Describe America in one pic

Describe America in one pic

Attached: 1459563813027.jpg (604x453, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Attached: mattis_2020_2.jpg (831x1024, 205K)

Attached: coffee_instead.jpg (1200x737, 101K)

Attached: flag_girl2.jpg (600x590, 86K)

Attached: typical american family.jpg (638x631, 237K)

Attached: American mind.jpg (960x704, 45K)

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That shit anorexic

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Attached: israeli foreign legion.jpg (1200x675, 92K)

Attached: trump103.jpg (900x600, 77K)

Attached: it.jpg (808x486, 61K)

This thread just got shut down with pic related. Abandon thread.

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Attached: welcome to the matrix.jpg (500x637, 160K)

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Attached: BUY ONE GET ONE GUN.jpg (3264x2448, 1.56M)

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Fucking hell. How can I help?

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Attached: wage slavery.jpg (660x438, 31K)

Jokes on you because the wars were never for oil.

Attached: Middle-East Pro-Israel Lobby 1.png (631x572, 63K)

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Attached: 4932.jpg (2117x1999, 946K)

Pretty much this :

Dude is a moron who doesn't realize the local fusion center is waiting destroy his life.

Attached: 0ab10bd63d9117ae92990f6e98dda91c.jpg (388x395, 52K)

Attached: Rightwing NPC.jpg (965x703, 68K)

Attached: unnamed.jpg (1200x630, 254K)

Attached: my-600-lb-life-dottie-now-.jpg (750x507, 44K)

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Not quite. It works on her. She’s anime girl thin.

Attached: 1494721611144.jpg (1200x900, 258K)

Should be "based black man"

Attached: 1543988594639.png (657x527, 19K)

I unironically fell for that when I was a boomer tier republican. It’s the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews


Only darkies like fat asses

It unironically helps the economy

Attached: DjXYR4lUYAAG6DU.jpg (620x349, 36K)

funny saved chiwawa walking on back lags

>disregards FBI statistics that thoroughly document 13% of the population commiting 52% of the crime
>thinks degenerate ebonics "culture" that values drugs, pimping and shooting people is superior to that of whites
>black man good

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I unironically like asses

Based. Get fucking rekt

How about both, retard

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This is the future ((they)) have chosen

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>I called one of these people a faggot once

Attached: 1544379595429.jpg (720x480, 222K)


How do people like you ever even fall for shit like that?
I have an IQ of 150 and am literally in awe of how gullible and stupid our population is.

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Attached: capitalism.jpg (2244x1688, 1.2M)


>IQ of one-fiddy


Attached: 1541913389887.jpg (261x400, 24K)

>throws iq in there
real smart kid

Attached: wterad.jpg (640x404, 41K)

Attached: calexit-comic.png (780x800, 130K)

is that anno
what is he doing in there

We are a nation of retards and sodomites controlled by nihilistic corporate interests and are willing to destroy ourselves from the inside so that brown people can feel important because jews or some other stupid shit.

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