up with your own agenda instead of wasting your time attacking strawmen
dilate, tranny
Because nobody thinks that highly of journalism anymore. And beyond that, it's like saying the Burgers at a particular restaurant taste like shit. So what?
That does not invalidate meritocracy as a whole, or in the context of engineering / IT.