Profile to sniff out the gay

I've made a semi-official profile on determining if someone is a closeted homo or is infected with the gay:

1. Avatarfags as a specific girl or consistently posts girls that are anime.
2. Avatarfags as a specific cute boy or consistently posts boys that are anime and cute - posting manly men (even if anime) isn't necessarily a sign of the gay unless it's a guy with minimal clothing.
3. Consistently shows up in gay threads instead of just hiding/filtering them like a good straight.
4. Posts pics of himself on a 99.9% male board with over half of the population being bisexual.
5. Constantly denies being gay while consistently showing up in gay threads.
6. Constantly finds himself wrapped up in gay drama whilst denying being gay - it could be said that the gays are following him around, but that doesn't really happen unless number two happens.
7. Attention whores on a 99% male board.
8. Likes futa/dickgirls.
9. Admits to liking traps for their femininity.
10. Has admitted to having at least one IRL gay experience.
11. Shows up in gay threads to "derail" them into an attention whore thread for himself.
12. Threads become gay drama threads as soon as he appears.
13. Stutter-types on an imageboard.
14. Gets flustered easily.
15. Adds hearts (

Attached: Doktor Chen says you're gay lmao.png (248x318, 74K)

>t that doesn't really happen unless number two happens.
Shidd, make it number 3.

Attached: I shiggy.png (290x452, 51K)

kot get

no not that one

Kot get

>3 out of 16
thanks god i'm not gay

Such nonsense.

Attached: cute_rabbit_boy.jpg (685x710, 52K)

>posting manly men (even if anime) isn't necessarily a sign of the gay unless it's a guy with minimal clothing.
*Jojo gets an exception becuz its awesome and badass*

pls add this to the profile :)

Attached: Bruno.Bucciarati.full.2175425.png (701x1179, 629K)

does my avatar classify as a cute boy?

Attached: mario milk.jpg (480x360, 10K)

This profile is a work in progress. I'll be posting the final version ITT
It already was in the profile. Jojo was why I added that caveat.
I knew you'd show up in this thread, Mr. 2 through 7, and 12. :^)
Nah, but there's ofc R34 of the internet. Someone somewhere is wanking to Mario.

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1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12.
You have the gay, see PD for treatment.

Is this also a coming out statement?

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I like how you specifically made this catered to me proving that not only you are delusional but also obsessed over my life lerl

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>1. Avatarfags as a specific girl or consistently posts girls that are anime.
Literally what the fuck does that even have to do with gayposting though

I never said I wasn't gay.
Nah, if I was obsessed with you, I'd show up in every thread that you post.
>Literally what the fuck does that even have to do with gayposting though
Where do you think we are?

Attached: 3585.png (290x452, 57K)

Oh, didnt kureizy gaypost with Normie yesterday? What was with that weird stuff?

I do realize where we are, and in that case, you'd be accounting for basically 80% of all of Jow Forums.

>consistently posts girls that are anime
Even the very first rule makes out 99.9% of the people here then.

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It’s a lot more pathetic to make threads pertaining to said person. Just admit it I live in your head rent free

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wait, he has posted a pic of himself?


Yeah, and Jow Forums's pretty fucking gay.
>What was with that weird stuff
Weirdness, obviously.
That's the thing about profiles, they're like medical diagnoses: You wouldn't say someone had the flu because their only symptom was sneezing a lot.
Having just one sign in the profile doesn't equal gay. It's a combination of signs.
More like gayposters in general live rent-free in your head.
>Yes ID

Attached: 3686.png (249x319, 65K)

Rent. Free.

I'm disappointed to hear that, a true avatarfag doesn't upload a pic of themselves

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The underage mexican kid thats reposted alot. Usually the cummed version. Which isnt a shop. Someone printed his face on paper, and cummed on it.

Bumping good thread

I’ve tried to start over but can’t

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This isn't even the final version PD. Btw, I could use your help in expanding this profile - and with real behaviors/signs exhibited on Jow Forums and Jow Forums in general, not meme stuff.

good morning
r8 me pls

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Good morning mado~
>r8 me pls
1 and 15.
Therefore not gay as far as I know.

Attached: 3636.png (270x264, 72K)

Sounds about right

So it's like some kind of a percentage thing or a certain degree.
It's certainly 1, 8 and partially 9, then. So, how much of a gay I am, doctor Chen?

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You mean that the facist maleanimebunny poster might be a big gay?

>8 and 9
You have the gay.

Not by itself. Antigayposters like CockEyes showed up in gay threads to say "Fuck off pooftahs". It's a combination of signs.

can you make a complete rating on me as well?

Attached: SSJ Kot.jpg (375x405, 47K)

I see, one more one more note on my notebook.

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you are the gayest person on this board lole

Attached: hah.png (340x340, 97K)

Does it matter if it's only anime futa and anime traps? Because I have absolutely no interest in real incarnations of that stuff.

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I dunno about you because I don't see you that often tbdesu - we probably just post in different threads. Tell me the signs that you suspect you might have.
>t. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 15
Lerl, and that's what makes this profile have even more weight.

