>wait, so you "work" for a website but you don't get paid?
Wait, so you "work" for a website but you don't get paid?
Other urls found in this thread:
i volunteer at 4channel by degrading the content to the point where everybody smart enough to maintain the site leaves and the Chinese buys it out and adds it to the botnet.
cute and funny
I actually wanted to become a janitor of a slow board just to get a Jow Forums pass without paying Hiro for it.
Admit it, you just wanted to post a qt pic
cute little girls are technology :3
well... mods are fucking retarded so they can't get a real job anyways
>uncle please buy me the new ipod or i stay here and let those jamals kidnap me!
I thought I was on /tv/.
i think mr j and all cunny posters should migrate here since many of them are banned for uploading pics or range banned
>mr j
The Joker?
That expression is going to be a scowl by age 14.
the faggot op cunnybot of course.
i bet he's lurking now but wont post to make it seem like a real bot
>catches you staring at her tushy
>gives you this look
>what do
is my literal wife :3
Is there anything cuter than cute girls?
Experienced women who know what they want and know how to get it.
get what?
definitely a cute hapa girl in cheerleader outfit
interesting thread
most hapas are disgusting mongoloids
post zhe tush
not that i know of from my ig list
>cunny thread on Jow Forums of all places
we have truly pinnacled
>women who know what they want
fucking pedos
The fuck is wrong with you people?
I'm disgusted to know that I share this board with 3d posters. Fuck outta here.
Yeah, bring back the 2d Lolis and 2d traps
14 is legal in my country. deal with it, bigot
She's not far off from 14 - idk why you exclusivize preteens.
go be gay somewhere else
Anime girls are technology. Real girls aren't.
puberty has usually done its damage by that point
I don't like this pic
>sexualizing yotsuba
Literally and unironically kill youself.
>puberty has usually done its damage by that point
maybe for third world mutts like niggers, latinos and such. but for native europeans up north it isn't too uncommon to not start menstruation before the age of 16 or even 17.
>native europeans up north
you mean moroccans?
those start doing that at age 9 or so