It's the same sad person who spams "shut the fuck up retarded incels" I've been making a profile on it..

As the saying goes, it's a slippery slope.
You keep a notebook? Are you Chinese government dataminer? owo
>"shut the fuck up retarded incels"
Not a sign of the gay. That phrase is neutral.
>I've been making a profile on it..

Attached: 3549.png (153x230, 66K)

Lole it better be as good as the autist stalker from /sp/
fake news

Attached: gross.jpg (227x222, 7K)

Whoops, sorry, meant to reply to instead of .

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Weight check!

>Spams STFU incel
>Fills a boards image limit with furries
>Spams copypasta until bump limit if people are still talking
Yep. Pretty gay imo.
Labeled file:facistrabbit

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.u5.jpg (1000x1000, 120K)

76 yesterday
I went to Israel and didn't really watch my weight lole
Who are you quoting?

let's see, I have done 1 and 13 as far as I know
>I dunno about you because I don't see you that often tbdesu
yeah, i mostly participate in a few threads at best

god damn it dude
just stop sipping monster, its that easy


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The dossier of the faggot who does it all for free.

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but energy drinks are my lifeblood

Attached: karen(1).jpg (182x265, 30K)

Added to profile as gay, no exceptions.
If it's just those two, then it's not gay, although exhibiting sign number 1 is dangerous.

Yes, I am one of the observers. Our government is worrying about the capitalist gayness affect our youth and sent us here to collect data sample in order to come up with some precautionary measures.

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He does it for free

Attached: suebiisapigdogmonkey.jpg (460x422, 98K)

A worthy goal.

just think about cute boys next time you gonna sip

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It's getting cold isn't it?

Gay homo prancing fairy man
But I'm not a filthy h*mo

Attached: sonic says.png (1572x1032, 185K)

>No exceptions
Just like my stance on pedophiles getting the rope.

Attached: 079f553667882f2d7f496046831687c22bb73caar1-512-512v2_00.jpg (512x512, 18K)

Yes. Winter-Chan is upon us.

yes. he comes. soon.

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Final version for now, but may be updated in the future.

Attached: Official Gay Profile.png (1013x321, 34K)

well, it's not avatarfagging, but I have used them on some occasion as reactpics like pic related, thank you doctor

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You're welcome zerd. Stay safe.

3 out of 19 is too low of a correlation.
Make it either more specific or require more than 3 sings.
I'd say 6 for 20 would be enough.

A minor nuisance is always less of a nuisance if you seek to understand it more. However, she is one of the white on green hate bigots who won't even let me worship in peace and thus must be dealt with.


How come it's not rationale to you that I'm not gay. I still don't understand

Attached: Ashley 822.jpg (523x600, 238K)

Hey b0ss, that's pretty good.

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That's why I added in
>(Depending on which ones they are)
>If you're not sure about your symptoms, ask Doktor Chen for diagnosis

But you have a good point there. Lemme think on the minimum number of signs needed.

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I don't think anyone uses pride from FMA Brotherhood..

Verbal things, psychological things. Never mind it.

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Easily flustered is my only one but I am a high-functioning sperg with a girl in mind to have kids with.. I fucking raddish and I can't help it

I see.
Yeah, it's a pretty minor symptom by itself.

Correct version of me
9 only as a joke
15 only with cute boys

It should be 11/20 rather than 3/20

Attached: Gunpadoru.png (480x480, 222K)

Checked. You kind of do some based things though so I'll allow it.

The 3/20 is gotten from the asterisks - those are gay, no exceptions.

Can confirm. I would know I'm an expert.

Attached: YfJF3ue.png (1280x720, 17K)

Make a clever prank or something a few days down the road, I changed to another name a few days ago after making the copycats follow me. Make it fun. Otherwise you will send this innocent girl into more of an existential crisis.

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oh God I ate nothing today but I drink a whole lot of caffeine and now I have the mud butt

Is futa on female gay, by the way?

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There's the bant I love

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Dick is gay.

Attached: 1544453073896.jpg (316x202, 30K)

Totally gay.

Hoi, rate this version Yes.


According to this chart, I am not gay as I only do one of those things and even then it's not a constant thing.

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Does that mean that the only citadel of nongayness left here is /u/, or is the gay absolutely everywhere now?

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Well, it's been decided: Kitchen is not gay. Although with 3&5, it's generally only when Normie's in them and you know Normie is in them.

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I'm afraid if I fart it might come with friends

If I notice a thread is specifically gay, I tend to avoid it. If it's something that devolved into the gay further down the line, I may not notice it because I don't care to read everything prior.

Or you're just really good at hiding the gay.
What if the OP is Normie and it's specifically a gay thread?

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1, 10, 15, 16
I can’t post images so guess who

I can't.

Those I specifically ignore. I talk with Normie because we have genuinely decent conversations the gay side of everything is annoying and bothersome to me. If I want to talk to him I will find another way than to participate in a gay thread, unless it's something important.

1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14